Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of ‘scary’ labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

As a compassionate observer, I am deeply moved by the resilience and strength of Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton, who have faced unimaginable heartaches but continue to hold onto hope with an ironclad grip. Their journey is a testament to the power of love, family, and perseverance.

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton announced the arrival of their second child, revealing the heartfelt significance of their son’s unique name.

Last year, the couple from My Kitchen Rules, who tragically lost their daughter Poppy Grace to leukemia, shared heartfelt updates about this painful experience on Instagram in a lengthy, heart-wrenching message for their followers.

In our shared account, I proudly posted pictures of our newborn son, whom we’ve named Sunny Lars. These images serve as a touching tribute to our beloved daughter, Poppy, who is deeply missed.

They detailed the significance behind the name Sunny, which symbolizes the time they spent at the beachside café Sunny Boy while Poppy was in the hospital, and Lars, which honors their daughter’s bone marrow transplant donor.

Overwhelmed with emotion, here I am, pouring my heart out. Just four hours after Sunny made his grand entrance into this world, a moment both beautiful and terrifying, he needed resuscitation due to some distress during labor. The separation from him during those initial hours was unbearable, yet it only deepened my love for him.

However, she eased her followers’ concerns by explaining that, following 23 hours in the newborn intensive care unit, their little boy is now on the mend. Overflowing with happiness, she shared how much delight he has already given them.

In response to his arrival, Carly wrote: “Sunny Lars Middleton, a beacon of sunlight, has graced us with his presence. It’s a pleasure to introduce you to our little sunshine.”

‘It was a scary start with some resuscitation distress, but our darling boy recovered quickly and only needed to be admitted to the special care nursery for 23 hours. 

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

During our initial four hours apart, there were certain health issues regarding my heart rate that needed attention. Meanwhile, Tresne remained by Sunny’s side, keeping in touch through video calls while Sunny stayed comfortable in the humid crib.

‘Sunny was 3.4kg (7.5 pounds) and 49cm long. He has brought us so much joy, love and awe.

We’ve shed countless seas of emotional tears, felt an overwhelming surge of gratitude, sorrow, and pain, multiplied many times over, leaving us with a profound sense of appreciation. Every ounce of Sunny’s presence leaves us utterly awestruck. His love transcends any measure.

Carly shared that they returned home from the hospital at 4:20 PM, the moment when their little girl Poppy passed away. She spoke about this hour feeling like a message from their deceased child.

She expressed that Poppy Grace played a crucial role in bringing her cherished brother to us, she said.

Numerous subtle indications have been noticeable throughout our journey. Each time we come across the number 420, which is the hour Poppy departed, we interpret it as a gentle greeting or sign from beyond.

‘Weirdly we got home from hospital at 4:20pm and it felt like we were all home together.’

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter
Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

I found myself inundated with heartfelt congratulations from my esteemed peers and adoring followers, all thrilled for the happiness of this remarkable duo.

In March, the pair announced they were having another child, posting a charming video where Carly displayed her growing belly.

In a caption, they detailed their difficult battle with grief over Poppy’s tragic death and their IVF journey before sharing their excitement over their baby news.

‘We have some exciting news! Poppy Grace is going to be a big sister!’ they shared. 

We’ve been carefully considering when to announce this, mindful of those dealing with cancer and fertility issues. However, the news has grown so significant that it can no longer be concealed!

Last year, I personally navigated through six rounds of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, an experience that was both challenging and transformative. Unfortunately, before we could celebrate the arrival of our little one, we encountered a heartbreaking miscarriage along the way. However, as fate would have it, our journey culminated in the birth of our precious baby boy.

As a person who has experienced the emotional rollercoaster of infertility and IVF treatments myself, I can empathize deeply with the journey that Tresne and her partner are embarking on. Knowing the anticipation, hope, and heartache that comes with waiting for a baby, I admire their resilience and strength. Their due date being just one day before the father’s birthday adds an extra layer of significance to this special moment in their lives. Despite the challenges they have faced together during the IVF process, their unwavering commitment to each other is truly inspiring, and I am excited for them as they prepare to welcome their baby boy into the world.

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

As an ardent admirer following Tresne’s journey closely, I can’t help but share the incredible steps she’s taken this past year and a half. She bravely endured six rounds of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatments, along with a groundbreaking platelet-rich plasma treatment right into her ovaries. To top it all off, just last month, she ventured to Mexico to explore a cutting-edge fertility treatment. Tresne’s egg collection adventure remains ongoing, and I stand in admiration of her unwavering determination.

Following the miscarriage back in June last year, we opted for another round of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Over the past six months, we’ve collectively faced as many as nine anesthesia procedures under general anesthesia.

As a devoted admirer, I can’t help but feel elated about this charming young lad who brings a ray of positivity into our lives. It’s our ardent wish to ensure he gets the finest opportunities life can offer, knowing that our beloved Poppy is gleaming with joy from above, her heart skipping beats with pure delight at our endeavors.

Last year, the couple endured a heart-wrenching loss when they experienced a tragic miscarriage, which followed closely on the heels of their precious one-year-old daughter, Poppy Grace, passing away in February.

The couple announced the heartbreaking news on their joint Instagram account at the time.

Tragically, it’s known that about one quarter of all pregnancies result in miscarriage. Needless to say, experiencing one doesn’t make the process any less challenging for those involved, as Tresne pointed out in her post.

In May 2023, following the healing process after the loss of their daughter Poppy, Carly initiated IVF treatment. On the day that would have marked Poppy’s second birthday, they discovered they were expecting a child.

“Tresne added, ‘Our recovery began, we underwent numerous health checks, we were in great shape and it seemed like Poppy was leading us to expand our family.'”

Carly Saunders and Tresne Middleton welcome a baby boy! My Kitchen Rules couple reveal details of 'scary' labour and share how his name is a poignant tribute to their late daughter

Observing the ultrasound device moving across Carly’s abdomen, searching anxiously for a heartbeat, was heart-wrenching.

In February 2023, it was confirmed that their daughter Poppy Grace, aged 20 months, lost her life following a tough fight against leukemia.

In a heartfelt message, they expressed that within just 20 months, she had imparted an immense amount of knowledge to them, and added that the love they felt for her was boundless and all-consuming.

The much-loved couple rose to fame on My Kitchen Rules back in 2014.

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2024-08-14 11:41

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