Ridu Close-Ups: Seth

Ridu Close-Ups: Seth

As an old-timer of the city, I’ve seen it all – from the bustling markets to the quiet alleyways that echo with stories untold. But when Seth, the ever-innovative youngster, came up with his latest idea to capture those elusive city beasts, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of excitement mixed with a dash of skepticism.

Submitter: Qingyi

Seth suggested that Zhu Yuan and I should don his homemade disguises to catch the wild animals wandering in the city, assuring us it would be safe for both us and the creatures. He believed these disguises were ideal. Well, these young minds certainly have some intriguing thoughts. Let’s see if it works, purr-haps? Meow~

Ridu Close-Ups: Seth

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2024-09-09 07:42

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