Shrinking season 2 episode 11 sets up what’s to come in the finale (Review)

As a gamer who has navigated countless virtual worlds and faced numerous challenges, I can confidently say that the latest episode of Shrinking season 2 is a testament to the power of storytelling and character development. This week’s episode, “The Drugs Don’t Work,” on Apple TV+, took each character on a journey that was both heartwarming and heart-wrenching, making it an exciting build-up towards the finale next week.

Gosh, it seems like we think we’ve got these characters figured out from Shrinking season 2, but they always find ways to keep us guessing, even in the second-to-last episode! This week, each character grapples with a challenge or major shift, setting the stage for the finale next week. Here’s our take on season 2 episode 11, titled “The Drugs Don’t Work,” now streaming on Apple TV+. SPOILER ALERT.

We’ll kick things off with Alice and Jimmy, who I hold in high regard as my top choices. I had felt we were making progress with them. However, after discovering that Louis was instructed not to communicate with Alice by her father, she became enraged at Jimmy. Quite fittingly, this disclosure occurred on her birthday, adding a touch of melodrama.

In a somewhat tense conversation, Jimmy seems reluctant to engage with Louis, while Alice encourages him to assist her new acquaintance, much like how he assists others. I can see why she feels that way. If forgiving Louis helps Alice cope with her sorrow, then that’s commendable. However, I believe it’s not fair for Alice to essentially pressure Jimmy into helping Louis escape his melancholy, and then become upset when he declines.

Louis finds himself in a challenging predicament following the tragic car accident he caused, resulting in Tia’s death. Although he deeply regrets his actions and didn’t intend for this to happen, it’s clear that overcoming such a devastating event won’t be simple. Just as Tia would have needed time to accept and forgive Louis, Jimmy deserves the same patience.

Gaby is facing some personal issues with her mother, who has been making her feel remorseful for choosing not to let her move in. Furthermore, an unexpected situation unfolded regarding Derek2. Now, was it wrong of Gaby to exclude him from Thanksgiving and distance herself? Yes, it certainly was. Was his response justified? Definitely not. To be honest, the friendly and upbeat Derek2 transformed into a rather unpleasant individual, which is disheartening as I genuinely appreciate him.

Sean is thriving, which brings me immense joy. He’s found improvement due to therapy with Paul, his mental state has improved significantly, the food truck is running smoothly, he’s resolved the issues with his father, and he’s even dating someone. That “someone” happens to be Paul’s doctor, which had me rolling with laughter when I learned about it. He’s also prepared to move out of Jimmy’s place, and our dear Derek is stepping in to help. Aww, it’s going to be a mix of emotions seeing him leave, but it’s a positive step for him.

Concerning Paul, his tremors have become more severe and the medication isn’t effective for as long. It’s truly disheartening to observe a character who initially came off as grumpy becoming one you empathize with, given his current struggles. Despite this, I find the narrative compelling and believe it accurately portrays the experiences of many who face similar challenges.

Regarding Jimmy in the second season of Shrinking, he’s not doing so great in this episode. He attempts to improve by aiding his patients, but it only provides temporary relief. However, avoiding one’s problems is futile. I found myself on edge when it appeared he might slip back into old habits. Fortunately, he managed to resist, and reached out to Paul for support. This act brought him solace, yet also caused my heart to ache seeing him so vulnerable.

In conclusion, we’re delighted to share some wonderful news! Brian and Charlie will become parents earlier than anticipated. The woman they originally didn’t get to parent had a change of heart, and now they’re on the verge of parenthood! Hooray for them!

Personally, I found episode 11 of season 2 in Shrinking to be exceptionally powerful. It underscores the fact that life can often surprise us with unexpected challenges even when things seem to be improving. However, it also reminds us that we’re not alone and can rely on those around us for the support we need during tough times. Here’s hoping this support is enough to help us navigate through it all, leading up to an exciting finale! My rating: A.

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2024-12-18 18:28

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