Evil star Michael Emerson teases what to expect from the final episodes

Evil star Michael Emerson teases what to expect from the final episodes

As a long-time fan of Evil, I must say that my excitement levels have reached a new high after this exclusive interview with Michael Emerson, the enigmatic Leland Townsend himself. The final four episodes promise to be a rollercoaster ride, with Leland’s character consistently managing to squirm out of tight spots, only to find himself in an even tighter one – a classic Leland move if you ask me!

We had a chat with the actor, focusing on what viewers might anticipate regarding Leland’s character, given that when we last saw him, Sheryl had arranged for his arrest before she passed away, and Timothy was taken from his custody and given to Kristen. He also shared his thoughts on whether he believes the series ends in a satisfactory manner, along with additional insights!

1428 ELM: What can tease about Leland’s arc in the final four episodes?

As a devoted fan, I must say that Leland never fails to surprise me with his knack for extricating himself from tricky situations. He always seems on the verge of regaining his standing and influence, but then an unexpected event strikes, leaving him momentarily powerless to impact the circumstances around him. It’s a fascinating dance he performs between escaping trouble and finding himself ensnared once more.

1428 ELM: What did you think when you saw that scene with him and the manager in the script?

Michael Emerson mused, “Gosh, this was quite a surprise. But then I pondered, what options does he truly have? Given the nature of his role or objectives, he’s trapped. So there’s nothing left to do, and it takes courage to confront the manager like that. And though I don’t often see him as brave, his actions were daring indeed. He chose to stand up to the manager and push things to their conclusion. You can’t just wound or ridicule him, or try to undermine him. No, he must be eliminated. That’s the only way to keep the malevolent spirits at bay, as they feed on such violent acts. They find it just as exciting as Leland does. Violence is their language. He handled that language skillfully.”

Evil star Michael Emerson teases what to expect from the final episodes

1428 ELM: As a gamer immersed in this game, I find myself collaborating with the goat manager and various other demonic beings. As an actor stepping into this role, I’d say my experience is quite surreal, interacting with these monstrous characters and witnessing their effects up close feels like a blend of fantasy and reality.

Michael Emerson expressed that stepping onto the set for the first time was initially shocking. He was alongside a goat-headed psychiatrist who towered over eight feet tall in a confined space. But upon reflection, he found the best way to play the scene was by appearing unfazed. This was because these characters were like annoying colleagues, their antics becoming tiresome and their attempts at being intimidating just part of everyday office life. It’s amusing how one can remain calm as a cucumber amidst an imposing spectacle. In essence, it’s a reflection of our ability to grow accustomed to madness and monstrosity in real life, making the scene profound.

1428 ELM: I had a chat with Christine Lahti, who portrays Sheryl, regarding the evolving relationship between Leland and Sheryl, ultimately ending in Sheryl’s demise. Can you tell me about your first thoughts when you found out she would pass away? Was it unexpected or did it seem like a possible outcome?

Michael Emerson shared his feelings when Christine approached him one day saying, “I need to discuss something with you. I just read the next script and it seems they’re planning to write my character off the show.” This revelation left him stunned. After all, they had been each other’s primary scene partners for several seasons and shared a strong rapport. Their collaboration was enjoyable, and he cherished working with her. Upon hearing this news, he pondered, could it be that our time together is nearing its end? He felt a sense of acceptance about the possibility of his character’s demise. If a character perishes in a memorable way towards the end of a successful series, they become a topic of conversation, and as we witnessed in her portrayal of her final episodes, she truly shone. In particular, that confessional scene was particularly impactful.

1428 ELM: Yeah, I loved that scene, we chatted about that.

MICHAEL EMERSON: That was her moment, timeless and powerful. She handled everything flawlessly. She truly excelled in that scene. So, I pondered, perhaps, perhaps the most fitting wish is for a memorable TV demise. It carries a strong anticipation.

Evil star Michael Emerson teases what to expect from the final episodes

1428 ELM: In the climax, I found myself immersed in a unique experience, flashing back to a younger Leland. It was a blast to witness! The way Evil seamlessly blends humor and horror is simply brilliant, making me wonder what it must be like for the actors to bring those characters to life.

MICHAEL EMERSON: I enjoy portraying both the arrogant, boastful persona Leland presents to others and the timid, complaining character he becomes when things don’t go as planned, which happens quite often.

1428 ELM: I’ve learned that the series will conclude following the next four installments. Are you confident that the finale will be fulfilling for dedicated viewers of the show?

Michael Emerson expressed that die-hard fans of the show might feel disappointed as no new content is on the way. However, he suggested that there could be a sense of fulfillment or closure without being too rigid or permanent. It gives the impression that there’s still a possibility for this material to continue in some form somewhere down the line.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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2024-08-01 23:29

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