Big Brother’s Rosie Williams and boyfriend Nathan King share struggles with THOSE ‘showmance’ claims and her shock exit in their first joint interview – as they reveal plans to move in together and the truth about their secret fire alarm chat
As I delve into the intriguing lives of these Big Brother contestants, I can’t help but be captivated by the resilience and charm displayed by Nathan and Rosie. Their journey from the confines of the Big Brother house to the real world is a testament to their courage and the power of love.
Last month, residents Nathan King and Rosie Williams in the Big Brother house weren’t planning on discovering their ideal match.
However, taking everyone by surprise, these two characters ended up creating one of the unforeseen romantic stories in the show, starting as a clandestine conversation during an emergency evacuation drill and growing into a deep relationship that lasted until the series finale.
Currently, Nathan (age 24) and Rosie (age 29), who went by “Baked Potato” on the show, recently shared their experiences during a first joint interview with TopMob since the finale last month. They revealed the challenges they encountered when confronted with speculation that their relationship was merely for the sake of the show (i.e., a ‘showmance’).
They occasionally found themselves acting uneasily because they tried to conceal their relationship from the rest of the household, knowing full well that cameras were always observing them.
Nathan expressed: ‘It was quite absurd, and there were certainly a lot of unfavorable aspects, but I find it amusing. I hadn’t anticipated when we stepped out, and then they mentioned the showmance, I was genuinely taken aback because I simply couldn’t conceive that people would consider it in such a way.’
Rosie, often called ‘Baked Tattie’ by Nathan, remarked: “Since we’re both rather clumsy individuals, or at least I am, doesn’t it seem plausible that people might believe us? Why would someone go out of their way to deceive? If we were attempting something, wouldn’t we strive to do it more effectively?

Nathan added: “That seems to be our perspective, and since it’s truthful, let’s go ahead with that viewpoint!
In regular conversations, I find it challenging to express my emotions openly. However, when you’re on television, the realization of being on live broadcast suddenly hits me – “Wow, I’m on TV!” This makes discussing feelings even more difficult. Therefore, it’s crucial for people to understand and consider this aspect.
Rosie added: “Yes, I believe that, and if we had taken action, it likely would have increased the temperature!
Previously employed as a dental administrative assistant, she mentioned that the time immediately following her eviction was particularly challenging for her due to numerous doubts raised about the validity of her relationship with Nathan.
Additionally, Nathan expressed an equal amount of sadness regarding Rosie’s exit due to the contentious Vault twist. In a scene not shown on television, he was seen shedding tears in the Storage Room.
Rosie expressed: “I wasn’t great when I first came out. That week, I felt really terrible. I was taken aback that such a thing existed. I couldn’t fathom it. I assumed I would be told many other things. Frankly, I hadn’t anticipated that.
As a lifestyle expert, let me express it this way: “I unequivocally ruled out the notion that ‘Nathan was playing a game.’ Given my extended stay indoors, there wasn’t a single fiber in me that considered the possibility, ‘Perhaps he is playing a game, and maybe these folks are right.’ I am absolutely certain that such an assumption is misplaced.
Later on, Nathan mentioned that following my eviction, he had found him in the storage room while you were shedding tears.

Nathan added his thoughts: “They didn’t depict it on screen, but one of the production members called my mom that day to tell them I was having a tough time, not my usual self. They found me in the storage room upset, but now I’m cooking with Emma and am doing well again. This part of the story wasn’t shown.
However, when you tune into Late and Live, they seem to imply, “He doesn’t care. He’s moved on,” but it’s clear I experienced a brief period of sadness. If I had wallowed in my sorrow for an entire week, I would have certainly faced criticism because they would say, “Come on, pull yourself together! You’ll see her again soon.
Rosie went on to explain, “In the house, my main concern was seeking validation from my mom, wanting her to affirm, ‘what you’re doing is correct.’ When I left home, I yearned for similar confirmation from Nathan, who could brush off such concerns with a casual ‘just ignore it.’ It’s funny. But when he wasn’t around, I felt swamped by the overwhelming nature of things.
Rosie remarked on the fan reaction to her relationship: “They told me, ‘Stay away from it because you’ll only find negativity if you seek it out.’ I didn’t actively seek it; however, I just kept encountering negativity, and honestly, I wasn’t seeking any of it.
On certain occasions, I found myself so disconnected from my physical self that it felt as if I wasn’t a part of it anymore. It was as though I was questioning every decision I had made, doubting even the beauty surrounding me within the house, which I hadn’t fully appreciated yet.
I felt incredibly disappointed, as if my poor experience would be all I could share about it, but in reality, I had an outstanding time with an exceptional group of people who seemed genuinely kind-hearted to me.

‘And also, if you’re going to say something nasty, please stand by that.
Instead of abruptly switching your feelings… ‘I didn’t care for you… I was deeply in love with you.’ It’s important to stick to your initial sentiment, as consistency reflects authenticity. So, whatever you say, make sure you hold true to it.
Nathan remarked: “The unique aspect is that I can handle it. Essentially, I say, ‘bring it on’. Their opinions don’t faze me, as long as the comments are sharp-witted. My mom mentioned she watched Late and Live, and there was a specific episode she had to switch off because they were targeting me. It’s all part of the deal for me, and I can handle it. However, what bothers me most is when they’re ruthless behind your back but pleasant to your face.
Afterward, Rosie stated, “I won’t pretend that it doesn’t affect me. It certainly does, but I have the strength to endure it.
It can be challenging when all you hear are conflicting arguments without the chance to clarify or present your own perspective, as you don’t know exactly what information is being presented.
After fans criticized Rosie’s departure as being unfair, she disclosed that her father had been approached to record a message for her much sooner than the audience realized. This revelation led both Rosie and Nathan to speculate if the show’s Vault twist might have been brought in at the last minute.
She shared that the following transpired: “The next day, I found myself facing eviction. The next moment, they requested my father to record a message for them. However, he hesitated, stating, ‘I’d rather not if she’s going to be evicted soon, as it would seem like a waste of time.’
Then they commented, “Oh, no, since the upcoming contest is based on votes, it’s a matter of who gets the most votes, and she’s quite far from being at the bottom.
I, being a dedicated follower, questioned whether my superiors had altered the rules or expectations, after receiving an intriguing audio message from Hannah Haji’s friends about her relationship with Segun Shodipo. To minimize the risk of our eviction, we decided to shake things up and introduce luck into the equation, as it was unlikely that I would have chosen Rosie to join us in the Vault among other housemates.
At the live finale, Nathan and Rosie were reunited as Nathan placed fifth. However, even he was taken aback when questioned during his exit interview about whether their relationship was authentic.
He expressed: “Upon stepping out, I was filled with excitement, yelling, and enjoying every moment. I was brimming with adrenaline. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterward, I settled down and felt incredibly energized for the interview, but then it seemed like they delved a bit into my personal life, discussing showmances.
And I found myself feeling quite let down. Then I wondered, “What exactly was discussed?” It made me doubt everything, as if she might have said something like, “He’s not so great, it was all just a misunderstanding,” and I found myself questioning, “What on earth could they have talked about here?
Upon hearing the term ‘showmance’, they dismantled me immediately, leaving me utterly bewildered. I found myself at a loss, unsure where to direct my gaze. There, sitting visibly, was Rosie. Thoughts raced through my mind: “What have you been saying? What transpired? What rumors have been circulating, and why are they now targeting me?” This confusion undeniably affected my interview as well, as I was left feeling disoriented.
During his last week in the house without Rosie, Nathan expressed that Emma Morgan, who became a dear friend within the house, provided him with immense emotional support.
He added: ‘It was so weird because I spent so much time with Rosie and also Emma as well. So it was kind of the three of us were always together. And then when Rosie left, I did feel initially, quite lost, and obviously I was really upset that night.
Then, Emma seemed to rally strongly in support of me. She went the extra mile to check on my wellbeing and attempted to cheer me up because Emma always manages to make me chuckle, even just by being around her. She’s naturally humorous, simply put, she’s a riot!

Shortly following Rosie’s departure, Nathan found himself once more summoned to The Vault, where he learned that he might be evicted yet another time – a surprising turn of events.
Initially, I felt extremely upset on the first night. Naturally, I turned to red wine, as is my habit, only to be returned to the vault the next day. I was boiling with rage. I thought to myself, ‘If they’re bringing me back in here and I won’t be leaving, then they’re trying to mess with me.’ And guess what? They did exactly that, intentionally pushing my buttons.
However, we were informed that we were finalists, and I believe the only thing that gave me some comfort was still having Emma. If both of them had left, I wouldn’t know what I would have done; I might have had to cling to someone who may not have wanted to be clung to.
If Emma hadn’t been with me, the situation would have been far more challenging. However, her presence did provide significant assistance, although there were numerous instances throughout that week when I found myself wishing for Rosie’s company. It would have been truly delightful to compete side by side in the final together.
In addition to his strong relationship with Emma, viewers were given a peek into Nathan’s friendship with Ali Bromley during the final week as well.
Since the conclusion of the series, Nathan’s esteem for Ali has remained unchanged, but his perspectives on her have evolved.
Nathan shared that he formed a good bond with Ali during their time together in the house. They had many engaging conversations, and upon leaving, he heard whispers that Ali was discussing various housemates, except for him it seems! He assumes she didn’t share anything negative about him during her private talks in the Diary Room, which is nice to know.
Initially, she mentioned some intriguing points about Rosie which made me reconsider Ali a bit. That day at her house, I started doubting everything I thought I knew about Ali. It was around the second week, and I’m not sure if they showed it, but later on, I approached Ali and apologized for my previous comments in the diary room, as I no longer believe them to be true.
In a simpler and more natural way of expression,
On numerous occasions, I found myself thinking, “Let’s see if you’ll join us,” or something would occur, prompting me to move and sit next to her. However, she seemed intent on solitude, which struck me as odd. I’m not entirely sure what conclusions can be drawn from that situation.
Additionally, the duo shared their perspectives on housemate Lily Benson, who was often seen as controversial throughout the show. Both acknowledged that they generally appreciated her, and found her “messiness” and “rule-breaking” tolerable, yet felt that the viewers didn’t fully grasp how challenging it might be to cohabit with her due to her more demanding aspects.
Initially, during the initial seven days inside the Big Brother house, spectators saw few signs suggesting that Rosie and Nathan had developed feelings for each other. Interestingly, it wasn’t until the elimination of Ryan Bradshaw at the end of the first week that their relationship began to blossom.

As an utterly smitten admirer, let me share my journey – at first glance, I viewed Nathan as just another friend. However, the moment I witnessed him gracefully enduring the boos from the crowd during his initial live eviction, something shifted within me. My perception of him began to transform, and he started to captivate me in a way I hadn’t anticipated.
Nathan expressed: “She seemed both eccentric and lively. I felt you shared my humor too, which not many people do possess, making a positive mark for me. But it was around the first week, particularly during the initial eviction night, that we began to grow closer, and that’s when I thought, ‘Indeed, she fits perfectly in my social circle’.
Initially, Nathan hinted strongly that he desired a romantic connection with Rosie externally, but it wasn’t until the house was evacuated because of a fire alarm that they had an opportunity to openly talk about their emotions and feelings.
Meanwhile, unknown to them, their conversation continued to be recorded by their microphones, and subsequently, some of it was broadcast on Late and Live, becoming a sensational part of an explosive episode that exposed their secret relationship for the very first time.
Rosie mentioned that we weren’t at home when she learned that microphones wouldn’t capture sounds beyond a specific point. Given this information, she assumed our actions were deliberate, as we thought nothing could be recorded in that location,” (paraphrased sentence).
We weren’t within the vicinity of the house; instead, we were situated elsewhere, in distinct structures. At that moment, it struck me that there was no microphone around.
Nathan mentioned: “Before that discussion, we had planned to bring up the topic… From my perspective, if I had expressed it incorrectly, such as saying ‘I really like you, should we take things further?’ on camera in the house and then Rosie replied ‘no, definitely not, you’ve misunderstood!’ Then I would have exclaimed ‘oh, darn!’
Since we were outdoors and assumed there was no one around to listen, our thoughts might have been something like, “If we make a mistake, it doesn’t matter. Nobody will notice since it’s not visible.” However, it seems that your observation proves otherwise.
Rosie added: “Only a piece of our chat was recorded, not the whole thing. Given its distance, I believe the microphone didn’t catch the rest.
She eventually confessed that she and Nathan had tried to hide their relationship from everyone else in the house, but their secret was exposed when they exchanged a quick kiss on a night of heavy drinking, two days after the initial attempt.
Rosie shared that Nathan told her later on, when they were back from The Diary Room, that everyone else in the house had found out about their relationship. At first, they were both uncomfortable discussing it because they didn’t want to offend or disregard their fellow housemates.
Nathan expressed that he doesn’t dwell too much on things, suggesting that perhaps your concern was misplaced. It seemed to him that you were more worried about the housemates discovering the information rather than the general public, and he implied that they might not have cared as much as you anticipated.
As a lifestyle expert, if I were to encounter such a situation, I would express my sentiments as follows: “If I found myself in this scenario, I might say something along the lines of ‘I appreciate some privacy, but could you please find a more private setting?’ This way, I ensure that everyone is respecting each other’s personal space.
I wouldn’t appreciate it if people behaved disrespectfully towards our roommates, as I would find that behavior bothersome when I’m present.
Meanwhile, I was grappling with two thoughts simultaneously. One was a caution to stay alert and considerate towards others since they were present. The other thought was about my parents who might wonder, “What is she up to? This isn’t typical of her.” Hence, I found myself pondering this as well.
However, I found myself contemplating, “Ah, I genuinely appreciate him,” instead of dismissing the idea with “No, don’t do that.” It’s all about striking a balance, and I can’t help but feel like I may have stumbled slightly in my approach.
As a diligent admirer, I regret to say that it appears to me the piece has been trimmed excessively, which is unfortunate. A significant amount of context seems to have been omitted as well, leaving it somewhat peculiar in appearance.
In simpler terms, both Rosie and Nathan observed that numerous discussions they had with other roommates didn’t end up in the main broadcast, instead, their more intimate moments turned out to be a significant aspect of the series as a whole.
Viewers got a peek at the amusing tricks they pulled on one another, as it turned out that Rosie was confessing these antics were a means to distract themselves during the long periods of leisure time they had while residing in the house.
Following their mutual agreement to formalize their relationship, Nathan expressed his love for Rosie on the very day preceding her impending eviction. This sudden confession left Rosie momentarily bewildered, as she was met with jeers from the audience during the live broadcast.
Despite making it through the elimination round alongside Lily and Khaled Khaled, she expressed her disappointment over the negative response, as Nathan discovered afterwards that the audience had actually been booing in support of him.
Rosie shared that she experienced a profound sense of self-questioning or identity crisis, as she was uncertain about many things, although this aspect wasn’t emphasized too heavily in her narrative.
It seems like most of our conversation didn’t get broadcasted. That makes me wonder if the topics I was discussing were considered unusual or unconventional, perhaps even peculiar or quirky.
However, that was my line of thought: “I found myself musing, ‘Ah, it seems you’re peculiar. It’s not well-received when one is eccentric.’ Yet, I ponder why I’ve been the one to witness Khaled and Lily, who are adored and applauded, depart, while I remain to face jeers.
I suddenly realized, ‘Perhaps I’m staying for the incorrect motivations. It seems people desire my presence for the incorrect reasons.’ Then I pondered, could it be that I’m unwittingly fulfilling a role that’s keeping me here, as it’s not due to their affection for me?
Nathan commented: “Had I been jeered in that assembly, my reasoning would have been quite evident. There were numerous indicators, be it due to Nigel Farage, or simply because I speak frankly, and I would have received criticism accordingly.

From Rose’s perspective, it seemed unclear why you were met with boos. This is where the misunderstanding arose. If I had been booed, my reaction would have been ‘I couldn’t care less if you don’t like me. You’re free to feel however you wish about me; just continue as you will.’
It struck me that she’s so kind-hearted, I didn’t understand why they were booing her at home. Now it seems clear to me that it was due to my presence, which is quite a revelation. Essentially, don’t take your displeasure out on Rosie!
However, following their departure from the house, it has become clear that the skeptics were mistaken about Nathan and Rosie. In a short time, they have managed to visit their respective family homes to introduce each other.
Regardless of their opposing political views, with Nathan being on the right and Rosie’s mom identifying as a left-wing socialist, Nathan claims he has successfully bridged the gap within Rosie’s family, albeit keeping political discussions to a bare minimum.
Talking about their post-show relationship, Rosie commended Nathan for his role in handling the media frenzy surrounding them amicably and humorously.
Rosie expressed: “Truthfully, it’s fantastic because there’s a sense of freedom, not having to worry about being constantly observed. Moreover, I must admit, I’ve been genuinely grateful for Nathan.
I’ve often found difficulty with similar issues, but having someone who can see the humor in such situations has been incredibly beneficial for me. I’m deeply grateful for this, as it’s comforting to know they’ve gone through a similar experience. It’s tough to describe these feelings to those who haven’t been there, and their portrayal of it was unexpectedly insightful.
In my opinion, the initial seven days were undeniably challenging for me. The reason being, I was still acclimatizing to the situation, lacking a familiar companion – something that might seem surprising or unbelievable given the circumstances observed by others.
When Nathan emerged, I advised him not to glance, as it wouldn’t be worth it. Yet, he persisted in examining the items, and a comment that read “Nathan should have his feet amputated” was visible. This made Nathan burst into laughter!
It upsets me more when you make critical remarks about him, as I know your true character is far from those remarks. Consequently, I become more troubled, while he seems to find it amusing.

‘I feel like he’s been really helpful to me, but also, it’s not hard, but you feel like you constantly have to explain yourself? Even though I like to explain myself, I love to get my point across, it’s like ”why should we?” We know we’re good. So why do we have to?’
Nathan remarked: “I find it amusing when people criticize me. Frankly, it was odd at first coming out, but having Rosie has been wonderful. I’m overjoyed that I joined Big Brother; I’ve said it countless times, but I never expected to like anyone there, let alone to leave with someone I love dearly in Rosie and a cherished friend in Emma.
There are many exciting things ahead. Instead of ending on the Friday we left, it feels like everything just began, and that makes it even more wonderful!
Additionally, they mentioned that due to the great distance separating their homes, they intend to live together in the future.
Nathan hinted, “It seems like we’re planning to live together, doesn’t it? I believe that’s quite clear. It appears that’s the direction we’re heading, considering the circumstances, and we both desire to spend more time together.
“Emma has invited us to go to Manchester, but we’re unsure of the exact location.
Rosie mentioned: “I’ve been anxious since I have a pet dog, you know, and I’ve been trying to figure out the practicalities. It sounds great when people say ‘cool,’ but we really will, without a doubt!
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2024-12-01 18:17