Why Daryl’s kiss on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon caused so much controversy

Why Daryl's kiss on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon caused so much controversy

As a long-time fan of The Walking Dead, I must confess that I’ve been following Daryl’s journey with bated breath. The show has always had a knack for crafting complex characters and their relationships, and Daryl is no exception. However, the latest development in his storyline has left me feeling a bit unsettled, much like a walker stumbling upon an empty campfire.

In the second installment of “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon — The Book of Carol“, long-time series character Daryl, who’s been with the franchise since its inception, experienced his first onscreen kiss. This intimate moment was with Isabelle, a former nun, filmed stunningly during a sunset on a beach. Although it appeared to be a heartwarming romantic scene for many viewers, numerous fans have expressed that this event has significantly altered their perception of Daryl.

Less devoted viewers might find confusion or attribute it to ‘shipping’: it could be dissatisfaction because the kiss wasn’t with their preferred character, whether Carol, Connie, or themselves. While this may be a factor, the common complaint among all Daryl fans is that this isn’t the Daryl Dixon they recognize.

Daryl gained widespread popularity among television viewers due to traits that made him an appealing object of affection for many women. He was a rugged, woodland figure known for his strength and gruffness, yet he also had a softer side – being sensitive, wise, and carrying the scars of past pain that suggested a deep yearning for love.

In the second season of The Walking Dead, Daryl captivated viewers as he tirelessly pursued the search for Carol’s lost daughter Sophia, symbolizing his unwavering hope with a Cherokee Rose. Despite being a survivor who had suffered abuse and craved acceptance, Daryl harbored a deep-seated fear of intimacy due to his troubled past. This aspect of his character, which actor Norman Reedus often discussed in interviews, appears to have been significantly influenced by his traumatic history, perhaps explaining his apparent disinterest in romantic love.

Through his apparent lack of immediate romantic or sexual interest in the female characters he encountered, some fans assumed Daryl was gay or asexual. However, actor Norman Reedus’ comments over the years suggest that he might be demisexual or demiromantic, meaning he only feels these emotions when he forms a deep emotional bond with someone over a long period of time. In an interview with ComicBook in 2018, Reedus stated, “I think he’s the kind of guy who, when he does it, he’ll be in love.” He further added that Daryl wears his heart on his sleeve and deeply cares about those he loves. This interpretation seems to align with showrunner Angela Kang’s thoughts, as she expressed her agreement during an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2019.

Daryl’s such an interesting character that way because in some ways, when it comes to romantic relationships, he’s not a person that I think trusts easily, and a lot of that has to do with his backstory, which is filled with so much trauma. He was physically abused, as well as in other ways. There’s sensitivity there for him. And I think he’s also just a person who it’s hard for him to trust anybody enough to connect with them really, really deeply. It’s a long, slow process for him in a lot of ways to get into any kind of a romantic thing. Daryl’s just not wired that way, and that tracks with conversations that Norman [Reedus] and I have had. He doesn’t attach to people lightly enough that he can give it a chance easily, you know?

The gradual development of affection in this case isn’t limited to romantic feelings; during an interview with David Zabel, the showrunner of Daryl Dixon, Derek Reedus stated that Daryl had not yet developed a sense of familial love for Laurent, Isabelle’s nephew, because he hadn’t proven himself worthy of it.

Zabel: “Can I say that you love Laurent?”

Reedus: “No.”

Zabel: “You don’t think he loves Laurent?”

Reedus: “No.”

Zabel: “Man, come on!”

Reedus: “I don’t think Daryl’s so easy to love anybody. I think it’s an earned thing.”

Zabel: “You don’t think Laurent’s earned it?”

Reedus: “Not like that.”

Why Daryl's kiss on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon caused so much controversy

The notion that Daryl takes a long time to develop feelings of love contradicts the narrative in “The Book of Carol“. Similarly to Laurent, Daryl has only known Isabelle for a few months, yet despite appearing fond of her, he often clashes with her on-screen.

If Daryl doesn’t have feelings for Isabelle, what could be driving this romantic interest? It might be something other than love – more like a sense of curiosity or exploration. This is suggested by Norman Reedus’ comments in an interview with EW following the episode.

I think it was an experiment. It was, ‘What is this?’ It wasn’t a ‘This is it!’ It’s a ‘What is this? And what would that look like and how does that feel?’ I don’t think there was an intention to get to second base. I think it was more of scarily parting these curtains to look at the idea of it.

Although the concept of the kiss serving as an exploration, rather than true love, is plausible, it doesn’t explain why this significant TV moment would occur now with Isabelle. One might expect that such a long-anticipated and frequently discussed storyline, one which fans have yearned to see for 14 years, would only be addressed if it held meaningful and crucial insights about Daryl, leading him down a new path. However, Daryl has already experienced this relationship to a large extent, almost step by step.

Daryl has lived this relationship before

In “Find Me,” the tenth season’s episode of “The Walking Dead,” we witnessed Daryl nurturing a romantic bond with Leah, a woman he encountered in the forest during his period of isolation following Rick’s supposed demise. The narrative unfolded through flashbacks, and though they didn’t lock lips on screen, their relationship was evidently affectionate. A tender fireside scene subtly hinted at an intimate encounter between the two characters.

Why Daryl's kiss on The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon caused so much controversy

Remarkably, the tales of Leah and Isabelle bear striking resemblances. In each story, Daryl encountered them when he was estranged from Carol and his kin; they were part of a religious group that had replaced their original families for them; they each adopted the son of a deceased sister; and to ensure Daryl’s loyalty, both employed manipulative tactics. Furthermore, in anger, they put him in a challenging position by demanding he make a choice between his old family and themselves.

From a passionate fan’s perspective, the plotline of Isabelle seems to echo certain aspects of Leah’s story, albeit with a chilling twist. Unlike Leah’s ultimatum that came towards the end of her relationship, Isabelle’s ominous demand was made before they even shared their first kiss. This new narrative, titled The Book of Carol, certainly raises the stakes and adds an unsettling depth to the series.

In the heat of season 1’s finale for Daryl Dixon, after I’d finally managed to get my hands on a boat back to the U.S., Isabelle fiercely confronted me, accusing me of leaving Laurent behind – a man I had sworn to protect. She argued that by doing so, I was becoming just like my abusive father, who had abandoned us in similar fashion. For someone like me, a survivor of childhood abuse, to be kissed by a woman manipulating her past to keep me tied to her side is not only hurtful, but also detrimental to my reputation.

Fans are uncomfortable with the idea of Daryl developing feelings for a woman who manipulates and abuses him, regardless of whether it’s an experiment or not. Moreover, the very existence of such an ultimatum is something that grates on fans.

Subjecting Daryl to a decision between his longstanding family and a prospective one is among the most ruthless moves that could be played on a person whose character embodies loyalty above all else. From his unwavering commitment as Rick’s trusted sidekick, to his affection for Judith and the rest of Rick’s kin, and his steadfast allegiance to Carol as her dearest friend, Daryl has consistently demonstrated himself as someone who forges connections and remains faithful.

Observing Daryl appear so quickly influenced by these individuals certainly dims the luster of his white knight image, especially given that it seemed the matter was resolved during the Leah storyline.

In “Find Me,” when Leah presented Daryl with a tough decision between her and his family, he decided to depart from their cabin. However, he eventually reconsidered and came back to find Leah absent, having left a message saying, “I am yours, search for me.” Upon discovering this note, Carol is taken aback. Later, the two engage in a heated dispute that appears to stem from these new disclosures. Daryl voices his frustration about Carol’s habit of leaving him and the larger family, and asserts, “I know where I belong,” implying that he felt at home with their family at Alexandria.

Struggling greatly in France, Daryl questioning his belonging once more, significantly undermines their previous interaction. If Daryl can be so quickly persuaded to consider abandoning his family of 12 years for Isabelle and Laurent, does it suggest that the loyalty we thought he possessed was not as steadfast as we believed?

In the second season of “The Walking Dead,” Daryl inquired about Carol’s desires towards him, to which she responded, “a man of honor.” There was an exceptional quality about Daryl, this honorable man who cared so profoundly and steadfastly; a man who placed physical attraction far below his priorities; a man who would commit to love once and for all. However, portraying him as a man engaging in a kiss with a woman he’s known for a few months, considering abandoning his family for her, diminishes those unique qualities and leaves many fans seeing an ordinary individual who barely resembles the beloved Daryl Dixon they know.

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2024-10-08 21:42

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