5 Star Wars deleted scenes that are still considered canon

5 Star Wars deleted scenes that are still considered canon

As a seasoned Star Wars gamer with decades of galactic adventures under my belt, I can’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia when reminiscing about these deleted scenes. They’re like the holocrons hidden across the galaxy, each one revealing a piece of the larger puzzle that is the Star Wars saga.

In the process of filming movies, certain scenes may be shot but later removed from the final cut for various reasons. These could include pacing issues, inconsistencies with other parts of the film, or simply easier ways to convey the same information elsewhere. Generally, these discarded scenes are not considered part of the official storyline anymore. However, due to the wide expanse of the Star Wars universe, there exist numerous instances where such scenes still hold significance within the Star Wars narrative, even though they were never included in a movie officially.

Here are 5 deleted scenes from the Star Wars franchise that are still considered canon.

1. A New Hope – Luke Talks to His Friends

Initially, the scene showing Luke Skywalker’s introduction in the first Star Wars film was meant to occur earlier. In this version, Luke would discuss with his friends about witnessing the space battle at the movie’s start and learning that Biggs was departing. However, this scene was eliminated from the final cut as it prolonged the time before Luke encountered the droids and the main plot began. Nevertheless, this scene is acknowledged to have transpired, as it appears in the novelization of the movie and its audio drama version. Characters from this scene have also been featured in other Star Wars books and comics, despite not appearing in the film itself. Interestingly, some of these characters have even made appearances in the new Disney+ shows.

2. The Phantom Menace – Qui-Gon Jinn Destroys a Probe Droid

In “The Phantom Menace”, when Darth Maul arrives on Tatooine, he sends out probe droids to locate the Jedi he’s pursuing. One of these droids finds Qui-Gon Jinn and leads Maul to him. Originally, a scene was included in the movie where Qui-Gon noticed the droid following him and destroyed it with his lightsaber. This scene was removed because it delayed their departure from Tatooine after the podrace, as it also showed Anakin bidding farewell to Jira. However, the destruction of the probe droid is still mentioned in the novelization and other retellings of “The Phantom Menace”. The scene ends with Qui-Gon concerned about the implications of the destroyed probe droid and rushing back to the ship with Anakin. Although we don’t see this deleted scene in the movie, it’s reasonable to assume that it happened based on the subsequent scene where Qui-Gon and Anakin are seen running without explanation.

3. Attack of the Clones – Anakin Meets Padme’s Family

In the film “Attack of the Clones”, originally, scenes were intended where Padme introduced Anakin to her family home, allowing him to meet her parents and sister. However, these scenes were later removed to concentrate the Naboo section solely on Anakin and Padme, and their time together. Nevertheless, it’s safe to assume that the meeting did occur since it is depicted in the novelization of the movie. Furthermore, the actors who portrayed Padme’s parents and sister reappeared in “Episode III” for Padme’s funeral scene. They also played these roles in the novels “Queen’s Peril” and “Queen’s Shadow”, set between the prequel movies, suggesting that those encounters did indeed take place at some point.

4. Revenge of the Sith – Birth of the Rebellion

In the original version of “Revenge of the Sith,” Padme was meant to collaborate with certain senators who were resisting Palpatine’s increasing power during the war. However, these scenes were removed since they didn’t contribute significantly to Anakin’s descent and had no impact on the movie, as they merely foreshadowed events in later films. Even though these scenes didn’t make it into the final cut of the movie, they are still acknowledged as early stages of the Rebellion. Genevieve O’Reilly was initially brought in to play a young Mon Mothma in these deleted scenes, but her character was ultimately removed from the film. Later, she reprised her role as Mon Mothma in “Rogue One” and “Andor.

5. Return of the Jedi – Rebel Raid on the Bunker

Initially, a long scene was filmed showing Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, and their fellow rebels battling through multiple Stormtroopers to reach the heart of the Shield Generator base on Endor. This sequence was later removed for time constraints and a faster transition to the battle scene. Since the scale of the base is shown in exterior shots within the movie, it’s reasonable to assume that they had to spend some time navigating through the base. Although this part wasn’t included in the film, it was recreated for the game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, implying that the events depicted actually occurred, despite not being shown in the final version of the movie.

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2024-10-17 23:22

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