Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode and meta now live

Is your team planning to line up using the Reinhardt, Zarya, D.Va, Lucio, Brigitte, and Moira setup in the traditional GOATS formation in Overwatch?

The most recent update for Overwatch 2 introduces Overwatch Classic GOATS, a new game type. This is a six-player versus six-player (6v6) match, paying homage to a notorious playstyle from the original Overwatch. Do you recall the time when there were three tank and three support characters on the field? That’s the style we’re talking about here. Here’s all you need to know about the Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode!

Overwatch Classic GOATS game mode

To engage in this time-limited game mode, open Overwatch 2, pick “Play” from the main screen, click on the “Unranked” button, and opt for the “Overwatch Classic GOATS” choice. Once you’ve joined a team, choose one of the offered heroes and dive into the action. This game mode is accessible from March 25 to April 1.

In this gaming style, you’ll find a maximum of 29 playable characters, which is less than Overwatch 2’s current lineup of 42 heroes. The most recent character added is Hazard, while Freja was previously tested for a limited period and is scheduled to debut in Season 16.

Overwatch Classic GOATS heroes

When it comes to the standout characters in Overwatch Classic GOATS, you’ve got D.Va, Orisa, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Wrecking Ball, and Zarya for tanks. For those who deal damage, there’s Ashe, Bastion, Cassidy, Doomfist, Genji, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn, Tracer, and Widowmaker. Lastly, the support heroes are Ana, Brigitte, Lucio, Mercy, Moira, and Zenyatta.

  1. D.Va
  2. Orisa
  3. Reinhardt
  4. Roadhog
  5. Winston
  6. Wrecking Ball
  7. Zarya
  8. Ashe
  9. Bastion
  10. Cassidy
  11. Doomfist
  12. Genji
  13. Hanzo
  14. Junkrat
  15. Mei
  16. Pharah
  17. Reaper
  18. Soldier: 76
  19. Sombra
  20. Symmetra
  21. Torbjorn
  22. Tracer
  23. Widowmaker
  24. Ana
  25. Brigitte
  26. Lucio
  27. Mercy
  28. Moira
  29. Zenyatta

Overwatch Classic GOATS patch notes

Before the introduction of this game mode on March 25th, Blizzard revealed that Moira, Brigitte, and Wrecking Ball would join the 6v6 action. Additionally, they added three new maps: Blizzard World, Rialto, and Busan. However, the hero balance or patch notes can be traced back to the Overwatch update in September 2018, as indicated below:

Here are the Overwatch updates from that period:

[The actual Overwatch patch notes from September 2018]


  • Biotic Rifle
    • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Ana


  • Shield Bash
    • Now knocks down and gets knocked down by other charging targets (e.g Reinhardt and Doomfist)

As a fan, I’ve noticed an interesting dynamic in the game where when my charging character collides with another charging target, we both momentarily stumble. This can be observed with Doomfist’s Rocket Punch and Reinhardt’s Charge. Previously, Brigitte’s Shield Bash didn’t fall under this category, meaning she would typically stun the other characters without getting affected herself when using Shield Bash against them. However, a recent update has adjusted this, so now if I use Shield Bash against Charge or Rocket Punch, both of us will be knocked down instead.


  • Earthshatter
    • Now consistently hits enemies near walls
    • No longer hits enemies that enter the damage cone after the “wave” has passed that area
    • No longer damages enemies behind barriers blocking it, even if the barrier is later dropped or destroyed
    • Always travels up inclines and around the payload

Development Notes: We’ve significantly revamped the functionality of Earthshatter to address issues with its unpredictability and effectiveness. The modifications should result in a more reliable and powerful performance from Earthshatter.


  • Scrap Gun
    • Primary fire falloff range changed from 10-20 meters to 15-30 meters
    • Alternate fire now has damage falloff, which is the same as the new primary fire falloff (15-30 meters)

Developer Notes: Earlier, Roadhog’s secondary fire on his Scrap Gun didn’t have damage reduction as it approached distant targets, making it overly potent against them. To compensate for a minor power reduction, particularly against barricades, we extended the effective range of his weapon slightly before the damage reduction starts to apply. Remember: The damage reduction for the alternate fire begins where the scrap projectiles are generated, not from Roadhog’s position when firing.


  • Grappling Hook
    • Now retains momentum when used on environments or structures without a ledge (e.g. walls)
  • Widow’s Kiss
    • Increased the precision of the Relative Aim Sensitivity While Zoomed slider. This can be found under Options > Controls > Hero > Widowmaker

Overwatch September 2018 patch notes,

as provided by Blizzard

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2025-03-25 22:42

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