Grave Best Builds, Teams, and How to Play
- Second best burst II solo buffer (First being Crown)
- Can deal decent damage for a support class (still below Scarlet personal damage)
- Grave’s skill one is a bit bugged (Beneficial), her burst gen is giving much more than expected with fast firing classes (MG’s, dual SMG’s)
- Does not require high investment or dupes to do her role well. Dupes will only increase her personal DPS, which isn’t much.
- No team sustain in her kit, a healer will need to be paired with her in some boss battles.
Newbie/Incomplete Box Section
As a seasoned player with years of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Grave is one of the most versatile and useful characters in the game. Her ability to generate burst for the entire team is simply unparalleled, making her an essential member of any squad.
Grave serves as an excellent buffer, but she’s hindered by the lack of sustained team support, which is nearly essential for Burst II characters to be considered meta and user-friendly for beginners. However, she addresses the issue of burst generation for most teams that rely on Machine Guns (MG) or Submachine Guns (SMG), thanks to a potential bug in her skill 1. This advantage provides an additional full burst or more during matches when paired with Liter or Volume teams.
In simpler terms, there are not many effective healers outside of the duos Nikkes (Tia/Naga, Blanc/Noir) because they rarely offer offensive boosts, which significantly reduces overall damage output. This factor alone keeps them from being top-tier (SSS level). However, Grave is strong enough to compete in solo raids at present, and can be used as a substitute for Blanc teams if the boss doesn’t need healing, which isn’t rare.
Basic Information
- Skill 1: Heat Emission
- Skill 2: Overheat
- Burst: Plot Spoiler
- Cooldown: 40s
- Rarity: SSR
- Burst: II
- Weapon: AR
- Class: Supporter
- Element: Fire
- Manufacturer: Pilgrim
- Squad: Old Tales
- Weapon Name: Writer’s Eraser
Normal Attack Information
If Grave were an attacker character, her Normal Attack modifiers might be slightly above the standard average. However, as a supporter, she has a base Attack that’s relatively lower. This adjustment would result in her Attack percentage values being approximately 14.91%, which aligns with Brid’s typical attack damage (Average).
Supporters have 0.83x of Attackers ATK.
Skill 1:
Triggers once Prediction Mode concludes; impacts the user directly.
The skill may appear complex at first glance, but it’s actually quite straightforward to grasp. The Active Heat Emission is only triggered when Grave is reloading. Due to her rapid-fire burst, Grave is compelled to reload after each complete burst. Under no circumstances can the Heat Emission buff and her burst buff coexist. The Heat Emission buff will have limited duration because players will be rapidly cycling through full burst rotations.
It appears that there’s an issue with the compatibility of this skill when used alongside rapid-fire weapons. The skill significantly boosts the rate of Machine Gun (MG) firing and, to some degree, double Submachine Gun (SMG) burst generation beyond a 40% increase. Here’s a video demonstration for reference: [Video Link]
Skill 1 + MG burst Gen
AR vs MG
this skill works as intended for AR’s and slower-firing weapons.
Burst Gen Benefits
With well-coordinated full burst rotations, teams that have lower natural burst generation can still excel, even without a dedicated burst generator like Nikke (Snipers or Rocket Launchers). If a player consistently takes advantage of the burst generation mechanic by optimizing Liter/Volume, they might gain an additional full burst during boss fights, compared to their usual performance.
Skill 2:
After performing 15 regular attacks, this ability triggers and affects the user itself.
This skill demonstrates minimal impact, offering little enhancement to her personal damage and infrequent activation of its more potent buffs. An ideal sequence for these buffs could be:
Overheat (15 Hits) is activated 1.25 seconds following the burst.
It’s evident that Overheat III operates for just 12.25% of the time. Shortening its operation by 1.25 seconds may be possible, but it usually isn’t beneficial. Instead, the player should switch to Grave and keep firing before activating the burst to maintain the Overheat I proc, saving approximately 1.25 seconds per stage. However, neglecting to reload with Grave will cause the loss of Heat Emission buffs. Unless you can precisely coordinate the firing and burst within a few frames consistently, it’s not advisable to attempt this technicality.
Burst: Plot Spoiler
The ability impacts both the user and their allies. For the next ten seconds, the user’s health point decrease rate increases to 1% per second for a total of ten seconds. Simultaneously, the user is granted unlimited ammunition for the same duration. Additionally, for the next ten seconds, the user’s piercing damage increases by 52.8%, and their critical rate rises by 85.19%. For allies, the attack damage increases by 48.2% for ten seconds, and their piercing damage increases by 39.98% for the same duration. Furthermore, the maximum ammunition capacity of each ally is temporarily increased to three rounds for a duration of ten seconds.
Grave’s kit, particularly her burst ability, provides substantial team bonuses and moderate self-damage enhancements. What makes her burst incredibly effective against Pierce Nikkes is that her Attack damage and Pierce Damage are multiplied by any ATK boosts she receives (such as from Liter and DPS self buffs).
Vs Crown Teams
In Pierce teams, Grave performs comparably to Crown, provided there’s no need for reloading. However, in cases where reloading is necessary, Crown remains the superior choice. This particularly applies to Alice, who frequently needs to reload. Other pierce-equipped Nikes like Red Hood, Snow White (Liter Burst I), and Maxwell may work equally or slightly better with Grave if durability isn’t a concern.
Graves 100% crit rate buff is decent but isn’t as strong as it sounds. the damage gained from crits are diluted by other multipliers (Full burst, Core damage, Range bonus, Crit damage)
If all these prerequisites are met, the base Critical damage will contribute to approximately a 19% boost in Damage Per Second (DPS). When neither a core nor range bonus is present, the DPS increase during a full burst would be roughly 33%.
Grave’s ability to self-drain isn’t a concern since she has a bit of health regeneration through her skill 1.
Grave is a strong Campaign Nikke just because of the buff values her burst gives. Even outside of Pierce teams, she’s usable and should still beat our current top 4 burst II pick in Campaign (Blanc/Noir/Rouge duo), ATK damage ▲ is simply that powerful. in Pierce teams, Grave should be interchangeable/slightly better than Mari (Collab Unit, top 3 burst II), who’s also very strong in Campaign.
In a direct comparison, the power of Crown/Naga and Tia/Naga combos outweighs that of Grave, due to the exceptionally strong core damage buffs associated with specific Damage Per Second (DPS) characters. Interestingly, many high-tier DPS units complement Naga particularly well. However, it’s important to note that Grave performs better in piercing teams, especially when Asuka is present. If Asuka can boost the performance of other Nikkes within the team (like in Alice+ Modernia combos), then Grave takes the lead.
Why ATK damage ▲ is strong in Campaign, vs Damage taken Debuff
ATK damage ▲ is strong in Campaign because it multiplies ATK ▲ buffs and it persists through multiple waves as it is a buff applied towards the Nikkes, and not on the Raptures. Most meta DPS’s have a form of a very high ATK buff during bursts or in their kits.
This buff is similar to damage-taken debuffs, but the big difference is that damage-taken debuffs only last for 1 Rapture wave (Whatever Raptures are on screen). Most Meta DPS’s can wipe out multiple rapture waves with one burst (Red Hood, Alice, Modernia, Emilia, A2, etc etc).
Mono-Fire team (Very Strong Against Fire Weak Content)
In case there’s no cool-down constraint during the game phase, Liter (another character) could take the place of “D:killer wife.” This is because D:killer wife is listed first due to Grave and Modernia being able to produce a rapid burst, even without Alice’s assistance.
Summary, 7.5/10 Campaign Clearing
In this setup, Asuka and Alice excel as primary damage dealers and boss slayers, while they also contribute to energy buildup. Modernia functions as a secondary DPS and energy booster, leveraging Grave’s Skill 1 for added effectiveness.
Asuka and Alice’s bursts should be enough to clear waves with their own bursts.
Roles And Replacements
Main Nikke
Cool Down Reduction
- D: Killer wife – Offensive and defensive buffs, CDR
DPS’s (B3’s)
- Alice – Boss killer, wave clearer, burst generator
- Asuka – Boss killer, buffer
- Modernia – Sub-DPS
Offensive Supports (B2’s)
- Grave – Offensive buffs, burst generator
Cool Down Reduction
- Liter, Rogue, Volume, Dorothy
DPS’s (B3’s)
- Red hood – Burst generator, wave clear
- Emilia – Burst Generator, Wave clear
- A2 – Burst Generator, Wave Clear
- Rei Ayanami – Screen clear, buffer
- Any Raised High tier DPS/Preferred DPS – Ex: Scarlet Black Shadow, Scarlet, Ein, Quency: Escape Queen, Etc
Offensive Supports (B2)
- None
Skill Investments / Heavy Investment / Doll Priority
Assume All skills of team members are at least 5/5/5.
- Mid Game: Alice 7/5/7 -> Asuka 7/7/7-> Moderenia 7/5/5 -> Grave -> 5/5/7 -> D:killer Wife 5/7/5
- Mid Game: Alice 10/5/10 -> Asuka 10/10/10-> Moderenia 10/7/7 -> Grave -> 5/5/10 -> D:killer Wife 7/10/7
Doll Priority
Alice -> Asuka -> Modernia -> Grave (Not Recommended) -> D:killer Wife (Not Recommended)
Grave is a simply B2 support who can act as a buffer to B3 nukers, very similar to how Poli, Crown, Mari or S.Rosanna are used. While her Pierce Damage buff will probably not come into play in this game mode, her Attack Damage buff on burst will definitely help, the value of which is greater than Mari’s or Blanc’s buffs. Grave also has decent burst generation, equal to Scarlet’s base Burst Gen, which can alleviate some pressure of using low burst gen B3 units since she can fill the role of decent burst generation + damage buffer.
Grave isn’t typically a go-to unit in Player vs Player (PvP) battles because she falls short of being considered Meta. Instead, she is simply an average character that can be used effectively. For more insights on her PvP performance, you may want to read this comprehensive review:
Special Interception | Union Raid | Solo Raid
Grave is an ardent and formidable supporter of Burst II Nikke, yet she exhibits a striking vulnerability during boss fights. Notably, she lacks any form of team sustenance whatsoever. In most battles against bosses, it’s crucial for Grave to be teamed up with a healer or someone who can provide cover repair (if that suffices).
Grave BiS Team (Anomaly Indivilia)
In this setup, Indivilia’s team excels because Indivilia has the highest attack targeting ability. Since Asuka possesses life-steal on burst, her sustain isn’t crucial as she usually maintains the highest attack, given equal investment and number of copies for all characters. However, if Asuka is absent from the team, the team structure becomes vulnerable. If Asuka doesn’t have enough power level, she might struggle to withstand Indivilia’s attacks throughout the battle.
Grave Collab Team (Anomaly)
Typically, the challenge lies in managing burst generation within this team. However, since Grave’s skill 1 significantly benefits MG’s, we don’t encounter that problem. This setup is ideal when Alice isn’t heavily boosted or if Modernia is more elevated than Alice. Additionally, the Rei-led team has a bit more durability compared to an all-Alice team due to Rei’s shields.
Healing Options/Taunt Options
These options are used if the player has no Asuka and needs viable sustain options.
- Naga Good off-burst healer with some core damage buffs
- Best sustain/healing out of the bunch, however barely has any offensive utilities
- Noise needs manual expression, technically she’s the tankiest Nikke in-game but the player needs to abuse her skill 2
Alice/SBS team (Crownless)
Crown is being employed by another squad (Typically for electric-weak raids, often claimed by Cinderella), or it’s currently absent.
Flex slot can be:
- Healer/Taunter if needed
- Sub-DPS (Moderenia, Phantom, Scarlet) if healing isn’t needed
- Second strongest Solo Burst II buffer
- Strong Campaign Nikke, Even stronger when placed in pure pierce teams
- Cheap to build, just focus on her burst
- Makes a lot of low-burst gen teams viable via much smoother full burst rotations without the need of a burst generator, more notably with MG’s and dual SMG’s. This applies for both Campaign and Boss fights.
- Decent DPS for a Supporter
- Will help you finish your story
- No team sustain, more often than not a healer will need to be paired with Grave, reducing overall team DPS.
- Half of her burst buff values are limited to pierce Nikkes.
- Slightly outshadowed by Crown in some Pierce teams even if Grave specializes in them, making her pretty much just a solo raid unit in most cases or simply a substitute for Crown
- Starstruck by Cinderella so much, Grave needed to step down a tier from her.
Category | Rating |
Overall | 9.4 (SS) |
Story | 9.4 (SS) |
Bosses | 9.4 (SS) |
Arena | 8.1 (A) |
Recommended Cubes
In boss fights, you should never have to wait for a reload before unleashing your maximum firepower. Always use your most powerful cube first.
However in campaign, use bastion as burst generation is a bit harder to gain there.
Doll Priority
Grave isn’t a target priority for dolls.
Expected Skill Priority
Nikke | Budget Skill Investments | Recommended Skill Investments | Skill Priority | Notes | Investment Priority |
Grave | Skill 1: 4 Skill 2 : 4 Burst : 7 | Skill 1: 4+ Skill 2 : 4+ Burst : 10 | S1 > S2 | Skill one simply improves team burst gen. too little time is spent on (heat emission mode) for the buffs to matter. Grave’s skill 2 improves her personal DPS by a small amount. Not worth leveling as her personal DPS isn’t even impressive in the first place. The the only useful part of her kit outside of extra burst generation. Gives a lot of ATK damage buffs. | High |
Overload Gear Priority
Gear Priority = Head > Gloves > Chests > Boots
When aiming for accuracy, opt for quadruple attacks if possible, otherwise, avoid them entirely. They can deal more harm if the target’s vital area is near, but they might not work on certain bosses. Critical damage, however, offers a more reliable increase in damage output.
Attribute (Sub-Stat) | Priority | Recommended | Notes |
Increase Element Damage Dealt | ★★★★★ | 4x | wanted for Union raids and Solo raid content. |
Increase Hit Rate | ★★★★☆ | 4x (Optional) | Not many upgrade paths. 4x hit rate allows some core hit consistency against close range/mid range cores. |
Increase Max Ammunition Capacity | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 0x | Does not need max ammo, her burst gives her unlimited ammo. |
Increase ATK | ★★★★★ | 4x | Simply more damage. ATK is still better than Crit damage even if Grave has 100% crit rate. |
Increase Charge Damage | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 0x | — |
Increase Charge Speed | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 0x | — |
Increase Critical Rate | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 0x | Has 100% crit rate on burst |
Increase Critical Damage | ★★★★☆ | 4x | has 100% crit rate, crit damage is actually useful. |
Increase DEF | ☆☆☆☆☆ | 0x | — |
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