Neelix wasn’t a wasted character but he could’ve been more for Star Trek: Voyager

Neelix wasn't a wasted character but he could've been more for Star Trek: Voyager

As a seasoned Star Trek enthusiast with memories stretching back to the original series, I’ve seen my fair share of characters come and go. Some have left lasting impressions, while others… not so much. Neelix, however, has always been a character that I’ve found endearing, despite the flack he often receives.

I can see why people might dislike Neelix. I get their perspective. But personally, I don’t share it. In the early stages of the series, Neelix joined the USS Voyager as a permanent crew member, guiding the ship through parts of the Delta Quadrant he was knowledgeable about. However, as the ship ventured deeper into uncharted territories, his role evolved into more of a promoter and spirit booster for the team.

1. Apart from preparing meals and keeping everyone amused, he also looked after the few kids on board. It wasn’t a glamorous role, but it was essential. The main reason for Neelix’s dislike stems from Kes. At the time they met and started dating, she was like an early 20-something Ocampan.

In her species, she was quite mature for her age during a time when technology was still relatively young. Despite the show having flaws and an underdeveloped romance, it shouldn’t overshadow Neelix’s appeal – he’s one of the most charismatic and enjoyable characters across all Star Trek series.

Yet, think piece after think piece comes out deriding him, and unfairly in my opinion.

At times, Neelix could have been used more effectively, yet he still managed to contribute significantly to the storyline. Particularly, his interactions with The Doctor (Robert Picardo) or Tuvok (Tim Russ) were particularly engaging. The episodes where Neelix and Tuvok shared screen time showcased both characters at their best. Even the controversial Tuvix situation didn’t diminish the chemistry between them. Instead, it was the clash of their distinct personalities and quirks that made for enjoyable viewing.

It was an incredibly engaging interaction to witness these characters at work, arguably one of the most enjoyable in Star Trek’s long-standing history. If given more attention, viewers might hold Neelix and Tuvok in even higher regard.

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2024-08-20 03:23

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