Millie Bobby Brown’s debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie

Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie

As an ardent fan of Millie Bobby Brown, I am absolutely thrilled by this extraordinary news! The young actress is not just a talented performer, but also a passionate storyteller, as evidenced by her debut novel, Nineteen Steps. It’s simply awe-inspiring to see her bring this deeply personal tale to life on the silver screen, especially considering the profound impact her grandmother’s experiences had on its creation.

Millie Bobby Brown is strengthening her reputation as a rising star by revealing plans to transform her first book into a movie.

20-year-old actress from Stranger Things, fresh off hinting at the upcoming finale of the popular sci-fi show, is set to transform her historical novel, Nineteen Steps, into a movie for Netflix, as reported by Deadline.

Under her production company, PCMA, the British actress is set to take on both producing duties and a leading role in the upcoming project, as reported by the source.

Screenwriter Anthony McCarten, who has been nominated for four Oscars, is slated to pen the script. Production duties will be handled by Jonathan Eirich at Rideback, while Nick Reynolds will serve in an executive producer role.

19 Steps, a World War II novel influenced by the wartime tales of the author’s grandmother, gained acclaim as both a New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller following its publication by William Morrow in September 2023.

Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie

Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie

The story revolves around Nellie Morris, a young woman aged 18, who resides in Bethnal Green, East London, as penned by both Brown and Kathleen McGurl.

During the challenges of war, which included bombings, food shortages, and the painful absence of family members, Nellie found herself entering into a romantic relationship with an American airman named Ray as well.

The crucial point in this narrative is the Bethnal Green Tube tragedy, a heartbreaking event that occurred during World War II. In this incident, 173 individuals perished as they sought safety from an air raid, making it one of the UK’s most devastating civilian disasters of the war.

While on tour promoting “Nineteen Steps,” Brown frequently reminisced about how his grandmother served as the inspiration for the novel.

She shared with Nuala McGovern of Woman’s Hour: “I have a fondness for the tales of elderly individuals, whether true or fabricated. Sometimes they are fictional! However, I wish after reading [Nineteen Steps], you would engage your grandparents or parents in conversation to uncover your family’s past.”

Millie shared a method she used to remember her grandmother Ruth, who died due to Alzheimer’s Disease in November 2020, while narrating an audiobook as an actress.

The star shared: ‘Experiencing her loss was incredibly difficult, and I’m not certain that I’ve completely recovered.’

Listening to the audiobook, I found myself hesitant to speak as I had read it numerous times privately.

Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie
Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie
Millie Bobby Brown's debut WWII novel Nineteen Steps is being developed into a Netflix movie

I arranged a candle, placing her photo before me, and those following weeks were filled with intense emotions as I recalled many past events, also striving to retell them in the same manner she used to narrate.

Brown, who is prominently known for his work on Netflix, gained popularity by portraying Eleven in the successful show Stranger Things, co-created by the Duffer Brothers. The series will return for its concluding season, set to premiere the following year.

In her most recent cinematic role, Brown featured prominently in the captivating Netflix fantasy film titled Damsel, which has received substantial acclaim and currently stands at number 7 on their list of most-watched movies, boasting a total view count of 138 million.

Upcoming significantly important for Brown is “The Electric State”, a Netflix film helmed by the Russo Brothers. This upcoming production, scheduled for release in March 2025, features Chris Pratt and will co-star with him.

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2024-08-20 01:06

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