Where To Find Thundering Fulgurite In Monster Hunter Wilds

In contrast to earlier installments of the series, Monster Hunter Wilds offers a unique experience in several aspects. For instance, it features expansive territories, adaptable quests, and an ever-changing weather system, which provide fresh avenues for exploration and resource collection. It’s important to note that monsters aren’t the sole source of materials; there are alternative methods available as well.

The areas are overflowing with resources to collect, and some of these resources can only be found in specific regions, and even under particular weather conditions. One such resource is the Thundering Fulgurite, and its name might offer a clue as to where you can find it. Now, let’s delve into locating it and utilizing it effectively.

How To Get Thundering Fulgurite

As a gamer, I’ve come to know the elusive Thundering Fulgurite, a rare treasure in the Windward Plains. Unlike its fellow Fulgurite brethren, this one doesn’t just show up at common gathering spots. Instead, it can only be obtained during the mystical Sandtide event. The lightning’s charge may infuse it, but its appearance remains unpredictable, adding an extra layer of excitement to my gaming journey.

Besides ensuring that you’re on the Windward Plains during the Sandtide, it’s crucial to patiently anticipate the happening of the Thundering Fulgurite Emergence event as well. This event is unpredictable, so there might be extended periods where you’ll need to wait inside your tent for it to occur. Continue this process until finally, the phenomenon becomes visible.

You may additionally glance at the “Environment Overview” tab on the map for information about the upcoming events within the next hour, so remember to check it if the event might be happening soon.

Once the event takes place, remember to consult your map for the location of the Fulgurite Vein collection spot. It’s where you’ll find the Thundering Fulgurite you require. Be aware that unlike other gathering points, there is no 15-minute cooldown here, and you can only gather from it once. To maximize your yield, consider activating the Geologist skill.

Uses For Thundering Fulgurite

You’ve weathered numerous tempests and taken ample breaks using your Guild Points, accumulating a good amount of Thundering Fulgurite at last. While offloading it might seem like the logical choice, the real purpose of Thundering Fulgurite lies in trading items. Such trades can net you some incredibly useful gear.

You won’t need to travel far for this opportunity, as the folk of Kunafa will exchange some of their most prized possessions with you. By doing so, you can obtain exceptionally scarce items like the Rey Dau Plate and Sharp Kunafa Cheese. Given how desirable these items are, don’t hesitate to secure the Thundering Fulgurite whenever a emergence takes place.

Ensure that you’ve activated your Gathering Boost prior to engaging in any trading activities here, as it will effectively double the number of items you get for every Thundering Fulgurite you trade.

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2025-03-19 17:34

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