Overwatch 2 Season 15 mid-season patch notes and details

Genji buffs galore! Here are all of the latest Overwatch 2 mid-season patch notes.

The Overwatch 2 Season 15 mid-season patch notes are here! Read on for all of the mid-season updates plus what to expect in the near future.

Overwatch 2 Season 15 mid-season patch notes

Here are all of the Overwatch 2 Season 15 mid-season patch notes and details. Tank updates went to Junker Queen, Ramattra, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, and Wrecking Ball. Meanwhile, the damage heroes that received adjustments include Bastion, Cassidy, Genji, Mei, Pharah, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Torbjorn, and Tracer. As for the support heroes, balance changes were made to Baptiste, Brigitte, Illari, Juno, Lifeweaver, and Mercy. Simply click on each hero to reveal their patch notes.

Overwatch 2 patch notes today

In addition to these Overwatch 2 patch notes, players can now jump into the LE SSERAFIM Homecoming event, collect the new Overwatch 2 LE SSERAFIM skins, check out the Widowmaker Mythic Dame Chance weapon skin, and duke it out in some six-versus-six (6v6) matches in Open Queue in Unranked and Competitive.

Overwatch 2 Season 15 mid-season update and beyond

As for what’s next for the game, folks can look forward to testing out new damage hero Freja between March 21 and March 24, enter the GOATS meta via Overwatch Classic between March 25 and April 7, participate in the April Fools’ Day Normalwatch event between April 1 and April 14, and check out the new Competitive Drives from April 15 to April 21.

Overwatch 2 Event/UpdateStart/End
Overwatch 2 LE SSERAFIM event and skinsMarch 18 to April 1
Widowmaker Mythic Dame weapon skinMarch 18
6v6 Open Queue with new Perks systemsMarch 18 to April 21
Freja hero trialMarch 21 to March 24
Overwatch Classic GOATSMarch 25 to April 7
Normalwatch April Fools’ Day eventApril 1 to April 14
Competitive DrivesApril 15 to April 21

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2025-03-18 23:51

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