61-Year-Old Shows Off Amazing Abs!

This week, Trinny Woodall displayed the fruits of her intense workout routine during the filming of a fashion video for her Instagram account on Wednesday.

In the video, the 61-year-old founder of Trinny London flawlessly displayed her toned abdominals in a fitted beige undershirt, creating an impressive image.

In her video, Trinny showed her audience how to fashionably match smart sweatpants, combining them with thick-soled boots and a sparkly blouse.

The beauty tycoon accessorized her look by adding a bomber jacket and earrings, and she styled her hair in a lively, volumized blowout, finishing off with glamorous makeup from her personal collection.

At sixty, Trinny freely discusses the health advantages she attributes to her youthful appearance – such as regular exercise routines and diligent skincare regimens.

Lately, she has unveiled the hidden factors contributing to her remarkably glowing skin, following a period she terms as particularly demanding and stressful.

Trinny, the mastermind behind the popular beauty company, Trinny London, has experienced an impressive surge in success recently, attracting a steadily increasing fan base.

Caught up in numerous responsibilities, she couldn’t help but notice and feel the strain of her busy lifestyle.

Before she found herself unexpectedly drawn to daily meditation, a practice she initially thought wouldn’t appeal to her, she now refers to it as “profound”.

She shared with FEMAIL, “My lifestyle can be quite taxing, and I’ve come to understand that stress, in medical terms, isn’t good at all. In fact, it’s detrimental for both your physical and mental health.

‘So I thought I would take control before I let stress affect my body in a negative way.

Two individuals entered my life, and after practicing meditation, I observed a remarkable transformation in their demeanor. One seemed as if they’d undergone a rejuvenating procedure, while the other became far more approachable for conversation.

Motivated, Trinny began waking up 30 minutes earlier every morning to devote 20 minutes to meditation using a repeated phrase. In addition, she carved out another 20-minute slot during the afternoon, often taking advantage of this time even while in the bathroom at her workplace.

For the past month, she’s been practicing this, and she can truly sense a change. When someone is feeling tense, their facial appearance becomes noticeably affected, as she pointed out.

‘I feel so much calmer now.’

Apart from altering some aspects of her daily routine, Trinny has significantly reduced her coffee intake and prioritizes having a good night’s rest each evening.

She’s currently quite fond of Lion’s Mane, as it gives her the energy she desires. Every morning, she drinks it as tea, and also adds collagen powder to it. That’s what she shared.

Extracts derived from the Lion’s Mane mushroom have shown benefits for reducing inflammation, enhancing memory, alleviating anxiety, and promoting mental sharpness in numerous research investigations.

Trinny mentioned that she’s looking for a substitute for coffee, as she adores it yet finds it causes restlessness and disrupts her sleep.

‘Drinking A Lion’s Mane Chai brings me the same pleasant sensation coffee does, it seems to stimulate my brain in a similar way. I use a frother to create lots of foam with the almond milk and add cinnamon and nutmeg for flavor since I’m trying to cut back on sugar.’

According to Trinny, the Lion’s Mane has aided her in improving her memory and concentration, whereas the widely acclaimed oral supplement NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) has proven particularly advantageous for her skin health and overall energy levels.

Instead of taking four or five collagen capsules along with estrogen, testosterone, and Magnolia Rhodiola, she opts for consuming this specific combination of supplements. She claims that Magnolia Rhodiola has significantly improved her mood.

Additionally, she frequently consumes large amounts of Vitamin C and strongly endorses Glutathione, a potent antioxidant known for potentially lowering inflammation and combating oxidative stress within the body.

Trinny is equally fond of Vitamin A, D, K, hormone-supporting capsules, and magnesium citrate, and she consistently reinforces this regimen with a dedicated skincare routine.

It’s not surprising that this consists primarily of her own line of products, with the Moisturizer ‘Bounce Back’ being one of her top suggestions for Australians during the approaching drier and cooler seasons.

This widely used item, accessible for online purchase in Australia and at Trinny London temporary stores, is likewise incorporated into Trinny’s regimen for combating jet lag.

She shared that she applied three products – Plump Up, Bounce Back, and a moisturizing mask – one after another for eight hours. Regardless of any bathroom breaks, she planned to keep it on the entire time. She mentioned that it was simpler when masks were common because no one could notice her peculiar appearance, as she put it.

When inquired about additional methods for achieving a glowing skin, Trinny shared that facial massage has proven to be incredibly beneficial.

With only her hands, Trinny gives a firm massage along her jaw area, aiming to alleviate the tough tissue or knots she calls ‘gristle’ in her bones.

‘We sag down as we age which is in part due to this stuff that gathers around [the jaw],’ she said.

‘The area around your jawline is where excess tissue or fat may accumulate, giving the appearance of jowls. What I perform can be described as removing that build-up, which some might find unpleasant to hear, but it’s an essential part of my approach and I apply a firm touch during the process. You could opt for a tool for this, but working with your own hands offers more flexibility.’

In terms of physical workouts, Trinny has opted to replace her usual Pilates routine with strength training, which she considers essential as one grows older.

She expressed that feeling strong physically is significantly important to her, and she takes great pride in her physical strength as a woman.

As a committed devotee, I can’t help but feel exhilarated. It might seem trivial, but the transformation from using 4 kg weights to 10 kg has been nothing short of extraordinary for me. I feel powerful, robust, and simply outstanding!

Starting my day an hour earlier has significantly improved things for me, eliminating the hurried, frenzied feeling that used to characterize it.

She shared, “I give myself a wonderful massage, apply multiple skincare items in layers, work out regularly, drink hot water with lemon, and consume my daily supplements. It all makes me feel great, and I’m ready to tackle the day ahead.

‘I’ve set myself up as opposed to waking up, being late for everything, rushing, rushing, rushing.’

As for what’s next in the skincare world, Trinny has been in the lab working on something ‘big’. 

Following the triumph of her remarkable anti-aging product, The Elevator, which noticeably diminishes neck lines and wrinkles, she’s committed to tackling another common cosmetic issue head-on.

‘At moment we are [working on] a nirvana,’ she said.

It presents a challenge since it seems to be a multi-faceted entity, and I’m still uncertain about its potential functions.

‘It’s three things that are to do with inflammation of the skin and how you can address that.

I won’t go into further detail, but let me emphasize that it’s a topic I’m deeply fascinated by. And as for ourselves, our connections with various aspects of our bodies are equally intriguing.

You have the option to purchase Trinny’s products both online and in physical stores across Australia. Her book “Fear Less” is available at all well-stocked bookshops.

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2025-03-27 12:23

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