The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula episode 4: The Uglies ride the Ghost Train

The Boulet Brothers' Dragula episode 4: The Uglies ride the Ghost Train

As a die-hard Dragula fan, I must say that episode four was a rollercoaster of emotions! The Ghost Train challenge pushed our queens to their limits, and it was fascinating to witness the creative processes unfold.

In the start of episode four, all the Dragula competitors were still buzzing over “Chicken Gate,” an incident from the previous episode where Desiree Dix had a pre-elimination outburst and threw the chicken prop at Yuri. Naturally, Desiree was eliminated, and Yuri came back to the lab with a renewed (and optimistic) viewpoint.

The Boulets informed them that their upcoming task was to design eerie appearances inspired by a Ghost Train theme. They were given the option to portray either train staff or passengers, and would be organized into teams of three. Each team would then need to perform lip-syncing to the Boulet Brothers’ song, aptly named “The Ghost Train“.

To make the performance more authentic, they’ll be staging it at an eerie train yard, known for its ghostly tales. It’s understandable that many weren’t enthused about collaborating, but they eventually organized themselves and started mapping out their acts.

While they were donning their outfits, we caught a brief glimpse into some of them. Asia Consent characterized her appearance as a coal shoveler, Aurora assembled an elegant debutante ensemble adorned with tarnished jewelry, and Grey Matter assumed the role of a grungy, dust-covered cowboy.

In this current episode, Yuri seemed unusually cheerful, quite a change from his gloomy demeanor in the previous one. It appears that triumphing in the elimination round significantly altered his perspective on the competition. Conversely, Auntie Heroine appeared rather cranky and harshly criticized several of her fellow competitors.

The Boulet Brothers' Dragula episode 4: The Uglies ride the Ghost Train

Auntie believes Majesty might be self-centered or narcissistic due to their constant focus on themselves, a trait that has been observed to be genuine. Consequently, Auntie finds it difficult to place trust in Majesty.

Next came the floor performance, and the Boulet Brothers presented this week’s judges: Justin Simien, a writer/director known for “Bad Hair” and “Haunted Mansion”, and Landon Cider, a victor from the third season of “Dragula”.

Following the trios’ performances, Drac and Swan shared their thoughts on the acts. They found Jaharia, Pi, and Auntie’s group act exceptional, but felt that Majesty, Yuri, and Grey Matter lacked cohesion. While Yuri’s presentation was impressive, Aurora’s was also well-received (she had clearly considered their feedback from the previous challenge).

From my perspective, Asia’s appearance was quite appealing, though perhaps a bit off-theme. However, her lip synchronization stole the show, hands down! On the flip side, Vivvi seemed to be a visual conundrum, a hot mess in my eyes.

To put it simply, all my buddies Majesty, Jaharia, and Asia made it through unscathed. Auntie mostly approved, same goes for Yuri and Aurora. Pi didn’t exactly wow ’em with their performance, but the Boulets seemed to dig their 80s sex worker vibe.

Aurora’s stylish appearance was deemed the most impressive. This recognition served as a significant confidence boost for her, considering she recently participated in the challenging ‘shark elimination round’.

Which Dragula competitors had to face off in the elimination challenge?

As a devoted fan, I must admit it was quite a jolt seeing Vivvi the Force and Grey Matter struggle during the elimination challenge. The rules were simple yet chilling: we had to grip tightly onto the metallic rails surrounding a Tesla coil. The longer we could withstand the continuous electric shocks, the better our chances of survival. It was indeed an exhilarating test of endurance!

Inside the cauldron, Grey Matter remained thoughtful and introspective, yet claimed with conviction that he would emerge victorious.

As a gamer here, I must admit I’m puzzled about who got eliminated since all we saw was the Tesla zipping off with a skeletal figure clinging on. Normally, we’d witness an epic demise of the loser, but this time it seemed different. Given the unpredictable nature of these challenges and the fact that the Boulets have brought back contestants in previous episodes, I’m inclined to think both may reappear next time around.

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2024-10-23 20:26

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