Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at ‘intentionally malicious’ comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

As a woman who has walked through the winding paths of life, I can deeply empathize with Natalie’s journey. Her words resonate with me, as I too have faced moments where strangers’ harsh comments have tried to dim my light. But like the resilient phoenix she is, Natalie rises above it all, reminding us that love, kindness, and self-acceptance are the true measures of greatness.

Natalie Bassingthwaighte has responded forcefully to those spreading malevolent, bitter comments about her same-sex relationship with partner Pip Loth, who are often Internet trolls.

On Tuesday, the singer from Rogue Traders, who recently turned 50, used Instagram to discuss how harmful criticism affects not only her personal relationships but also her family.

In her post, Natalie unveiled a vintage photo of herself and confessed that the girl in the snapshot was feeling ‘misplaced’, ‘anxious’, and ‘disliked herself’ at the time.

‘Came across this pic the other day,’ Natalie began.

In this photograph, you can see me from around 30 years back. At that time, I was feeling sad, confused, delicate, and scared. I didn’t appreciate myself. I had no idea who I was! I had lost the power to express myself or even understand what I wanted to communicate. She went on to say…

In the photo, a youthful Natalie can be seen sporting a flowery halter neck dress and has her golden hair tied up in a neat bun. She appears radiant and fresh-faced.

“Natalie went on in her post, stating that it’s been quite a while for her to move past those emotions.”

‘I have done the work and I will continue to do the work on myself. For me and those around me. Sadness can come from many areas in life: tragedy, trauma, LIFE! 

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth


‘You don’t know where people have been or where they r [sic] going. What they have been through. Their traumas their triggers, their struggle to not only stay afloat but to keep swimming can resurface at anytime.’ 

On two separate occasions, “Nat Bass,” who is fondly referred to as such by Australians, has utilized her public stage to speak out against the malicious hatred she has experienced online during the last year.

In November of last year, Natalie came out as being in a queer relationship. 

That news, shared in a candid interview with Stellar magazine, came as a surprise to many, given she’d recently ended her 12-year marriage to husband Cameron McGlinchey. 

Later on, Natalie made public her romantic involvement with stage manager Pip Loth, whom she encountered during the Jagged Little Pill production in 2021, by posting a snapshot of them as a couple on Instagram.

As a devoted admirer, I must admit that the whirlwind of media attention that ensued left me deeply concerned for the singer’s well-being. Unintentionally thrust into the limelight as a symbol for ‘late blooming lesbians,’ she found herself under constant scrutiny and an unfortunate target for online bullies, pushing her to the brink.

In a heart-wrenching two-part video, as well as on Instagram last November, she implored the ‘trolls’, saying, “I need it to end.”

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth
Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

Approximately a year since then, Natalie and the camera-wary Pip graciously appeared together on the red carpet for the first time as a pair, in Sydney. Just recently, Nat posted a cheerful, affectionate selfie with her ‘considerate and attractive’ companion in Queensland.

In her post’s commentary, Nat expressively praised their romance: ‘Pip Loth, you’ve touched my intellect, spirit, and emotions,’ she said, accompanying the image with a red heart symbol and colorful rainbows. ‘#LifeChangedForever’.

In her post shared on Tuesday, Natalie stated that she became aware on the previous day that certain individuals found it necessary to comment about her girlfriend in her post. She clarified that these comments were deliberately harmful.

My webpage caters to individuals seeking a nurturing, non-judgmental environment. Here, there’s no room for putting others down or making them feel inferior or unworthy.

‘My mental health has been a struggle and I have come out the other side but I manage it daily! I have had close dear people commit suicide because of people like you! Enough now! 

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

‘If you don’t have anything nice to say to people don’t say anything at all!

‘Mom has instilled in me the principle of treating others as I’d want to be treated – with affection, consideration, regard, and without bias or criticism.’

Natalie shares and co-parents two children with her ex-husband, Harper, 13, and Hendrix, 10. 

Showing her distress and indignation, the participant of The Amazing Race Australia penned: ‘It’s beyond disrespectful to imply I’m anything less than an outstanding mother, individual, or criticize my appearance!’

‘It has taken me a long time to love who I am and I will not let you take that away. 

Without a doubt, your harsh words have momentarily knocked me down, but courage is not far away. I’ll gather myself once more, just as I’ve done countless times before, and keep marching onward.

Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth
Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth
Natalie Bassingthwaighte lashes out at 'intentionally malicious' comments from online trolls as she defends relationship with girlfriend Pip Loth

As a lifestyle enthusiast, I found myself enduring a year-long barrage of harsh and unwarranted comments regarding my relationship with my partner, my past relationships, and my kids on my Instagram. Realizing that enough was enough, I decided to take control and disable the comment section on my posts, ensuring a more positive and uplifting environment for myself and my followers.

Only people who she follows will be able to leave comments on her posts. 

‘Through our collective efforts, we’ve reached great heights that make me immensely proud. We are secure, content, and thriving in our success.’

As a champion of personal growth and wellness, I firmly believe that everyone has their unique journey and approach to life. When it comes to motherhood, I am unapologetically me, doing the best I can every day. If my choices or appearance don’t resonate with you, that’s perfectly okay – simply choose not to be a part of my journey by unfollowing if you wish. However, I share love through photos and words, and it’s this love that connects us. Let’s celebrate each other’s journeys rather than judging them.

‘My children are cherished, and they give their love freely without bias. They are compassionate, understanding, and welcoming to others. This is the kind of individuals we are nurturing in them.’

Natalie expressed her apologies to her fans, along with those who generously send their affection and encouragement. However, she assured them not to fret over her relocation. “Rest assured, I’ll still feel all your love regardless.”

She went on to say that she ‘forgives’ the people ‘compelled to live a life full of bitterness and hate’ for their ‘attack’ and empathises with how ‘hard’ it can be to ‘peel back layers’ of our beliefs. 

‘I can only imagine what you have been through, and for that I am sorry. I only hope that you take this and look inward and do the work.’ 

As a die-hard admirer, I’d put it this way: “Reliving old moments from my past can be tough, but when I’m enveloped by remarkable individuals who shower me with affection and encouragement, it fuels my spirit each day.”

Natalie will be spending her ‘birthday week’ in Cairns, Queensland with Pip. 

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2024-09-03 13:34

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