BBC could ‘face £1million legal bill’ over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner’s bottom

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

As someone who has followed the drama surrounding Zara McDermott and Graziano Di Prima’s experiences on Strictly Come Dancing, I cannot help but be moved by Zara’s heartfelt Instagram post detailing her fears and struggles in speaking out about the alleged abuse she suffered at the hands of her dance partner.

According to reports, the BBC may be required to pay up to £1million in legal fees due to the Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal, with two celebrities having recently departed from the program.

A video from 2005 has recently emerged again showing Brendan Cole, a former pro dancer, giving Fiona Phillips, his partner at the time, three gentle pats on the backside during rehearsals.

In 2018, after spending 15 years on the show, Brendan was let go due to allegations that he was challenging to collaborate with.

In 2021, an investigation by the BBC is ongoing following claims made against Giovanni Pernice, aged 33, by Amanda Abbington, 50, and two other ex-celebrity partners.

Last week, professional dancer Graziano Di Prima, aged 30, was let go from the show following allegations that he had struck and kicked his celebrity partner Zara McDermott, 27, during practice sessions.

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

Currently, lawyers Carter Ruck represent several former reality show contestants who plan to file lawsuits against the BBC, alleging damages for physical or mental injuries, and financial losses.

Previously reported news suggested that Amanda, Ranvir Singh, and Laura Whitmore held a heartfelt conversation, sharing insights from their experiences while working together with Giovanni on the show.

After being spotted with just three remaining toenails, Zara’s feet appeared bleeding and unconscious on the ground. Training photos of her resurfaced, revealing this state.

In other reports, clips from It Takes Two in 2005 have been rediscovered, where ex-pro Brendan was seen making disrespectful comments towards TV host Fiona and slapping her backside three times.

Fiona requests Brendan to lower his voice before responding with a look that suggested I had stumbled upon something unpleasant underfoot.

In 2020, Fiona expressed that her ex-partner didn’t behave well towards her, and she believed it was just deserts when his contract wasn’t extended.

In simpler terms, the ex-host of GMTV and Lorraine shared with the Daily Star that Brendan had a tough demeanor and wasn’t particularly kind or well-behaved.

‘He’s not on the show now. Karma indeed. It works its way every time.’  

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

In an interview with The Mirror back in 2021, Fiona expressed, “Brendan can be quite harsh and insistent on being the top dog.”

A source revealed to The Sun on Friday that more celebrities are stepping forward with claims. They added, “The numbers for personal injury compensation are often disputed, but at least three famous individuals have valid cases for lost income. Being linked to this lawsuit has tarnished their reputations and made them appear less trustworthy in the eyes of potential employers.”

Certain past participants have required psychological help following their time on the program, with at least two, including Rachel Riley and Amanda Abbinson, being identified as having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

As a lifestyle expert, I’d put it this way: “If the BBC is found to have neglected their duty of care in the ongoing situation, they could be looking at a hefty price tag exceeding £1million. Given that this program is funded by taxpayers, the potential financial repercussions are certainly cause for concern.”

TopMob has contacted the BBC for comment and Brendan Cole’s representatives. 

Back in October, Amanda withdrew from Strictly due to personal issues, following rumors of a disagreement between her and Giovanni. Later, it was alleged that Amanda requested rehearsal footage after participating in the show caused her PTSD.

In 2020, Ranvir voiced concerns about Giovanni to the show’s producers, expressing his displeasure during their participation. Conversely, Laura shared that she wept daily and felt uneasy when dancing with him as far back as 2016.

The BBC is reportedly reviewing nine years worth of Strictly Come Dancing recordings to verify allegations made by three famous individuals.

Three former contestants are reportedly collecting evidence to give to their expensive lawyers, with the intention of subsequently presenting it to the BBC executives.

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

At the law firm Schillings, where Giovanni works, he will need to provide records to demonstrate his impartiality.

A reliable insider shared with TopMob that the trio are displeased with how the BBC is managing the situation.

Instead of merely expressing that others are supporting him, they believe Giovanni is being deliberately advanced to divert their attention and silence them. This feels like an insulting gesture.

One reason for their eagerness to meet was to find a solution, as they were determined not to give up and let the situation come to an end naturally.

The three individuals have been affected differently by the recent events, and they’re concerned about what transpired and the potential for others to face similar experiences. Therefore, they’ve decided to discuss solutions together.

Currently, there’s a strong sense that nothing can harm Gio, considering how deeply Anton values him and finds it hard to accept the allegations against his friend.

TopMob contacted BBC for comment at the time. 

A recently shared video on the Instagram Story of a professional dancer, Zara, shows her taking a nap on the dance studio floor. After a demanding practice session left her drained, she sought relaxation in a brief slumber.

On October 25, only a few days prior to their elimination in week six, Graziano posted this photo with the caption: “She requested a five-minute rest from me.”

After dozing off and later sharing the video again, she playfully quipped, “I’ve likely reached 50,000 steps today with my routine. Could I please get a break?” accompanied by a laughing emoticon.

Approximately three months after the event, Zara disclosed that she was left with just three toenails following their removal during the competition.

During her preparation for Strictly, Zara posted a picture of her painful foot injuries, among which was a severe one on her big toe. She captioned it with: “To be honest, a good portion of my toe has fallen off.”

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

Last year, during an interview, Zara explained why she had endured a painful injury that caused her feet to bleed – it was due to her rigorous training regimen.

During rehearsals, Graziano made her put on men’s shoes, which proved to be a challenging experience for her at the time. These shoes caused her feet discomfort, leaving them sore and even cutting her.

At the Who Cares Wins awards, Zara shared: Graziano advised me against wearing high heels and instead encouraged me to dance in men’s footwear from the beginning.

‘I told him, ‘It’s not working, I need to take them off’ and he said, ‘No, no you’re fine’.

Based on my personal experience, when I declared honestly that something was causing me pain and removed an item only to find that my feet were bleeding, it was a stark reminder of how important it is for me to listen to my body. I couldn’t help but exclaim, “I told you I wasn’t being dramatic!” It’s all too easy to dismiss our own discomfort or ignore the signals our bodies send us in favor of pushing through, but ignoring these warnings can lead to more serious consequences down the line. In this moment, I was reminded that it’s crucial to take care of myself and prioritize my wellbeing above all else.

Lately, Zara has been transparent about her wounds and is currently using an Aircast Boot to help heal a stress fracture in her tibia.

In March, the person known as “the bombshell” announced on Instagram before going to the hospital that she had received new information from her doctor about her broken tibia.

‘The good news is that there is some small evidence of healing! Yay!

“Despite what he claimed, it’s unclear what he meant by the bone around the fracture being under significant stress or pressure.”

“Surgery is a possibility, but I prefer to give nature a chance and let the condition attempt to heal itself.”

In another post, Zara explained her injury further and asked followers for advice.  

“She wrote: My tibia has a major stress fracture that refuses to heal, covering nearly the full breadth of the bone.”

My December surgery doctor has suggested that I may require additional operations. During these procedures, they will insert metal screws and plates over and under the broken region to promote healing by joining the bones together.

I’m considering whether to proceed with the surgery right away or give it more time to see if it heals naturally. However, if it doesn’t improve within the next 3-6 months, I’ll likely need to undergo surgery later on.

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

As an obsessed fan, I couldn’t contain my excitement when I heard the news that Graziano had been let go from Strictly Come Dancing following allegations of him physically harming Zara on Tuesday. At last, Zara decided to speak up and share her side of the story.

On Instagram, the Love Island celebrity shared her thoughts about Strictly: Though most moments in the practice room with Graziano surpassed her expectations, certain occurrences left her deeply distressed.

Zara expressed her belief that she should share her thoughts about the latest media news. She has always been enchanted by the show “Strictly,” which she’s longed to be a part of since her childhood.

As an obsessed fan, I could say: “Receiving an invitation to join the cast of Strictly felt like a dream come true from my childhood. I knew full well the amount of dedication and effort required, and I gave it my all.”

‘I am a resilient person and I was fully prepared to put in whatever it took.’ 

My time on Strictly was better than I ever imagined. The whole team behind the scenes, including production, and my fellow contestants were all wonderful to work with.

Despite the positive portrayal outside the training room, my reality was quite contrasting. There have been complaints filed regarding my conduct during the show, with firsthand accounts from witnesses and disturbing footage of specific incidents.

Zara shared that she hadn’t spoken up about the supposed occurrences right away because she was afraid of facing negative consequences.

During the probe into professional dancer Giovanni, it was the junior production team members who spoke up about what they had observed.

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

“I’ve struggled with the apprehension of sharing personally – I was anxious about potential criticism from the public, uncertain about my own future, and concerned about being blamed as a victim,” Zara posted on Instagram.

After many heartfelt discussions with my dearest ones, I mustered up the courage to confront my apprehensions. When the BBC reached out to me for a chat, I opened up honestly about my experiences on their beloved show.

After struggling with the anxiety of sharing my experiences openly, I had concerns about potential criticism from the public, uncertainty about my future, and the possibility of being blamed as a victim. However, through heartfelt conversations with those closest to me, I’ve found the courage to confront these fears. When approached by the BBC to discuss my past on their show, I spoke honestly and openly.

In today’s world, the norms of our society often hinder individuals from expressing their views openly, even as social media platforms amplify various voices and opinions. Over the years, while producing numerous documentaries, I have observed this trend among many women.

I’m grateful to the BBC and BBC Studios for their quick response and exceptional assistance. I also appreciate the kind messages from each of you. It means more than you know. Warm regards, Zara.

Graziano, set to participate in his seventh instalment of Strictly before being let go, announced on Monday that he’s pursuing a lawsuit against the BBC, with TopMob reporting the news. The BBC, in response, has declared their intention to defend themselves in this matter.

The Sicilian dancer thinks he needed more “guidance and assistance” from his superiors following their warnings concerning his actions towards the former Love Island contestant Zara.

An insider from the BBC shared with the Mail their perspective, stating: “Why would a workplace, funded by the public, provide backing to someone who clearly engaged in despicable behavior?”

Graziano claims he didn’t receive any guidance from show organizers on managing competition stress before the incident where Zara was alleged harmed.

Yesterday, a friend of the professional dancer expressed concerns aloud about the BBC’s processes and the way they manage things behind the scenes.

I, as a devoted admirer of Di Prima’s perspective, believe that there’s immense pressure on experts, like us, to deliver near-perfect scores or breathtaking performances to keep our audiences engaged and satisfied.

BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom
BBC could 'face £1million legal bill' over Strictly Come Dancing misconduct scandal as video emerges of former professional slapping partner's bottom

Last year, the team at TopMob disclosed that Strictly’s production staff had expressed worries regarding Graziano’s questionable behavior. However, instead of taking more serious action, his superiors merely gave him discreet reprimands.

The team was outraged that he wasn’t immediately terminated for his misconduct. They had expressed their concerns, but it seemed their pleas fell on deaf ears, allowing the mistreatment of Zara to persist further. Remarkably, Graziano was still contracted for the upcoming 2024 season of Strictly.

According to a representative from the program, there were several instances of both violent and abusive language. However, the physical altercations outnumbered the verbal ones, making the overall situation extremely unpleasant.

I’ve been following the story of Graziano and Zara closely, like an obsessed fan, and it pains me to think that for nearly a year after their first complaint, nothing seemed to change. But then, something did – staff finally obtained a video that allegedly showed Graziano hitting Zara multiple times. And you know what? That’s when the game changer happened. He was promptly fired from his position.

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2024-07-20 03:35

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