The Rings of Power season 2 episode 3 recap and review

The Rings of Power season 2 episode 3 recap and review

As a long-time Tolkien enthusiast with a particular fondness for the Second Age, I must say that this latest installment of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has truly been a rollercoaster ride! From the intricate web of political machinations in Eregion to the gritty realities of life in Mordor and Númenor, the show continues to capture the essence of Middle-earth’s rich tapestry.

In the second episode of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2, it appears that tensions are escalating as Sauron, now posing as Annatar, is exerting his influence over our ally Celebrimbor.

In the third episode of The Rings of Power’s second season, I find myself delving deep into the realms of Southlands, Mordor, and Númenor. It’s been a while since we last encountered many of these characters, back in the seventh episode of the first season.

Isildur is alive 

Following the explosion from Mount Doom, Isildur’s horse, Berek, didn’t return with Elendil and Miriel. Instead, the horse took flight in search of its companion and friend. In the early stages of the third episode of The Rings of Power season 2, Berek managed to elude capture by the orcs and found Isildur hidden within a spider’s lair! With some assistance, Isildur was able to make his escape.

While traversing the highway, Isildur encounters a disabled wagon. Upon closer inspection, a young woman emerges and wounds Isildur in the leg. Following this brief altercation, they develop a bond and set off towards the tiny coastal town of Pelargir, hoping to reunite with his father and the Numenoreans who may still reside there.

On their journey, they encounter another traveler claiming to have been assaulted by orcs. However, it turns out to be a trap set up by Southlanders who are loyal to Adar and Mordor. These travelers are about to be captured, but Arondir and his companions, who stayed behind after Mount Doom’s eruption, intervene. They manage to rescue Isildur and his new companion from the road. He then escorts them to Pelargir for rest and recuperation before the Numenoreans reappear.

Bronwyn is dead 

In Pelargir, it’s disclosed that Theo’s mother, Bronwyn, succumbed to injuries sustained during the clash against Adar’s troops. They cremate her remains on a funeral pyre, with them standing by.

Theo is not very happy with Arondir, and he tells him to leave him alone. 

The woman accompanying Isildur in Pelargir carries the emblem of Adar as a scar on her neck. She removes it by means of a heated blade, leaving us curious about which side she ultimately supports.

Later on, I agree to aid Isildur in his search for his stolen horse. We arrange to meet secretly under the veil of night within the town. Guiding him through the darkness, I escort Isildur into the forest. There, I serve as a decoy while he embarks on a daring mission to reclaim the horse. Our shared objective is to make our escape together once the deed is done.

Everything goes according to plan until some Ents (I’m guessing!) get involved and sweep up Theo! 

Pharozan becomes the King of Númenor

As a devoted fan, I find myself deeply moved by the heart-wrenching loss of our esteemed King Palantir in Númenor. In the midst of this sorrow, his daughter Eärien stands by my side, yet she lays the blame for Isildur’s demise not upon Elendil, but upon Miriel.

At the conclusion of season 1, just before the King’s demise, Palantir disclosed to Eärien about the seeing stones hidden in a concealed chamber. It seems Eärien may have exposed its location to Pharozan, who then enlisted her assistance for his purposes.

The populace expresses dissatisfaction towards Miriel for leading them into battle, resulting in heavy casualties. A grieving mother strikes Miriel publicly, but instead of retaliating, Miriel comforts her with a hug. If this gesture fails to convey remorse, Pharozan delivers harsh words against Miriel at the tavern. Eärien shares intel with Pharozan and his allies in negotiations. Valandiel steps in and warns those defaming the Queen, eventually dispersing the gathering.

Miriel returns to the secret chamber and finds that the palantir is gone. Not great! 

In the future, Miriel stands to be crowned as Númenor’s authentic Queen, but her coronation is halted abruptly when Eärien discloses a deception on Miriel’s part. It seems that she has been secretly seeking counsel from a Palantir, an artifact crafted by Elves. By now, it should be clear that the Numenoreans harbor deep-seated animosity towards the Elves and view their magic with suspicion.

Pharozan seizes this disordered situation to ascend the throne! A bird, much like those that rescued Frodo and Sam from Mount Doom in The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, arrives and seemingly anoints Pharozan as the new ruler of Númenor.

Celebrimbor offers the Dwarves rings of power

After receiving an invitation at the end of the second episode, Prince Durin and Disa journeyed to Eregion to confer with Celebrimbor. In return for Mithril, Celebrimbor proposed crafting unique rings for the Dwarves that could delay the encroaching darkness and safeguard their realm. Durin remained cautious, while Disa inquired as to why they couldn’t disclose more details about this arrangement with their fellow clansmen.

In this scenario, Annatar appears and attempts to influence Prince Durin, but Durin is not receptive to such manipulation. They request additional time to make a decision, which Celebrimbor grants them. However, Durin harbors no fondness or trust towards Annatar. Nevertheless, Disa encourages Prince Durin to present Celebrimbor’s proposition to the King. She believes that Durin is being unreasonable by refusing the potential alliance with Celebrimbor and Annatar.

Following their departure, Celebrimbor firmly urges Annatar for restraint. Moreover, he clarifies his unwavering determination to continue forging the rings, regardless of circumstances. It’s evident that Annatar has successfully maneuvered Celebrimbor into a favorable position.

In the mountainous metropolis, Prince Durin finds his way to his father. He confides in him about Celebrimbor’s proposition, admitting his mistakes regarding Elrond, the Mithril, and various other incidents. He acknowledges that he had shown disrespect towards the King.

Prince Durin similarly expresses his belief that his father should not attempt to outwit death, drawing upon their past conversations as far back as the first season to make his point.

Regrettably, it seems that King Durin fails to heed the counsel of his son, or even his own wisdom. Amazingly, with the mithril given by the dwarves, Celebrimbor and Annatar embark on a remarkable journey, crafting the seven rings destined for the Dwarf Lords.

And, we all know how this is going to end! 

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2024-08-29 16:29

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