Sorry, Nubs Nation! The best Young Jedi Adventures character is the capitalist bird man

Sorry, Nubs Nation! The best Young Jedi Adventures character is the capitalist bird man

As a long-time Star Wars enthusiast and someone who has spent countless hours debating the finer points of Jedi lore with fellow fans, I must say that Young Jedi Adventures has been an absolute treat. The announcement of this preschool series set in The High Republic era sparked excitement among the community, but it wasn’t until we met the lovable blue Pooba Jedi Nubs, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, that I truly felt the Force.

The Young Jedi Adventures series, particularly surprising and charming, has been a noteworthy addition. With its announcement as a preschool show set in The High Republic era, it promised to be something special – the inaugural on-screen depiction of this new age. Upon release of promotional content, the adorable blue Pooba Jedi character Nubs, voiced by Dee Bradley Baker, quickly captured everyone’s hearts and sparked an immediate fanbase known as “Nubs Nation”!

Initially, I found myself in agreement that Nubs was an amusing minor character. He was humorous, endearing, fluffy, and simply adorable. But it wasn’t until the sixth episode, titled “Forest Defenders,” that my perception changed.

In the episode, Nubs and companions Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay eagerly anticipate exploring the enchanting forest on Federian’s surface. Upon arrival, they are taken aback to find that the forest creatures are being displaced by a massive harvester! The culprit behind the deforestation is none other than Raxlo, the ruthless Gozzo businessman, who is after quick profits at any cost.

The fact that they picked a Gozzo, a bird person, to deforest a planet is hilarious. Birds are supposed to love trees, but NAH! He’s got bills to pay! These Jedi kids are in his way! It’s not like they pay their taxes! Granted, if Raxlo revealed tax evasion, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I was thrilled to find Haley Joel Osment, an exceptional voice actor (as you can see in our list!), lending his voice to THE Sora from the Kingdom Hearts series within my Star Wars universe. Added to that, my fondness for Gozzos, nurtured by Star Wars Resistance, made Raxlo a character I particularly enjoyed. These factors alone would have made Raxlo a top pick for me.

The makers of “Young Jedi Adventures” cleverly made Raxlo likable despite his perceived villainy. His actions are driven by genuine reasons, making him an antagonist rather than a traditional villain. It was unexpected for him to have a character development in the first season, adding excitement for when he reappears in Season 2. I’m curious to see where this money-minded bird’s journey will lead next. Although he’s learning his lessons, I suspect his future plan will cause friction with the Jedi again. Fun fact: Jedi don’t have bills to pay! Those meddling kids had better stay out of Raxlo’s way!

His ongoing joke not understanding Nubs is wonderful too.

The Young Jedi Adventures series is similar to ‘Bluey’ in the Star Wars universe. Each character is enjoyable, but the standout is undeniably the birdman, a mischievous creature known for sneakily taking trees when you least expect it!

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2024-10-27 05:21

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