The Union ending explained: Who is the traitor?

As a seasoned action-movie enthusiast with a penchant for gripping narratives and dynamic duos, I must say that “The Union” has certainly left a lasting impression on me. With Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry rekindling their on-screen chemistry as a pair of secret agents, this Netflix production delivers an exhilarating ride that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout.

The Alliance concludes on a note of further escapades, as the pairing of Mark Wahlberg and Halle Berry’s undercover agents reignite the flame of their youthful affection.

As a gaming enthusiast, diving into the latest flick from Netflix, I found myself in the shoes of Mike McKenna (played by Wahlberg) and Roxanne Hall (portrayed by Berry), old high school sweethearts who’ve been brought back together by a critical piece of intel that went missing.

Mike leads a tranquil and low-key existence in Jersey, yet he swiftly agrees when Roxanne unexpectedly transports him to London, imploring him to take on the role of an undercover agent for a clandestine group called The Union.

Under the guidance of spy master Tom Brennan, portrayed by JK Simmons, this team handles tasks that the CIA finds impossible. Currently, their mission involves recovering crucial data that has been stolen, which contains the identities of secret agents. This information is being used by terrorist groups to strategically eliminate these agents one by one.

They request Mike’s assistance since he lacks prior experience for a minor aspect of the project. Yet, as a member of the crew, he is eager to commit fully to ensure the mission’s successful completion.

Here’s what happens in the ending of The Union. Major spoilers ahead!

The Union ending explained: Who is the traitor?

The Union ending explained

In the beginning of the film, an operation in Trieste experiences a disastrous turn of events, resulting in an entire team from The Union being fatally wounded as they attempted to retrieve stolen intelligence. Remarkably, one of them wasn’t truly killed but was actually the instigator behind the entire incident.

I’m referring to character Nick Faraday, portrayed by Mike Colter, who ranks among The Union’s most reliable operatives. Interestingly, he shares a complicated past with Roxanne, being her former spouse.

Two weeks following what seemed like my demise, I resurface, accusing Tom Brennan of being the mole within our organization, suggesting that the stolen intelligence ought to be handed over to the CIA. During this conversation with Mike and Rox, Juliet Nightingale (Jessica De Gouw) subtly exchanges the case containing the evidence with a convincing forgery.

It transpires that Juliet has been covertly collaborating with Nick, intending to pass on classified information to a faction of Iranian extremists.

The Union ending explained: Who is the traitor?

Currently, the CIA suspects Roxanne as a betrayer within the organization, leading her and Mike to abruptly depart from London. In this hurried situation, they aim to recover the intelligence on their own to establish their innocence.

They travel to Istria, a region in Croatia, which serves as the venue for the encounter between Nick and the Iranian extremists.

After causing a ruckus and snatching the case brimming with intel, the ragtag gang of terrorists hotly pursue me to reclaim their prize. Meanwhile, Mike’s tangling with Roxanne, while I, Nick, find myself in a precarious situation due to Juliet’s sudden exit. She left us with a cryptic warning that she might come in handy for Roxanne down the line, hinting at her potential “usefulness” in future escapades.

Following a heated altercation within the city, Nick manages to flee in a vehicle, carrying the case, while Roxanne and Mike hotly pursue him.

The Union ending explained: Who is the traitor?

Nick is trying to board a yacht ahead of his pursuers, but unfortunately, Roxanne and Mike reach the shore before he can slip away.

Nick tells Roxanne, trapped with him on a tiny wooden pier, that he’s not going to spend the rest of his life confined. He brings up their potential to cash in on their intel for an immense amount – hundreds of millions – and travel the world as they’ve always yearned to do.

“Funny thing I learned about me? I’m a homebody,” she replies.

In a quick response, Roxanne outmaneuvers Nick as he prepares to fire at her. Instead, it’s Nick who falls, having been taken down by Roxanne. With this, the crucial information remains secure, marking the successful completion of our operation.

The Union ending explained: Who is the traitor?

A few days later, Mike is at his brother’s wedding giving a funny speech as the best man.

At the gathering, there I spot Roxanne. We’ve both been tiptoeing around our mutual feelings, but tonight seems different. With a familiar wink, we slip away to reminisce in the janitor’s closet, like old times. But lo and behold, Tom Brennan is already inside, catching us off guard.

As I’m chilling here, Brennan drops a line: “Got a task for ya, mate.” I shoot back suggesting we could use a break, and Roxanne insists on it. Eventually, Brennan agrees to let us unwind for three days before we’re expected in Marrakesh.

“Welcome to The Union, Mike,” he says before leaving.

The film concludes with a hint of further escapades for Mike and Roxanne, who are now both covert operatives and might also be blossoming romantic duo.

The Union is now available to watch on Netflix.

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2024-08-16 15:20

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