New LoL Esports HUD to debut in First Stand 2025

Do you like the new LoL Esports HUD?

This year’s inaugural international League of Legends competition, First Stand 2025, will unveil an upgraded and enhanced LoL Esports Heads-Up Display (HUD). Riot Games aims to strengthen the spectator connection by implementing these updates for a more immersive viewing experience. Have a look at the revamped HUD designed for FST 2025 right here.

New LoL Esports HUD for FST 2025

Regardless of the passage of time, the design of the broadcast HUD during competitive League of Legends matches has consistently relied on the in-game spectator layout. While there have been occasional attempts to add a unique touch, particularly for major events like Worlds, the fundamental structure has remained relatively unchanged over time.

The fresh Heads-Up Display (HUD) is set to revolutionize the appearance of live-streamed gaming for viewers. As explained by League of Legends Esports staff, this innovative design aims to “bring our presentation into the modern era and pave the way for future advancements.” This upgrade enables us to explore the limits of game enhancement, teamwork, and eco-friendliness while enhancing the experience for both seasoned fans and newcomers.

They revealed two mockups of the new HUD – one for general gameplay and another for teamfights.

New general gameplay HUD

Here’s a side-by-side of the new and old HUDs for general gameplay.

The biggest changes are pointed out in the mockup.

  • The top scoreboard has been re-arranged to a vertical layout and pushed to the top-left corner to take up less space.
  • The dragon stacks is now a widget under the vertical scoreboard, and it will rotate to show Feats of Strength.
    • Other team-wide stats, like the Atakhan buff or the number of Barons slain, are notably absent.
  • All global timers will now be on the top-right corner of the screen. The kill feed is also here, taking up way less space than it did before.
  • The lower-third bar now all has the champion details, including HP, mana/secondary resource, ultimate status, and items. The mockup also shows Nasus’ stack number on his portrait.
    • The space to show individual gold has been removed.
    • The champion portraits on the left and right-hand sides of the screen have been removed.
  • The new HUD also has less space for player cams. On the mockup, only one player cam is shown (the space under is assumed to be for advertisements and sponsors).

New Teamfight HUD

The revised teamfight interface now minimizes clutter from the bottom section, offering viewers a more focused perspective on the action within the game. Despite this streamlining, crucial details are still preserved in the updated layout.

  • Individual health, resource bars, items, summoner and ultimate status, KDA, CS, and stacks are visible with the extended champion details on the left and right-hand sides.
  • Buff trackers are visible on the portraits, meaning you can tell whether a team is fighting with the Elder Dragon or Baron buff.
  • Player cams during teamfights are now visible, taking a spot on the bottom-left corner.

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2025-02-25 10:40

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