Here are all New Mutators in Rocket League Season 18

New Mutators let you play with up to six balls on the field.

Starting March 14, 2025, Rocket League players can expect to encounter fresh gameplay modifications, as Epic Games unveils a host of new mutators in Season 18. These novel additions are set to debut upon the release of patch v2.49 within the game. Here’s an overview of the upcoming mutators that Rocket League enthusiasts can look forward to starting with the latest update.

All New Mutators in Rocket League Season 18

  • Jumps: Take to the skies by increasing the number of jumps you can do at once! Do a double-jump, triple-jump, octuple-jump… Or, turn jumps off entirely and keep the competition ground level. 
  • Number of Balls: Why have just one soccer ball when you could have six? Choose between having one, two, four, or six balls in play.
  • Ball Gravity: Alter the ball’s gravitational pull and let the mayhem ensue. Options include low, high, super, and good ol’ fashioned default.
  • Dodge Timer: Change the time allowed between dodges. Dial things up to unlimited and avoid ANY obstacle!
  • Possession Score: Shake up the game by allowing players to score points just for staying in control of the ball.
  • Demolish Score: Bring on the destruction! Allow players to score up to three points for each demolition⁠
  • Normal Goal Score: Go for the goal like never before. Increase the points earned for each successful shot in the back of the net!
  • Aerial Goal Score: Look out below! Increase how much you can score for each successful airborne shot.
  • Assist Score: Teamwork is the key to victory. Allow players to earn up to three points for each assist.
  • Enforce Territories: Get back on your side! This mutator enables the Split Shot wall, dividing teams across each half of the field. Players will be demolished if they touch the ground on the opponents’ side.

In the game, there are some fresh options (or elements) introduced, which add a touch of excitement to your gaming experience. These new elements, called mutators, enable you to personalize your gameplay by adjusting one or more aspects within the game itself.

Instead of focusing on just one ball, some players may prioritize maintaining possession (Possession Score), while others could juggle multiple balls on the field. If playing with a single football seems challenging, imagine the thrill when there are several balls involved! You can even use up to six balls in play, and experience the pandemonium that results.

The Demolish Score Modifier awards extra points for every destruction, whereas the Enforce Territory Penalty penalizes you for intruding into your opponents’ territories.

What are Mutators in Rocket League?

In simpler terms, Mutators serve as different configurations and options that allow you to tailor the Rocket League gaming experience in Exhibition Mode or Private Matches. These Mutators introduce diversity, excitement, and over-the-top rocket-fueled action to personalized games, by tweaking several game aspects such as ball shape, size, and gravity.

To use and change the Mutator Settings in Rocket League, please follow these steps:

  1. Open the main menu.
  2. Click Play
  3. Go to Private Match or Play Offline
  4. Click Create Private Match or Exhibition
  5. Select Mutator Settings
  6. Now you can choose from a list of available presets or customize each of the Mutator options to your preference and start your match:

Rocket League Season 18 kicks off on March 14 with a brand new arena, new mutators and cosmetics. 

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2025-03-11 12:46

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