Mast: Romantic Maid Early Analysis

This guide covers the pairing of the Characters: Innocent Maid and Romantic Maid, as their sets are designed to harmonize and enhance one another’s performance.


Note: When paired with the Anchor “Innocent Maid”, she performs well. However, when standing alone, Mast has a tendency to be average as her ability to attack and stun are restricted by a 40-second cooldown and a 10-second stun duration respectively.

  • Mediocre on her own, however with Anchor: Innocent Maid, they become the best buffers for distributed damage DPS Nikkes (Scarlet: Black Shadow, Quency: Escape Queen, Phantom)
  • Mast’s ATK up is based on her ATK, so copies and dupes are recommended. Supporters also do have less base ATK compared to Attackers by 0.8x~. which means her buff value %’s are realistically 0.8x of stated values when buffing DPSs.
  • At full possible buffs, the combined value of Mast’s and Anchor’s caster ATK buffs can reach 115%~ (averaging both their bursts) or 92%~ when buffing Attackers every full burst with 100% reload speed when using Resilience Cube. This value is HIGH
  • Basically a must pull

Newbie/Incomplete Box Section

Working individually, Mast isn’t particularly impressive since she insists on using a 1-2-2 burst formation, which often leads to significant DPS reduction if the supporting character Nikkes don’t coordinate well. She also self-stuns for ten seconds following every three full burst modes and resets her buff stacks, making her an unpredictable and inconsistent Burst II Nikke.

The character Anchor: Innocent Maid serves a unique role because she effectively lessens her stun on the third full burst and maintains an ongoing effect in her “drunken” state, thereby enhancing her supportive abilities. Primarily, their abilities are geared towards Nikkes who specialize in distributed damage, a trait possessed by only a few characters such as Scarlet: Black Shadow, Quency: Escape Queen, and Phantom. Despite this, Anchor’s team provides substantial attack boosts, sustainability, and rapid reload speed, making their offensive support capabilities potentially superior to the bunny duos/777 Squad for any Nikke team due to their overwhelming firepower.

As a gamer, I’ve found that the Valentine Maids can take down bosses even without Nikke’s distributed damage in the squad, even when facing off against tough opponents like Tia or Naga. The Innocent Maid, specifically, scales off the ATK of Casters, so it’s best to stockpile as many duplicates of her as possible for stronger buffing effects. I’d suggest keeping her on my wishlist until I’ve secured a core of at least 7 other characters first.

Basic Information

  • Skill 1: A Pirate’s Heart
  • Skill 2: A Pirate’s Spirit
  • Burst: A Pirate’s Romance
  • Cooldown: 40s
  • Rarity: SSR
  • Burst: II
  • Weapon: MG
  • Class: Supporter
  • Element: Water
  • Manufacturer: Elysium
  • Squad: Aegis
  • Weapon Name: Romantic Heart

Skill 1: A Pirate’s Heart

Triggers during the first Burst phase, influences oneself:

– Hit Rate decreases by 20%, can stack up to three times in a row.

Becomes effective solely when in Drunken mode, impacts team members:

– Critical Rate increases by 20.05% continuously.
– Attack Power increases by 35.02% of the caster’s current Attack Power continuously.

Mast is a Machine God (MG) Nikke, and her accuracy of hitting targets can increase without limit as long as she continues firing. The 60% hit rate boost doesn’t affect her ability to hit essential points or cores at all; instead, it means that Mast might need a few more shots for precision aiming.

Black Shadow, Quency: Escape Queen, Phantom, and so on.

Her drunken status is passive, so her offensive buffs have permanent uptime.

Skill 2: A Pirate’s Spirit

Triggers during the third phase of Burst while under the influence (Drunken status). Boosts the performance of all teammates for 10 seconds, increasing their Distributed Damage by 15.03% and Reloading Speed by 15.04%. This effect activates upon reaching maximum Drunken stacks at the end of a Full Burst. After the stacks are removed, it benefits the caster with an additional effect: a 10-second Stun known as Hangover.

Being in a “drunken” state is considered a negative effect, or a “debuff,” that can be removed by certain characters like Ade and Mica:Snow Buddy. However, it’s important to note that this isn’t typically advised because Mast’s attack power amplification depends on her ability to inflict the drunken debuff.

As a gamer, I’ve got my trusted ally here, the Anchor: Innocent Maid. Starting from our third full burst, she takes on the role of preventing debuffs. This means Mast won’t end up overindulging (3 or more stacks), thereby avoiding self-stun and clearing all her drunken stacks. This way, she maintains a permanent trio of stacks, which significantly boosts Mast’s skill 2 and burst performance.

In the same category, Distributed Damage functions like a multiplier for damage received, similar to a damage debuff (such as in Blanc, Novel, and so on).

Burst: A Pirate’s Romance

Boosts the abilities of all allies who are in a drunken state:

* Critical hit chance increases by 40.04% for 10 seconds.
* Attack damage increases by 15.04% for 10 seconds.
* The boost is multiplied by (20.06% times the number of drunken stacks) of the caster’s attack power, lasting for 10 seconds.

An outstanding explosion that amplifies area-wide damage (Increases ATK Damage by x multiplier and Distributed Damage), further enhancing the attack power of all team members (Boosts ATK by 60.18% when fully stacked). Critical damage is also beneficial for the teams Mast will be deployed with.

In simpler terms, it takes about three quick sequences (or “bursts”) to fully represent her being drunk for approximately 40 seconds during each round. This lengthy build-up could be too prolonged for game modes such as Campaign and Player versus Player (PvP).


The combined strength of Mast and Anchor is likely to be highly effective in campaigns, as they can optimize each other’s abilities despite the lengthy preparation times for their kits. This duo has the potential to significantly boost the performance of Scarlet: Black Shadow teams, particularly synergizing well with Nikkes that have extended reload periods due to their capability to achieve maximum 100% reload speed with heavy investments (including MGs, Alice Teams, etc.). Moreover, they provide overhealing which might enable certain Nikkes to withstand a few additional attacks in critical high CP deficits.

Drunklet Origins (Wind Advantage)

Rapi: Red Hood,Mast: Romantic Maid,Anchor: Innocent Maid,Scarlet: Black Shadow,Alice

Scarlet: Black Shadow can easily manage substantial surpluses with this squad. This team is adaptable enough to handle any stage peculiarities, such as hit count shields or excessive healing (overhealing). Generating burst won’t be a problem if the Commander knows how to continuously tap-spam with Alice.

Rapi: Red Hood can be replaced with any CDR

100% Reload Speed Alice (Fire Advantage)

Rapi: Red Hood,Anchor: Innocent Maid,Mast: Romantic Maid,Alice,Modernia

Regardless of whether any Nikkes in this team have dispersed damage, the team remains effective due to the substantial attack boosts that duos provide, along with granting a 100% reload speed bonus to all characters when paired with level 3 resilience cubes and skill investments. This results in an “unlimited ammo” effect for Alice during full burst.

Modernia can be replaced with Asuka or Rapi: Red Hood as burst III with a CDR replacement.


In simple terms, as a Multi-Role Genesis (MG), her initial burst power is relatively weak. It requires some time to build up to its full potential, delivering good values even at the first stack, but there are other Burst II’s that offer more utility.

It’s not expected for her to see use in Arena due to simply better options.

Special Interception | Union Raid | Solo Raid

In Solo Raids, Mast and Anchor significantly boost their effectiveness by liberating Crowns from Scarlet: Black Shadow groups, regardless of wind attribute. This facilitates greater versatility in team composition, and undeniably results in increased overall damage during Solo raids.


Rapi: Red Hood,Mast: Romantic Maid,Anchor: Innocent Maid,Scarlet: Black Shadow,Alice

In this context, Rapi: Red Hood could be substituted with any other Character Development Record (CDR). However, it’s important to note that Alice CANNOT replace Mana in this scenario because Anchor: Innocent Maid will siphon charge speed bonuses from Scarlet: Black Shadow.


Rapi: Red Hood,Mast: Romantic Maid,Anchor: Innocent Maid,Quency: Escape Queen,Phantom

Both characters, Quency: Escape Queen and Phantom, inflict damage in multiple areas, and their powerful bursts account for a significant portion of their overall damage output. Interestingly, both characters benefit from a variety of buffs that Mast and Anchor apply.


Characters Quency: Escape Queen and Phantom evenly disperse damage across the battlefield, and a sizable chunk of their total damage is dealt during burst attacks. Notably, they both gain advantages thanks to numerous buffs that characters Mast and Anchor provide.

Should you pull?

Indeed, the player is asking for one Mast and Anchor, as they are essential to pair together. Regardless of whether it’s for damage distribution teams or not, these two characters are incredibly powerful offensive buffers. They offer versatility to be included in most teams, boasting 100% reload speed and exceptional healing abilities. To put it simply, Elysion Tower is incomplete without them.

Among the elite solo raid teams, Scarlet: Black Shadow stands out as one with exceptional polishing abilities. This change in dynamics liberates Crown from this team setup, opening up possibilities for versatility in both Solo Raids and Union Raids.

Expected Rating

StorySS (?)

Recommended Cubes

resilience cube,Bastion Cube

Displaying resilience by employing Mast alongside an Anchor can potentially grant an immediate reload rate of 100%. This equates to an instant reload.

Bastion – If all the DPSs are hogging Resilience cube.

Expected Skill Priority

NikkeBudget Skill InvestmentsRecommended Skill InvestmentsSkill PriorityNotesInvestment Priority
Mast: Romantic MaidSkill 1: 7
Skill 2 : 7
Burst : 7
Skill 1: 10
Skill 2 : 10
Burst : 10
S2 > S1Skill 1 simply is a permanent ATK up and Crit rate up

Skill 2 provides more for the teams she’ll be placed in due to higher multipliers and importance of buffs compared to her skill 1. Upgrade a few levels over skill 1 if using her with teams with damage distribution

Mast’s burst simply gives more offensive power, and a great amount of it too. worth to invest it to level 10


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2025-01-30 01:35

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