Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

As a seasoned League of Legends player with over a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that Lissandra is one of the most exciting and effective mages to play in the current meta. Having spent countless hours mastering her abilities and understanding her intricacies has been an exhilarating journey.

Discovering the Power of the Ice Witch: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Lissandra in Wild Rift Patch 5.2

In addition, we’ve covered techniques for excelling with various LoL Wild Rift champions including Akshan, Amumu, Master Yi, Jinx, Braum, Dr. Mundo, Akali, Yasuo, Singed, Jax, Darius, Ashe, Lulu, Miss Fortune, Blitzcrank, Teemo, Xayah, Rakan, Corki, Shyvana, Janna, Katarina, Leona, Pantheon, Diana, Galio, Fiora, Rammus, Sona, Kai’Sa, Rengar, Kha’Zix, Nasus, Renekton, Irelia, Riven, Nami, Soraka, Graves, Senna, Lucian, Kindred, Xin Zhao, Talon, Evelynn, and Kalista. Be sure to review these hero guides for further insight. For the present discussion, let’s zero in on Lissandra.

Skill Analysis

In this Lissandra tutorial, we’ll explore her five talents – one passive and four actives. We’ll discuss how to effectively use each one for optimal performance in the current ranked league.

Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

Passive – Iceborn Subjugation

When an enemy champion is slain close to Lissandra, they transform into a Frozen Wraith which hunts down other alive enemies.

Slower enemy beings, named Frozen Thralls, hinder nearby foes by 25%, and they break apart after a 4-second duration, inflicting 110 (enhanced by 40% of your AP) points of magical damage upon shattering.

Skill 1 – Ice Shard

With a swift motion, hurls an icy projectile that splinters upon impact with an adversary. This results in \(70/110/150/190\) points of \(+\)75% of your magical power as damage, and also decreases the target’s movement speed by \(20/25/30/35\%\) for a duration of 1.5 seconds. Any foes positioned behind the marked enemy will sustain identical harm and experience the same degree of slowing effect.

Skill 2 – Ring of Frost

Forms a slippery ice terrain, immobilizing foes for approximately 1.25, 1.35, 1.45, or 1.55 seconds and inflicting 65 to 200 (boosted by 60% of your ability power) magical damages.

Skill 3 – Glacial Path

  • First Cast: Casts forth an ice claw that deals 50 / 95 / 140 / 185 (+40% APmagic damage when it hits enemies in its path. Can be recast while the ice claw is moving.
  • Recast: Lissandra teleports to the ice claw, which then disappears.

Skill 4 – Frozen Tomb

  • Summons dark ice on an enemy champion or herself. Dark ice emanates from the target for 3 seconds, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (+75% APmagic damage and slowing enemies it touches by 30% / 45% / 60%.
  • Cast on enemies: Encases an enemy champion in dark ice, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
  • Self-Cast: Encases herself in dark ice, entering stasis for 2.5 seconds and restoring 100 / 150 / 200 (+40% APHealth, increased by 0% – 100% based on her missing Health. Maximum healing is granted when her Health drops to 30% or lower.
  • When auto-aiming, Frozen Tomb self-casts automatically.

Best Build, Runes Setup and Spells for Lissandra in Wild Rift

Considering her talents and prospective strength, It’s suggested that players deploy Lissandra in the Mid Lane, as she brings destruction to opponents through her frosty abilities, making her a formidable mid-role champion in Wild Rift. Our comprehensive guide on Lissandra in Wild Rift offers insights into the optimal pre-game build and rune setup for maximum effectiveness. However, feel free to adjust certain aspects based on the enemy team composition.

Best Rune Setup for Lissandra

As a gamer, I’d describe Lissandra’s rune setup this way: I personally choose runes that supercharge my abilities with plenty of bonus ability power and damage potential. This lets me unleash massive bursts against my enemies.

Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips
  • Electrocute: This keystone deals extra adaptive damage to enemies the more Lissandra attacks them.
  • Scorch: This rune deals extra magic damage to enemies whenever they’re hit by Lissandra’s abilities.
  • Cheap Shot: This rune allows Lissandra to effectively harass enemies with her skills, mostly her first skill. As the sow-down effect from it, ensures that each time she uses the skill enemies receive extra true damage.
  • Eyeball Collector: This rune grants increased adaptive power and damage each time she takes down an enemy champion. Thus making Lissandra more stronger with each kill.
  • Transcendence: This item grants lots of extra Ability haste alongside a unique 15% cooldown reduction for Lissandra’s skills each time her basic attacks hit an enemy target.

Battle Spells

The best battle items that are recommended for use on the Rift include:

  • Flash: For safety purposes, it is advised to pick up Flash. Lissandra could maximize this spell to increase her mobility on the battlefield, as it can be used to quickly engage enemies or for dire repositioning moments.
  • Ignite: Ignite can be used to deal extra scorch damage to enemies, this would be helpful when finishing off enemies.

Best Build for Lissandra in League of Legends: Wild Rift

In this guide, we will break down the build for Lissandra in LoL Wild Rift.

  • Boots of Mana: Players can get these boots for extra movement speed and Mana regen, thus, effectively increasing the chances of Lissandra to continuously use her skills on the rift. Players can then Enchant it with Stasis Enchant which grants a unique passive that can help immune damage during risky scenarios.
  • Luden’s Echo: This core item grants extra mana, ability power and penetration alongside a unique passive that deals bonus damage to surrounding multiple enemies on attaining 100 Discord.
  • Infinity Orb: This item grants extra critical damage making it easier to secure a takedown on low HP enemies.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item grants lots of ability power that would greatly allow Lissandra to burst down enemies effectively. It also has a unique passive that grants extra ability power based on your champion’s level.
  • Crown of the Shattered Queen: This item grants extra durability in the form of Shields as well as lots of ability power whilst the shield is active.
  • Awakened Soulstealer: This item grants Lissandra the ability to cool down whenever she damages enemies before they get takedown. In essence, it increases her effectiveness during teamfights.

League of Legends: Wild Rift Lissandra Gameplay Tips

Lissandra is an influential champion in the Mage role, boasting a distinct skill set that includes various crowd-control abilities to thwart opponents. Her ultimate ability grants enduring enhancements, making her a formidable force as a Mage. It’s typically suggested to pick Lissandra for the Mid Lane, but depending on your team composition, Duo Lane could be an alternative choice.

The layout of Wild Rift’s map is symmetrical, meaning it’s essential to grasp one side before beginning your laning phase. In her playstyle, we can divide this MOBA game into three distinct stages. Our comprehensive guide on Lissandra in League of Legends: Wild Rift offers optimal strategies for the early, mid, and late phases of the game.

Early Game

To begin, purchase an “Amplifying Tome” as your initial item before heading to the mid lane. Upon arriving at the mid lane, position a ward close to the shrubs for better situational awareness, avoiding surprise attacks from enemies. Next, focus on clearing out your minion waves efficiently by consistently landing skills or basic attacks to secure the last hits.

As a gamer, I’d suggest this: With Lissandra, I can keep enemies on their toes by frequently using her first skill due to its short cool-down. The added slow effect lets me follow up with her Ring of Frost for continuous harassment towards the enemy midlaner. It’s important to remember that Lissandra packs a punch with her burst potential, so making the most of it on the battlefield is key.

Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

As a seasoned League of Legends player with countless hours spent in the Summoner’s Rift, I strongly recommend keeping a sharp eye on the map at all times. The enemy team could be attempting to catch your ADC or Jungler off guard, and you wouldn’t want to miss that crucial gank. Additionally, making some early rotations around the map would significantly benefit our team, especially when Rift Herald spawns. To excel in the early game, one must master the following combo: [Your preferred champion’s abilities]. Remember, experience is a valuable teacher, and I’ve learned the hard way that keeping tabs on the minimap and making smart rotations can make all the difference between a win or a loss.

Skill 1 + Skill 3 (recast to move closer to enemies)+ Skill 2 + Skill 1

This Combo allows Lissandra to easily harass enemies in the laning phase.

Mid Game

Helping your team capture Jungle objectives such as the Rift Herald will bring you and your allies a substantial amount of gold. Use this bonus gold to purchase essential items for your build, like Luden’s Echo, Infinity Orb, and Rabadon’s Deathcap.

Using at least two Damage items, you can effectively harass and eliminate enemy Marksmen by focusing your ultimate ability on their main target. This means aiming your ultimate’s high damage or crowd control effects at the enemy Marksman, then following up with your other skills to ensure a successful takedown.

To easily burst down enemy ADC in the Mid or late game, one must use the following combo:

Skill 3+ Skill 4+ Skill 1+ Skill 2+ Skill 1

Late Game

Having all the essential items at hand, Lissandra becomes incredibly powerful and can quickly eliminate enemies with a well-timed combo. Don’t forget to use her passive in team fights by staying near your allies, ready to assist if an enemy champion is brought down. Your team gains an additional edge from Lissandra’s passive during this phase. In certain situations, Lissandra may need to use her ultimate skill on herself, providing extra sustain and survivability for the late game.

As a fan of the game, I’d recommend being mindful of the fact that enemy champions can be just as strong as yours. So, it’s essential to use the Stasis enchants wisely, especially when going up against a champion known for dealing high burst damage. Remember, your positioning is crucial in this game, so avoid engaging alone at all costs. It’s always best for Lissandra to stay near her team’s Support or tank for added protection and security.

Wild Rift Lissandra Guide: Best Build, Runes and Gameplay Tips

It’s important to not only focus on your own goals but also assist your allies in achieving significant objectives, such as defeating major bosses like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragons. Doing so will greatly benefit your team in every game.

Final Thoughts

Based on her magic abilities and character development, it’s clear that Lissandra is a powerful mage champion in Wild Rift. She has the capacity to quickly take down opponent champions. Furthermore, her frost-themed control powers make enemies less effective. Check out more of our Wild articles here.

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2024-07-21 17:11

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