Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

As an old-timer in the world of gaming, I’ve seen my fair share of challenging bosses that left me scratching my head and muttering under my breath. But the Nightborne Phantom? Well, let me tell you, this is one fight that’s more bark than bite!

In simpler terms, the Nightborne Phantom serves as the main boss for the Operation Midnight special storyline’s chapter. On the surface, the battle appears quite straightforward, but if you’re curious about its inner workings, let me tell you, it can be perplexing – a sentiment I believe you’ll understand once you encounter it.

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Attacks and Behaviour

General Info

The Nightborne Phantom consists of four destructible components: three protective pieces of armor and its own weapon. When these armor pieces remain intact, it seems to have a 30% reduction in damage taken, though I didn’t personally observe any change in this regard. Strange, indeed.

Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

Regardless, breaking these parts will drop S-Energy refills.

In addition, the Nightborne Phantom possesses a unique energy reserve known as Ageless Corruption. This resource automatically regenerates when its weapon isn’t destroyed, and it gets fully replenished during its Health Points (HP) regeneration periods as well.

Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

It appears that the function of this object is somewhat unclear to me. Despite extensive research, I haven’t been able to discern any noticeable variation in its actions or moveset, regardless of whether it has energy or not.

One more thing – at higher difficulty levels, being hit by Nightborne Phantom’s attacks will reduce your HP over a period of time, while also restoring your S-Energy. This is the same effect as being in its Corrupt Field, which will be covered later.

Orb Burst

The Nightborne Phantom conjures a line of explosive orbs on the floor. If you step in these areas, they will explode, causing harm and temporarily disorienting you. To dodge this attack, just move away from the affected zone.

Orb Strike

As a fervent admirer, I’d like to share an account of the Nightborne Phantom’s formidable move: It summons three colossal orbs, hurling them directly at me! These orbs pack quite a punch, causing harm and momentarily disorienting upon impact. Thankfully, their pace is leisurely enough that I can easily dodge to the side.

Oneiric Spring

The Nightborne Phantom conjures a protective ring and numerous orbs, ready to unleash its assault on anyone within the boundary. This assault manifests in two distinct ways:

Regardless of the difficulty level, you always have ample time to exit the affected zone, provided you avoid stepping into an orb. Keep in mind that the size of the affected area grows larger as the difficulty rises.

Libation Fountain

As a fervent admirer, let me share my take: Nightborne Phantom conjures a series of towering circles, each dealing hefty damage and causing stagger upon impact. The rings don’t all materialize simultaneously; instead, they progressively move towards you, making evasion a challenging yet intriguing task. To dodge effectively, I suggest you anticipate the ring’s arrival and swiftly dive forward into it when it’s nearly upon you.

Refined Air Slash

The Nightborne Phantom slashes with its weapon and fires multiple energy blasts at you, causing harm and momentarily stumbling you upon impact. At increased difficulty settings, it will execute two extra slashes, as demonstrated in the video above. However, this attack is still quite easy to dodge by moving aside.

Corrupt Field

The Nightborne Phantom generates an area that repeatedly harms you as long as you stay within it, yet simultaneously rejuvenates your S-Energy. Notably, while this field is active, the Nightborne Phantom is able to launch other attacks. However, when its energy meter runs out, a distinct move becomes available for it to execute.

It’s similar to the Orb Strike attack, but instead of big orbs, it uses numerous smaller ones. Unlike the original, these balls don’t push you back when they hit. However, since there are many of them, it’s possible that a few might still reach you. Each projectile doesn’t inflict much damage, so overall, it shouldn’t be too harmful.

HP Triggers

Upon reaching 70% HP, Nightborne Phantom will enter an invulnerability period.

Upon returning to the arena’s center, it conjures revolving rings of orbs that subsequently explode, causing damage and stumbling anyone hit. At increased difficulty settings, it additionally summons a Libation Fountain. Furthermore, it restores its energy reserves and repairs all fragile components.

In the heat of the game, I keep on battling until only 40% of its health remains. Then, that sneaky Nightborne Phantom vanishes from harm’s way again, going invincible once more.

Similar to the initial activation, all its armor components are restored and its energy is replenished. But unlike before, it generates a more expansive Corrupted Zone right at the heart of the battlefield. This zone persists until the combat concludes.


Boss HP: 2,642,760

Neural Simulation Spotlight: Nightborne Phantom

The Nightborne Phantom is often perceived as a formidable adversary due to its impressive and daunting abilities, however, it tends to be more show than substance. With careful observation, many of its attacks prove to be easily dodged.

Phase Skipping

The Nightborne Phantom has two periods where it becomes invincible, during which it may launch frustrating attacks that require handling, particularly because these phases also cause a loss of time. However, luckily, there are two methods available to bypass these phases.

By precisely executing a HP trigger and breaking the final two phases of the Nightborne Phantom simultaneously, you can bypass it. However, achieving this synchronization might demand intricate timing and could prove challenging if your damage output is insufficient.

Reducing your boss’s pace could extend the timeframe within which you can accomplish this task, thereby making it somewhat more manageable for you.

As a gamer, I can tell you another strategy – Time your moves perfectly to freeze the boss just when an attack connects. This will reduce the boss’ health to the point where a certain event is triggered.

This is much more forgiving as long as your DPS pick allows for the timing coordination.

Team Building

Nightborne Phantom is the designated pandering boss for Vidya – Agave, and she’ll be getting a special section later. She unsurprisingly does well here due to her ability to break parts while DPSing and the travel time of her projectiles allowing for synergy with phase skip strategies. Other DPS picks like Lyfe – Infinite Sight and Fenny – Coronet will do well here too though, being able to stay relatively competitive.

In general, reliable supports are quite beneficial, but Mauxir – Shadow Ka might struggle somewhat if you’re not phase-skipping because her support skills can be affected by her invulnerability phases. Having a character capable of inflicting Freeze or Slow is useful even without phase-skipping, as control effects remain effective regardless. Although it may seem wise to have a healer for prolonged fights in Corrupt Fields, many players will discover that the battles conclude swiftly enough that healing isn’t typically required.

Featured Operative: Vidya – Agave

Apart from the advantages of Agave previously discussed, which are primarily boosted by her unique design, she offers a few additional perks. Firstly, she is invulnerable to all attacks launched by Nightborne Phantom during phase 4, making her an unyielding target. Secondly, she has a distinctive trait that enhances her strength: she converts HP into S-Energy, which significantly boosts her ability to cast her standard skill. This energy dependency makes it advantageous for Agave to be in the Corrupt Field created by Nightborne Phantom as often as possible, enabling her to effectively have unlimited S-Energy.

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2024-09-24 17:30

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