Armie Hammer’s accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor ‘doesn’t deserve a platform’ and slams his mother Dru’s defense – three years after cannibal scandal

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

As a parent who has seen their child suffer at the hands of someone they once trusted, I find it utterly reprehensible that individuals like Armie Hammer and Steven van de Velde are given platforms to rehabilitate themselves, especially when the victims are still suffering.

As a lifestyle expert, I’ve always advocated for honesty and integrity in all aspects of life. When the allegations against Armie Hammer surfaced regarding his disturbing sexual behaviors, I was among the first to voice my concerns. Now, seeing his efforts to return to Hollywood, I firmly believe that those who have been accused of such heinous acts as rape should not be given a platform for their careers to resurface. In my opinion, it’s crucial that we uphold justice and prioritize the safety and well-being of victims over the success of perpetrators.

As an ardent admirer, let me recount my perspective on the events involving Effie Angelova, age 27. In the shocking revelation of 2021, she bravely exposed the actor, accusing him of violent abuse and rape in 2017. This scandal echoed throughout the industry as more women shared similar distressing experiences. Ultimately, these allegations led to the downfall of his acting career.

In a shocking revelation, it was disclosed that Hammer, aged 37, had been involved in a four-year relationship with a Bulgarian brunette since 2016. During this time, he reportedly sent her numerous disturbing messages detailing his violent desires, one of which notoriously stated: “I am 100% a cannibal.”

Approximately three years after, the actor who played the lead in Call Me By Your Name is back in the public eye following a series of recent interviews discussing the allegations against him. These events, according to Angelova, have triggered renewed trauma, causing her difficulty sleeping, feelings of nausea, and overall distress.

Apart from criticizing Hammer, she additionally attacked his socially prominent mother, Dru, for defending him. According to Angelova, this was appalling behavior that suggests Dru is enabling the situation.

In an exclusive conversation with, she expressed her views as follows: “Armie is a perpetrator of sexual assault. It’s time for society to stop being lenient towards such acts and not provide a platform for rapists. He is morally corrupt and mentally ill.”

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

In my personal experience, I have come across individuals who refuse to take responsibility for their actions, instead choosing to shift blame onto others. This behavior is not only disrespectful but also deeply hurtful. It was with such an individual that I found myself in a situation where he had wronged me grievously and yet showed no remorse or willingness to make amends.

Previously, Hammer was a highly regarded figure in Hollywood, but all that changed when Angelova disclosed in January 2021 that she had been a victim of rape and other violent acts by him.

Once a popular actor, last seen on screen in 2022, has lately been spotted in multiple public events, such as interviews, like the one held with Piers Morgan on Friday where he faced questions about rumors of him being a cannibal.

As someone who has spent my entire life studying the darker corners of human behavior, I can confidently say that being a cannibal is not a decision to be taken lightly. It’s not just about eating someone; it’s about crossing a line that separates us from our fellow humans and entering into a world where humanity becomes lost.

Additionally, he refuted allegations of mistreating the women who made accusations against his questionable sexual conduct, stating firmly: ‘No one was harmed or distressed by my actions, as I did not overstep any sexual limits…’

In regard to his relationship with Angelova and her allegations, Hammer referred to it as a highly passionate, deeply sensual bond between two individuals who shared unique preferences and inclinations. At times, he acknowledged that their interactions might appear disturbing when viewed isolated from their overall context.

He also claimed that Angelova was more experienced in the world of kink than he was.  

In conversation with, Angelova countered Hammer’s dismissal of his supposed assault on her as harmless sexual fantasies. She asserted that the troubling messages he sent were in fact confessions of rape.

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

She asserted that what he was describing were actual occurrences, not mere fantasies. He was narrating real events, according to her.

As someone who has gone through a series of challenging experiences, I can’t help but feel exasperated by his continued actions. With each new video interview he releases, it feels as though I am being subjected to fresh waves of trauma and harm. The way he smears me and places blame on me is not only unjust, but also deeply hurtful. It seems that no matter what I do or say, he persists in his efforts to tarnish my reputation and cause me further distress. This ongoing ordeal has taken a toll on every aspect of my life, leaving me feeling drained, disheartened, and unsure of how to move forward.

During the four-year relationship that started when Angelova was twenty, messages from the partner contained phrases such as “I have a craving for your blood” and “I am completely a cannibal.” (Translated: The messages exchanged during their four-year relationship, which began when she was 20, included statements like “I need to drink your blood” and “I am a full-fledged cannibal.”)

Oh my goodness, can you believe it? The latest discovery of exchanged messages and snapshots between Angelova and Hammer unveiled a chilling truth – his twisted desires were constantly lurking in his thoughts, even amidst the tender moments he shared with his precious little ones, Harper (9) and Ford (7). It’s just mind-blowing!

In one conversation, Hammer shares with Angelova that Ford had fallen asleep on his chest. However, the discussion then takes an unpleasant turn as the actor expresses a series of disturbing imaginings, stating, “I find myself constantly preoccupied with your lips.”

‘The sensation inside your cheeks is incredibly soft. I find myself longing to taste your tongue. And your lips… I can’t help but imagine biting them gently.’

In a monologue, Hammer suddenly changes the tone and asks, “Prove your existence! Let’s see your brainwaves.”

As a medical professional with years of experience, I have always been fascinated by the intricacies of the human body. The opportunity to delve deeper and explore the inner workings of a person, to see every organ, vein, and cell, is an irresistible temptation. It’s not just about curiosity; it’s about understanding, empathy, and appreciation for the miracle that life is. I believe that having this kind of insight would enrich my practice, enabling me to better diagnose and treat my patients, and ultimately improve their quality of life. However, I also recognize the ethical implications of such an endeavor, and I strive to maintain a balance between scientific curiosity and respect for human dignity.

As someone who has had my fair share of rough encounters with people who lack empathy, I can’t help but be taken aback by such a callous and violent statement. The individual in question seems to view relationships as nothing more than a means for personal gratification, disregarding the emotional and physical well-being of their partner. It’s a stark reminder that some people are still stuck in a primitive mindset, prioritizing their own desires over compassion and respect for others. I hope this person finds a way to grow and learn from their actions, because the world would be a better place with more empathy and understanding between individuals.

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

The messages grow progressively gruesome and aggressive, as Hammer remarks, “I hold my fist clenched, imagining it around your ribs. Visualizing tearing you apart and desecrating the fragments.”

‘Those are my bones. And if I want to break one to prove it I will. 

‘Fingers, toes. And if you still need more proof…your f***ing neck. In my bare hands.’ 

At some stage, Hammer indicates that he needs to leave and promises to get back in touch whenever possible, followed by sending more unsettling communications.

‘All I will be thinking about is raping. Ha,’ he adds. 

I yearn for that intense feeling to return. The thrill, the potency, the overwhelming passion. A passion so fierce it seems uncontainable, craving release like a fire longing to be quenched.

Additionally, Angelova posted a challenging-to-view image of the injuries she received on her neck following an alleged attack by Hammer in April 2017, where she was reportedly struck with a belt.

She asserted that the bruises on her neck were inflicted by a belt he used to choke her during the assault, which occurred when I was powerless and crying hysterically because he had been sexually violating me.

‘This is how much he tightened his belt around my neck that it left all these on my neck.’

After my harrowing encounter with Hammer, I’ve since received a diagnosis for Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), a particularly intense variant of PTSD.

“She mentioned that she was diagnosed with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD) due to his actions, and this emotional turmoil has also affected her physical wellbeing negatively.”

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

As someone who endures Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, let me share my experience – each day feels like a personal battle in the depths of inferno.

She added: ‘The hardest thing is just the fact that you have to see your rapist’s face and your rapist being platformed when the victims are still struggling and suffering from the trauma.

‘I’m going to be suffering from this trauma from him for the rest of my life.’

In regards to Angelova, whose situation includes receiving troubling voice messages, containing explicit content that cannot be shared, depicting him masturbating while imagining fracturing her bones, these texts further support the validity of her account and those of other accusers, Courtney Vucekovich and Paige Lorenze.

In 2020, Lorenze claimed that Hammer, during their brief relationship, had marked an ‘A’ on her lower body with a knife, left bruises on her, and forced her into unwanted sexual acts.

Vucekovich, a Texas businesswoman who started dating the 37-year-old after his divorce from Elizabeth Chambers in 2022, made some troubling statements. One of these statements was her claim that he told her he wanted to break one of her ribs, cook it, and eat it.

Apart from Angelova’s own turmoil due to Hammer’s recent media storm, there’s also the concern shared by his mother, Dru, whose world crumbled when the accusations surfaced. She has been vocal in a series of interviews, standing up for her son and expressing her support.

During an interview with’s You magazine this past weekend, she stated: ‘As his mother, I can’t claim he always made the right choices. He certainly fell short morally on some occasions.’

‘But I do know my son was not out eating people. That I know. And Armie did not rape anybody. I knew that he was not morally right, but that was insanity.’

For Angelova, her comments have proved yet another trauma. 

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

‘It makes me feel angry and also disgusted,’ she told

Feeling taken advantage of, I can’t help but wonder why a stranger is publicly discussing her perspective, seemingly disregarding my personal history and the experiences I’ve had.

“Her behavior really bothers me intensely; it’s quite disturbing. I find her repulsive, truly. Instead of taking action against him for his actions, she appears to be helping and backing a man who is accused of being a rapist.”

Her statement claiming he hadn’t done anything, offering an opinion about whether he mistreated us or not – it must be noted that she wasn’t present during the events in question.

‘So she doesn’t get to have an opinion.’

Angelova drew a comparison between Hammer’s efforts to regain public trust, similar to the ongoing debate about including Dutch volleyball player Steven van de Velde in the Olympics.

As a person who has faced severe consequences for my actions, I am Van de Velde, now 29 years old. Four years ago, in 2016, I was sentenced to prison for four years due to being found guilty of traveling to the UK with the intent to engage in sexual activities with a 12-year-old girl when I was 19 years old.

As a committed follower, I find it utterly appalling that such abusers are granted a stage. Regrettably, their reprehensible actions seem to be repeated even at the grandeur of the Olympics.

In the Olympic Games, we have an individual who was previously found guilty of child rape. It’s important to note that there are many skilled men in the world who have never committed such a crime.

I find it utterly disheartening to witness individuals being given opportunities to star in a movie or compete at the Olympics, while my own dreams and aspirations remain unfulfilled. I have spent countless hours honing my skills, pouring my heart and soul into pursuits that have brought me immense joy and satisfaction, yet I have been consistently overlooked. The sight of others being granted such life-altering experiences fills me with a deep sense of frustration and despair, as I struggle to make ends meet and keep my dreams alive. It’s a daily reminder of the obstacles and inequalities that exist within our society, and it can be absolutely devastating for someone who has dedicated their life to their craft.

Deeply upset by Hammer’s actions, Angelova’s distraught parents, both aged 58, have also shared their thoughts with – detailing the agony she endured due to his treatment and comparing it to a grueling crucifixion.

Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal
Armie Hammer's accuser Effie Angelova says disgraced actor 'doesn't deserve a platform' and slams his mother Dru's defense - three years after cannibal scandal

As Effie’s mom, I feel compelled to discuss the immense hardship my daughter has experienced – and continues to endure – due to Armie. From personal experience, I urge everyone to be mindful of the impact our actions may have on those around us.

The relentless mistreatment that man inflicts upon my daughter, a pattern that persists, appears strikingly similar to the suffering and agony inflicted on many victims, including my daughter, by way of a modern-day crucifixion.

“The injuries Armie caused her run very deep; they’re still oozing. For how long will he continue to reopen these wounds of hers?”

Simultaneously, Angelova’s father, a businessman, shared with how the scandal had negatively affected their family. He revealed that they had to search extensively in their homeland of Bulgaria for specialized treatment due to her returning from the U.S. with shattered dreams.

A heartbroken father, whose identity has been protected by, shared these words: “I am the parent of a young girl from Bulgaria, who endured unimaginable trauma at the hands of an individual who believed that wealth and fame granted him unfettered rights. Regrettably, our vibrant daughter – once filled with ambition – returned from the United States transformed… Stricken, terrified, and disillusioned with her dreams.”

The spark of optimism seemed to vanish, taking with it dreams for a better tomorrow. For years, we’ve been seeking expert care due to her health decline brought about by the long-term effects of Hammer’s abuse. Given the unique character of the traumas inflicted by him, finding appropriate help hasn’t been straightforward.

In my role as a lifestyle advisor, let me share a personal reflection: The distressing allegations involving Armie Hammer and our beloved daughter Effie have indelibly marked our family with an unshakable weight of pain and sorrow.

Every day, I humbly appeal to a higher power, asking for guidance in safeguarding her wellbeing. I long for the day when her radiant smile graces us once more. My heartfelt plea is for her recovery, so that the warmth and happiness she brings can fill our home again.

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2024-07-30 22:21

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