What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

As a lifelong devotee of J.R.R Tolkien’s Middle-earth lore and a self-proclaimed ring-whisperer, let me share my thoughts on this intriguing topic. The rings forged by Sauron have always been the epicenter of fascination for many, from their creation to their destructive consequences.

This post contains spoilers for The Rings of Power through Season 2, Episode 5.

In the tales of J.R.R. Tolkien, there’s an abundance of mysterious energies at play. However, unlike works such as Brandon Sanderson’s ‘Mistborn’ saga or certain parts of J.K. Rowling’s ‘Harry Potter’ series, the way magic functions in Middle-earth is often left somewhat unclear. This ambiguity, which adds to the sense of wonder, seems to be intentional on Tolkien’s part. He tended to favor a more subtle approach to magic, as opposed to the explicit rules and boundaries seen in other fantasy works.

In J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” it is revealed that the One Ring increases the strength of its bearer and leads them towards corruption, yet the specific powers it amplifies vary based on the individual wearing it. The novel does not provide clear explanations about how the ring might change Sauron or the exact manner in which he would exploit it. Similarly, the nineteen rings crafted by elf-smith Celebrimbor for elves, men, and hobbits are only suggested to possess varying degrees of corrupting power, without offering detailed insights into their transformative abilities.

It’s only logical, considering the title The Rings of Power, that the series might eventually delve deeper into what these rings are capable of. After a season filled with setup, Celebrimbor has finally crafted several rings. By the fifth episode of Season 2, both elves and dwarves are wearing their enchanted jewelry, leading to fascinating repercussions.

During Season 2, the elves and dwarves frequently discuss the potential solutions the rings could provide, yet their workings remain ambiguous and perplexing. Are there distinct abilities associated with each ring, or do they function differently? Also, what degree of control does Sauron exert over each user of these rings?

Under the guise of Annatar, Sauron has embarked on a mission to forge nine additional rings, targeting men, who are among the most vulnerable beings in Middle-earth. As characters increasingly wear these mysterious rings in the series, curiosity grows about their true nature and power. Here’s what we understand from Tolkien’s writings—his books, appendices, and letters—about the influence of each ring, and how these tales correspond with the storyline of The Rings of Power.

Does Sauron control the rings?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

For those who haven’t delved into J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” lately or seen Peter Jackson’s film versions, let me remind you there are a total of 20 rings. A catchy verse from the books can aid in recalling their kinds:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,Nine for Mortal Men, doomed to die,One for the Dark Lord on his dark throneIn the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

In The Rings of Power, it’s revealed that Celebrimbor crafted all these rings under the guidance he thought was from a being named Annatar. However, unbeknownst to him, Annatar was actually Sauron, who was disguised as a divine figure sent to aid Celebrimbor in his ambition to become the most accomplished smith in Middle-earth’s history. Galadriel, on the other hand, senses that Sauron is deceiving Celebrimbor but is yet to intercept him and expose the deception.

Celebrimbor made the elf rings at the end of Season 1 of The Rings of Power. Ever since, Elrond and Galadriel have been debating whether Sauron have some sort of influence over the three rings gifted to the elves and currently worn by Galadriel, Gil-galad, and Círdan.

The Three Rings, as per the books, remain untainted or uncorrupted. On the show, it was shown that Sauron couldn’t cast his dark spell upon them during their creation, hence he has no immediate power over the elves who wield them.

The question of whether the rings in the show are entirely good remains unclear: In Season 2, Episode 4, Galadriel, Elrond, and their group come across a horde of orcs. During this encounter, Galadriel gives her ring to Elrond before engaging with the orcs, allowing her companions time to flee. This action suggests that her ring doesn’t have the same oppressive grip on her as the One Ring does on characters like Gollum and Frodo when they resist handing it over. However, when an elf commends Galadriel for sacrificing herself for others, Elrond expresses skepticism, suggesting that she is prioritizing the ring’s protection rather than the well-being of her elven kin. This comment raises concerns about her intentions.

As a devoted movie buff, I can’t help but ponder on the intriguing timeline of Middle-earth. Though it’s evident that Elrond initially hesitated about rings, we know his story doesn’t end there in the epic saga of The Rings of Power and The Fellowship of the Ring. Somewhere between those two magnificent tales, Elrond undoubtedly overcame his reservations, living for countless years before wearing a ring himself within the annals of time.

It appears that the elven rings grow more perilous for their bearers after Sauron forges the One Ring, which has power over all other rings. (This is why the line “One ring to rule them all” is so well-known.) In The Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf explains to Frodo about Sauron and the three elven rings.

He only needs the One; for he made that Ring himself, it is his, and he let a great part of his own former power pass into it, so that he could rule all the others. If he recovers it, then he will command them all again, wherever they be, even the Three, and all that has been wrought with them will be laid bare, and he will be stronger than ever.

If Sauron had possessed the One Ring in “The Lord of the Rings,” he would have held sway over those who wore it, including Galadriel, Elrond, and Gandalf (further details on how Gandalf obtained a ring will be discussed later).

It was evident that when the Dwarf Rings were crafted, Sauron had the power to be involved in their forging, not just initially but also the subsequent Rings of Men. Consequently, his control extended over both the Dwarves and Men who wore these enchanted rings, exerting a direct impact on them.

What are the powers of the rings in general?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

Tolkien expounded upon the powers of the rings in a letter gathered in a compendium.

The chief power (of all the rings alike) was the prevention or slowing of decay (i.e. “change” viewed as a regrettable thing), the preservation of what is desired or loved, or its semblance—this is more or less an Elvish motive. But also they enhanced the natural powers of a possessor —thus approaching “magic,” a motive easily corruptible into evil, a lust for domination.

In “The Rings of Power,” we get brief glimpses of these powers. As the elves obtain the rings, the magic in Middle-earth starts to wane, and this decline is symbolized for the audience by a once-lush golden tree in Lindon that has withered. However, when Gil-galad dons his ring, the tree miraculously revives. The assumption is that these rings not only sustain the natural world but also the elves themselves.

In “The Lord of the Rings,” it is revealed that Galadriel, similar to others like Elrond, experiences prophetic visions. These visions may provide glimpses into possible future events for Middle-earth. Wearing the ring seems to amplify their abilities to foresee and predict outcomes.

Additionally, the rings possessed abilities that seemed uniquely Sauron’s, known as The Necromancer in The Hobbit during a brief period. As Tolkien notes in his correspondence, this is one of his observations.

And finally they had other powers, more directly derived from Sauron (“the Necromancer”: so he is called as he casts a fleeting shadow and presage on the pages of The Hobbit): such as rendering invisible the material body, and making things of the invisible world visible.

What are the powers of the three elven rings?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

Each elven ring is associated with a different element and set with a different stone.

In “The Lord of the Rings,” Galadriel’s ring, known as Nenya, has a gemstone that is white and possesses water-like powers. Galadriel employs Nenya to defend her woodland sanctuary of Lothlórien from external threats. During “The Fellowship of the Ring,” Galadriel expresses that Sauron (who could be considered her former lover in “The Rings of Power”) is constantly trying to perceive her thoughts, but she maintains a mental barrier through the use of Nenya.

In a simpler and more conversational style, the venerable elf Círdan is adorned with the fiery ring known as Narya, which features a ruby gemstone. Eventually, he bestows this ring upon (spoiler alert for the books) Gandalf, stating, “Accept this ring, master, [spoiler alert] as your tasks will be arduous; yet it shall strengthen you amidst exhaustion that you bear. For this is the Ring of Fire, and with it, you can reignite spirits in a world growing cold.” Narya serves to motivate its wearer’s followers and provides them with strength against the fatigue of time. Gandalf employs it to boost the spirits of his fellowship during their journey transporting the ring through Middle-earth and later, the men safeguarding the city of Gondor. Some enthusiasts believe that Gandalf intentionally used Narya to liberate King Théoden from the control of his malevolent servant Gríma Wormtongue within The Lord of the Rings.

In the epic tale “The Rings of Power,” Vilya, also known as the Elven ring of air, holds immense power among the elven rings. Although J.R.R. Tolkien did not explicitly detail its powers, he hinted at abilities related to healing and preservation. At present, Gil-galad is the bearer of Vilya, but it’s destined to be passed on to Elrond. In the story, many speculate that Elrond uses the ring to shield Rivendell, much like how Galadriel employs her own ring to safeguard Lothlórien. Some fans propose that Elrond utilized the ring to vanquish the Nazgul and rescue Frodo from peril in “The Fellowship of the Ring.” (In the movie adaptation, it was Elrond’s daughter, Arwen, who warded off the Nazgul during that battle.)

What’s the deal with the other rings?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

Following these, it’s time for the rings that belong to the seven dwarf rulers. In “The Rings of Power,” we witness King Durin III donning the Ring of Thrór.

Although Sauron had a significant role in crafting the dwarf rings, the books depict the dwarves as being exceptionally obstinate, resisting his influence. However, in the show’s interpretation of history, King Durin III, while possessing his ring, shows an increase in greed and obstinacy.

In the books, several dwarf realms faced destruction due to the rings. They became extremely wealthy as a result, but the piles of gold they accumulated drew the interest and attacks from dragons. For instance, on “The Rings of Power”, Durin utilized one to discover an unmined part of a mountain rich in mithril.

In “The Rings of Power”, Celebrimbor refuses to craft rings for humans, foreseeing their potential corruption. Though unnamed in lore, we know Sauron will later bestow rings on nine humans. It’s possible some of these characters have already appeared in the series. Be watchful for individuals who might eventually transform into Ring Wraiths or men ensnared by the rings’ power. These corrupted souls will metamorphose into the ageless, shrieking, hooded figures that haunt Frodo and threaten the realms of men in “The Lord of the Rings”.

What are the powers of The One Ring?

What Powers Do the Rings Actually Have in The Rings of Power?

The key strength of the One Ring, the mightiest among them, lies in its ability to influence and dominate those who wear any other rings. Furthermore, it seems to amplify the power of the wearer and safeguard them as well.

The ring also has the power to corrupt its wearer and make him covetous of it. The wearer resists letting anyone else wear it and becomes paranoid and suspicious of even the closest allies. Those who are in its presence desire it, and some are more susceptible than others. Characters in both The Lord of the Rings and The Rings of Power repeatedly discuss how men are corruptible and thus more likely to be tempted by the ring.

It appears that the One Ring may have the power to reveal a person’s moral character. For instance, in “The Lord of the Rings,” Boromir momentarily yields to the Ring’s allure and attempts to seize it from Frodo, whereas Aragorn, who embodies nobility, never even considers possessing it. In the same vein, Gandalf and Galadriel show their innate goodness by resisting the temptation to take the ring when offered, demonstrating their resistance to its power.

In “The Lord of the Rings,” both the books and movies reveal that the One Ring holds a unique ability: It renders its wearer invisible. On numerous occasions, Frodo utilizes this feature to evade notice. Yet, there’s a catch – wearing the ring summons Sauron, its maker, as well as the Nazgul or Ring Wraiths whenever Frodo bears it.

In Season 3, it’s unlikely that The One Ring will make its appearance, following Celebrimbor’s realization of Sauron’s deception. Until then, characters in The Rings of Power will grapple with the question of whether these rings can be used for beneficial or malicious purposes, and they’ll deliberate on what actions should be taken regarding them.

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2024-09-12 22:07

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