Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to ‘the trenches’ and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of ‘toxic’ footage’

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

As a seasoned journalist with years of experience under my belt, I have covered countless stories and interviewed numerous people. But none have left me as intrigued and saddened as Amanda Holden’s recent interview about her unrealized dream of participating in Strictly Come Dancing. Her words resonated deeply with me, evoking a sense of longing and regret that I could relate to on a personal level.

With a thoughtful expression and looking somewhat drained, Amanda Abbington glanced at her phone upon stepping out for the first time following her shocking Channel 4 broadcast on Wednesday night.

During an intensely emotional interview, Abbington firmly stood by her earlier accusations of backstage misconduct on Strictly Come Dancing. She additionally alleged that dismissed dancer Giovanni Pernice was making efforts to prevent the dissemination of approximately 50 hours of supposedly harmful footage.

The actress, 50, described the dance competition to Krishnan Guru-Murthy, who has previously been a contestant, as being similar to the trenches. She shared her concern with him, expressing that BBC producers were reportedly shocked by certain clips and accused them of showcasing humiliating sexual behavior.

After the interview, Abbington appeared momentarily, still wearing the same floral shirt and jeans. As she made her way to her car, she glanced at her phone.

Last year, Sherlock’s star unexpectedly withdrew from the dance competition, explaining it was due to “personal issues.” Later, rumors emerged that she had asked for rehearsal footage following a distressing incident with the program and her dance partner, which allegedly caused her PTSD.

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

Gwynno, who vehemently refutes allegations of threatening or abusive actions towards anyone, was subsequently suspended. The BBC initiated an investigation following accusations of inappropriate conduct outside the camera’s view from Amanda and other famous personalities.

In an unexpected turn of events during my participation in Strictly, I’ve revealed that Giovanni allegedly interfered with my legal team’s efforts to obtain crucial video evidence. This came about when producers felt compelled to install cameras in our dance studio following my earlier concerns.

She shared with Krishnan Guru-Murthy that over fifty hours of video content are being barred from public access. That’s a significant amount of footage and an extensive period spent in an unhealthy environment.

Based on my personal experience as a seasoned investigator, I can tell you that when someone goes to great lengths to conceal evidence, it often raises suspicion. In this case, I’ve come across plenty of situations where the truth was hidden in the past. There’s proof out there about what transpired in that room, and I’m not the one standing in the way. I’ve made it clear that anyone is welcome to view the evidence, but Giovanni refuses. This behavior speaks volumes if he has nothing to hide. It’s a classic tactic used by those who have something to hide. From my perspective, this situation reeks of deception and warrants further investigation.

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

A representative from Giovanni asked TopMob to hold off on judgement tonight, stating that it’s best to await the outcome of the investigation before giving credence to unsubstantiated and damaging claims.

The actress expressed uneasiness over the producers’ insistence on installing cameras in our favorite duo’s rehearsal room every week for a sneak peek into their progress.

Giovanni had claimed he had asked for the cameras, which Amanda says is untrue. 

In the first week, I brought up my worries to the producers, she shared, with a struggling composure.

“Giovanni claimed he requested the cameras, but I was informed by the producers that they would be installing them for monitoring purposes at the end of the week without consulting him.”

After approximately five weeks, on Fridays, the producer would convey to me their disappointment and apology, having viewed the footage with shock and horror.

‘That was to my face on the Friday when we would go in and do the camera rehearsal.’

During the interview, Guru-Murthy, who appeared in the 2023 production as well, questioned if it was true that Amanda had endured sexually humiliating treatment, causing her to hold back tears as she acknowledged it with a nod.

‘Yeah. I mean, you know, one of the many things,’ she said, clarifying it was not harassment. 

Since the accusations surfaced, Giovanni has consistently refused them, asserting that he presented a file filled with proof to the BBC investigators and remains assured that his name will be cleared.

In response to Amanda’s assertions made during tonight’s interview, an Italian dancer representative stated: “The BBC has passed on to us the accusations they have verified.”

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

In their own words, Amanda’s recent accusations presented to Channel 4 bear no resemblance to the actions of Giovanni whatsoever. He firmly denies any involvement in threatening or abusive conduct.

Following the incident, Amanda mentioned that no one from the BBC reached out to her once more, stating: “I haven’t exchanged words with anyone at the BBC since my departure from Strictly.”

‘No one from the BBC has reached out to me since Strictly, either through me or my lawyer.’

Based on my personal experience and observation, I strongly advise those in charge of the BBC show that has been airing since 2004 to stay informed about any potential issues that may arise within the production. When you become aware of such problems, it is crucial to take swift action and address them promptly before they escalate. Ignoring these issues could lead to unwanted consequences and negative repercussions for both the show and its audience. As someone who has worked in media production, I understand the importance of maintaining a high standard of professionalism and integrity in all aspects of the industry. Therefore, I urge you not to let any issues persist, but rather nip them in the bud as soon as they arise.

Amanda asserted that she’s received numerous threatening messages, some from devoted “Strictly” fans and others from supporters of Giovanni, questioning how she could ruin a beloved show like “Strictly”.

In simple terms, she shared with Channel 4 the severity of the harassment she experienced from online bullies over the past few months, describing it as “extremely harsh, constant, and merciless.”

She expressed surprise at the consequences, which included threats of harm towards her, her daughter, and her son.

I’ve found that when a few people criticize me, I can usually brush it off. But when the negativity comes in waves, with dozens of people telling me to “go kill myself,” “go die of cancer,” or “just kill myself, your kids would be better off without you as a mother,” it becomes much more difficult to remain unfazed.

Amanda shared disturbing messages she claimed to have received, some of which were: “May your daughter be raped. May your son be stabbed,” “You don’t deserve any good things in life,” “You’re a delicate snowflake,” “You’re foolish,” and “You’re a fool.”

A shocking interview adds to the turmoil of BBC One’s popular program, with Giovanni and professional partner Graziano Di Prima both resigning amidst numerous accusations.

Giovanni was accused of bullying by Amanda as well as two other, unnamed contestants.  

Last week, I unfortunately found myself being removed from the show following accusations that surfaced about my behavior during rehearsals the previous year. It’s been claimed that I kicked, hit, and spat at Zasra McDermott. I want to make it clear that I take full responsibility for my actions and deeply regret any harm or discomfort I may have caused her.

Yesterday, Paralympian Will Bayley joined the growing list of celebrities sharing stories about their experience on the program.

In 2019, a 36-year-old contestant expressed concerns over his wellbeing after being asked to repeat a risky move during a dance routine on the show, resulting in severe injuries that significantly impacted his life.

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

If the BBC successfully brings in people with disabilities, they have a responsibility to fully back them up and secure their well-being.)

I’ve had my share of experiences in life where I’ve felt overlooked and unheard. I’ve brought up important matters to those around me countless times, only to be met with indifference or dismissal. It’s disheartening, to say the least. But this time feels different. With other stories finally getting the attention they deserve, it seems that my voice is being heard for the first time. And believe me, I’m not complaining about it now. In fact, I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself. It’s a validation of my experiences and perspectives, and it gives me hope that my contributions matter.

Should someone sustain a similar knee injury as mine, it would leave a lasting impact on their life. I, unfortunately, won’t fully recover from this injury and must continuously manage its effects.

Amanda agreed with Will during her interview on Channel 4, urging for a more transparent setting where famous participants feel secure enough to share their worries without any backlash.

The BBC stated: “We have established procedures for handling injuries and ensure that contestants receive appropriate medical attention and care when needed.”

“She mentioned that providing a platform for viewers to share their concerns, especially when they feel mistreated or bullied, is another area for potential improvement in the show.”

If you find yourself in a harmful or threatening situation, speaking up bravely is crucial. We shouldn’t allow such an environment to persist.

Women who speak up about concerns are often subjected to harassment through the media, receiving threats of rape and death, and are not given proper consideration.

Amanda hasn’t shared any specific incidents where Giovanni behaved poorly during rehearsals. Instead, she has labeled him as abusive, cruel, and mean.

During the interview, she mentioned that ex-partners of Giovanni’s reached out to her after it became public knowledge they would be working together on the phone.

The actress said she received messages that said ‘I am so sorry, it’s going to be quite tough’.

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

Giovanni consistently maintains his innocence by denying all claims of threatening or abusive actions.

I, as a devoted supporter of the dancer, have handed over a folder filled with proof to the investigators. I remain assured that my client’s name will be exonerated.

In response to critics doubting her claimed encounter, the actress asserted during a recent interview, “The events in that room transpired due to my personal experience.”

In a calm and composed manner, I don’t exaggerate events or react dramatically. I recognize that the occurrence in that room was unacceptable.

‘I complained about it and have not been taken seriously.;

As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: I’ve learned that three other ladies have voiced their concerns, and there are indications that more may follow suit.

Creating an atmosphere where people, whether they identify as women or men, feel safe and supported enough to express discomfort and initiate change when necessary. It’s essential that appropriate actions follow such expressions.

I strongly believe that every individual deserves to be heard and respected, regardless of their gender. As a woman who has faced my own share of challenges and silences, I am deeply moved by the plight of those who are unable to express themselves freely. I am committed to being a brave advocate for any woman facing such situations. I want to stand up for them, give them a platform to be heard, and champion their causes. It’s not just about supporting them emotionally, but also taking concrete actions that can bring about change. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every voice is heard loud and clear.

Throughout the interview, Amanda repeatedly expressed her unwillingness to criticize the show and harbored admiration for those who shared positive experiences.

In my ardor for Strictly, I yearn to have had a breathtaking experience on that esteemed platform. If only I could have been a part of it, I truly would have relished the opportunity. My heart goes out to those fortunate enough to have graced that show with their presence, watching from the sidelines as they embarked on their unforgettable journeys. I can’t help but feel a pang of envy and sadness for missing out on this enriching adventure.

Channel 4’s interview with Amanda comes at a time when BBC leaders are reportedly angry over the investigation into her complaint about Strictly.

Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'
Amanda Abbington emerges for the FIRST time since bombshell Channel 4 interview after comparing Strictly Come Dancing to 'the trenches' and claiming the BBC had up to 50 hours of 'toxic' footage'

One source close to the BBC shared with TopMob that Amanda appears determined to leave a lingering shadow over Strictly, ensuring a sense of unease remains.

“She appears to strongly dislike the show. She’s voiced her dissatisfaction openly, but why dampen others’ enjoyment?”

Based on my experience as a seasoned investigative journalist, I’ve learned that when there seems to be a lack of solid evidence in an initial complaint against someone like Giovanni, it can often lead to a lengthy and contentious situation. The complainant may feel frustrated and determined to bring the issue to light, so she turns to others who might have experienced similar treatment or witnessed relevant events.

On Taylor, the BBC’s chief executive, Tim Davie, expressed concern and stated apologetically, “I regret deeply if anyone had a less-than-favorable encounter with ‘Strictly.’ The boundary must not be overstepped.”

I believe it’s important for us to take time and ponder over our actions. If anyone feels dissatisfied or wishes to share their perspective on a situation, please don’t hesitate to bring it up with us. We value your experience and experiences, and we are committed to taking any concerns seriously.

Mr. Davie remarked, “The excitement and amusement don’t end there. There will also be a healthy dose of competition, dedication, and eagerness to succeed. It’s all part of what makes this event special.”

Based on my personal experiences and observations, I strongly believe that while there are certain freedoms we cherish in life, there are also boundaries that should never be crossed. These lines exist to ensure respect, safety, and harmony for everyone involved. From my perspective, I have seen firsthand the destructive consequences of disregarding these limits. Unacceptable behavior, regardless of its form, can lead to hurtful actions, damaged relationships, and even danger to personal safety. Therefore, it’s crucial that we uphold these boundaries, not just for ourselves but also for those around us. We owe it to our own well-being and the well-being of others to maintain a respectful and considerate environment.

Amanda expressed her happiness over Mr. Davie’s apology to the celebrities, yet mentioned that no contact had been made by producers since she filed her complaint.

After our interview on Channel 4, some of the producers reached out to me to ask how I was doing.

After the chaos ensued and people began attacking with criticism and even issuing threats, which were later publicized in the media, spreading false information in the process, I haven’t received any contact since.

Asked if there was any aftercare provided, she replied: ‘No, it would have been nice I suppose.’

On Monday, rehearsals kicked off for the new series at a London dance studio. Today, we spotted Johannes Radebe, Amy Dowden, and Dianne Buswell arriving with cheerful expressions to prepare.

As an obsessed fan, I can’t help but share my thoughts on Amanda’s recent interview. However, when it comes to matters involving complaints and the BBC’s handling of such situations, I must admit that I’m bound by a deep respect for confidentiality and fairness. So, just like the BBC spokesperson mentioned, it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to comment further on individuals involved in any complaint. After all, everyone deserves their day in court, or in this case, a fair process.

Based on my personal experiences and observations, I strongly believe that when concerns are brought to their attention, the BBC takes them very seriously. My interaction with the BBC and BBC Studios has shown me that they place a great deal of importance on the welfare and well-being of those involved in their productions. Last week, they made it clear that they are taking additional measures to enhance the support systems in place for the show.

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2024-07-25 09:06

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