Some fans want a limited series of Seven of Nine during her post-Voyager days

Some fans want a limited series of Seven of Nine during her post-Voyager days

As a devoted fan who’s spent countless hours immersed in the Star Trek universe, I wholeheartedly endorse the idea of a Seven of Nine limited series or movie. The journey of this fascinating character, from her days as a Borg drone to her transformation into a Starfleet captain, has been captivating and leaves us yearning for more.

In the hypothetical scenario where Jeri Ryan’s character, Seven of Nine, sits in the captain’s chair on the new Enterprise, it won’t matter much if Star Trek: Legacy doesn’t get greenlit for production. In essence, we might bid a fond farewell to this beloved character as there seems to be no other platform for her presence at the moment. However, some enthusiastic fans have proposed an intriguing alternative. They yearn to witness Seven of Nine adapting to life post-Voyager, and truthfully, that concept isn’t without merit.

It’s clear that following Seven of Nine’s attempt to join Starfleet, and despite Captain Janeway’s endorsement, she was ultimately denied admission. Subsequently, Seven pursued a different path, choosing to become part of the Fenris Rangers. Although they are often viewed as vigilantes, Seven justified her decision by explaining that she was assisting people who were otherwise overlooked and neglected.

An exclusive series or movie on a streaming platform could delve deeper into this intriguing character, Seven of Nine, providing fans with a continuation of her story – from her initial appearance as the stoic ex-Borg drone, to her time serving alongside Admiral Picard [Patrick Stewart] in battle, and ultimately her rise through the ranks to become a Starfleet captain. This expanded narrative could offer fans a more comprehensive look at Seven’s development and growth.

This would also be an opportunity to bring back Icheb and give fans a chance to see them grow even closer than they were on Voyager. Adding in Hugh [Jonathan del Arco] would also give us more of his back story and how he went from the Enterprise to his position on the Borg Artifact Research Institute. All in all, a limited Seven of Nine series or a movie would fill in the gaps of Seven’s life and show her growing more from a former drone to a the human she always wanted to be again.

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2024-10-08 22:22

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