Best coins for today

Cryptocurrencies that are trading close to all time high values

Tether Gold (XAUT/USDT)

Tether Gold rate has changed by 4.48% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 1.66%. Cryptocurrency Tether Gold ranks the 101 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of XAUT/USD has declined by 0.34% from the peak value on 31 Mar 2025. Price prediction for XAUT.


PAX Gold rate has changed by 2.92% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.66%. Cryptocurrency PAX Gold ranks the 108 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of PAXG/USD has declined by 0.36% from the peak value on 31 Mar 2025. Price prediction for PAXG.

Fasttoken (FTN/USDT)

Fasttoken rate has changed by -0.13% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.04%. Cryptocurrency Fasttoken ranks the 62 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of FTN/USD has declined by 1.43% from the peak value on 4 Mar 2025. Price prediction for FTN.


PayPal USD rate has changed by 0.00% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.02%. Cryptocurrency PayPal USD ranks the 97 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of PYUSD/USD has declined by 2.05% from the peak value on 23 Oct 2023. Price prediction for PYUSD.


Ethena USDe rate has changed by 0.03% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.04%. Cryptocurrency Ethena USDe ranks the 28 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of USDE/USD has declined by 3.12% from the peak value on 20 Dec 2023. Price prediction for USDE.


Saros rate has changed by 55.58% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.01%. Cryptocurrency Saros ranks the 249 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of SAROS/USD has declined by 5.06% from the peak value on 29 Mar 2025. Price prediction for SAROS.

Kinesis Gold (KAU/USDT)

Kinesis Gold rate has changed by 2.80% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.86%. Cryptocurrency Kinesis Gold ranks the 329 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of KAU/USD has declined by 7.02% from the peak value on 27 Jan 2025. Price prediction for KAU.

Kinesis Silver (KAG/USDT)

Kinesis Silver rate has changed by 3.53% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -1.92%. Cryptocurrency Kinesis Silver ranks the 352 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of KAG/USD has declined by 8.10% from the peak value on 9 Feb 2025. Price prediction for KAG.


APF coin rate has changed by 0.31% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.19%. Cryptocurrency APF coin ranks the 279 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of APFC/USD has declined by 8.12% from the peak value on 27 Feb 2025. Price prediction for APFC.


Honey rate has changed by -0.02% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.02%. Cryptocurrency Honey ranks the 128 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of HONEY/USD has declined by 9.88% from the peak value on 6 Feb 2025. Price prediction for HONEY.


LEO Token rate has changed by -6.93% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -5.89%. Cryptocurrency LEO Token ranks the 14 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of LEO/USD has declined by 10.17% from the peak value on 10 Mar 2025. Price prediction for LEO.

Electronic USD (EUSD/USDT)

Electronic USD rate has changed by 0.15% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.23%. Cryptocurrency Electronic USD ranks the 967 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of EUSD/USD has declined by 11.70% from the peak value on 13 Apr 2024. Price prediction for EUSD.


Daku rate has changed by 15.56% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was 0.50%. Cryptocurrency Daku ranks the 573 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of DAKU/USD has declined by 13.66% from the peak value on 12 Mar 2025. Price prediction for DAKU.

Mountain Protocol USD (USDM/USDT)

Mountain Protocol USD rate has changed by -0.06% in the last 7 days. The difference for the last day was -0.06%. Cryptocurrency Mountain Protocol USD ranks the 651 place in the rating by capitalization. The price of USDM/USD has declined by 13.79% from the peak value on 20 Aug 2024. Price prediction for USDM.

cryptocurrencypredictionath %
Tether GoldXAUT-0.34%
PAX GoldPAXG-0.36%
PayPal USDPYUSD-2.05%
Ethena USDeUSDE-3.12%
Kinesis GoldKAU-7.02%
Kinesis SilverKAG-8.10%
APF coinAPFC-8.12%
LEO TokenLEO-10.17%
Electronic USDEUSD-11.70%
Mountain Protocol USDUSDM-13.79%
Cheems TokenCHEEMS-27.24%

2025-03-31 12:59

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