Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the latest development stream for Snowbreak was nothing short of exhilarating! The new Formhenxing’s Zodiac Outfit, inspired by the Chinese dragon and qipao, is a stunning addition to the game, blending traditional aesthetics with a modern twist. It’s clear that the developers are thinking outside the box, which I appreciate as someone who values creativity in their gaming experiences.

Earlier today, the Snowbreak team held a live broadcast during which they addressed numerous queries and presented a sneak peek of the forthcoming content scheduled for the next release.

Questions Answered

Initially, MuMu and ChonChong, the key producers at Snowbreak, engaged in a conversation that involved addressing a set of questions and taking into account feedback from fellow gamers. For clarity and brevity, the dialogue was rephrased.

Can you clarify your stance on ML (Master Love) content?

Yes, we are committed to this.

Furthermore, a visual representation displayed a sequence of their historical and planned contributions to Machine Learning content.

  • Past: ML content allowed us to survive and be reborn [presumably referring to the game’s success after declining in revenue]
  • Now: Continued production of ML content
  • Future: ML content is the only goal

Going forward, what is your priority when it comes to balancing ML and gameplay content?

Machine Learning (ML) takes precedence, but that doesn’t mean it should hinder the creation of gameplay content. In fact, they can both be worked on concurrently.

A visual representation demonstrated how resources were divided for creating two different kinds of content, emphasizing that producing one wouldn’t influence the other.

  • ML content mainly requires art and copywriting work
  • Gameplay content mainly requires game development and programming work

Has the production team increased in size? What future plans do you have?

Starting from version 1.7 [Gradient of Souls], we managed to bring on board some new team members for the first time in a while. Additionally, during our anniversary event [Suspense in Skytopia], we were able to conduct a larger funding round. The newly hired staff have been assimilating into the team since then, and we anticipate that their contributions will be evident in version 2.2 [the update after Operation Midnight]. Recruiting wasn’t straightforward; we had to sift through potential candidates and ensure they shared our company values of putting the playerbase first. Working here can be challenging, and many applicants found the workload too much to handle.

It seems to me that the existing solo gameplay isn’t keeping players hooked sufficiently. Are there any ideas or plans in place to improve this issue?

As an enthusiastic player, I understand the ongoing debates among our community regarding the game’s difficulty level. To cater to both groups – those who find the game too easy and those who find it challenging – we are working diligently to create a balanced experience. This includes crafting relaxing, casual gameplay options as well as more demanding content that will keep seasoned players engaged.

I often find various bugs while playing Snowbreak. Are there any plans to fix that?

Previously, our small production team frequently faced tight deadlines, often completing content right before it was due, leaving little time for thorough testing. In reality, this livestream was finalized just last night! However, we’re dedicated to addressing any bugs that do arise, and we anticipate that the extra staff we recently hired will help decrease the occurrence of such issues.

What happened to those game modes you showed during the anniversary livestream?

Are there plans to produce more in-depth story content and lore in the future?

As an ardent supporter, I must confess that there’s a dream project we’re yearning to embark on, but the journey isn’t straightforward. Given the circumstances we find ourselves in, locating individuals who align with our vision and are willing to uphold our commitments proves challenging. This hurdle makes it difficult for us to expand our writing team.

What are the plans for the remake of the first ten story chapters?

As a dedicated follower, I personally can’t foresee us embarking on such a venture at this moment due to its significant resource demand, which includes a substantial chunk of our team. However, we are committed to delivering quality content for upcoming updates first and foremost.

What about extra character voices? Are there plans to expand on that?

As an enthusiast, I’m excited to share that by version 2.5, our main story will be fully voice-acted, bringing characters to life even more immersively! On top of that, we’re keen on enhancing the gun sounds within the game, ensuring a satisfying auditory experience for fellow fans like myself who appreciate the finer details.

As a gaming enthusiast, I can’t help but wonder if we’ll see the Adjutant’s marriage with Lyfe and Fenny incorporated into the main game narrative. Will their love story become a significant part of our journey ahead?

Yes, this will be acknowledged in the main story as a canon event.

Is the Adjutant going to be getting any more outfits?

Yes, we actually have a new outfit for the Adjutant coming soon. Please look forward to it.

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

Speaking of outfits, what are your plans for outfits with changeable parts?

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

In this upcoming release, you’ll find two versatile outfits – Vidya – Agave and Chenxing – Ethereal Cloud. Each of these ensembles comes in two interchangeable pieces, priced at 108RMB or approximately $15 USD per set.

Are we going to get more home screen options, like random operatives and outfits?

In our upcoming update, you’ll find a new option to shuffle the arrangement of your home screen apps. Additionally, we aim to incorporate an interactive scene setting feature into the home menu, however, we are currently focusing on improving its performance before it is rolled out.

As a gamer, I often find myself running low on specific upgrade materials for my weapons. Could there possibly be a method to transform the excess materials I have hoarded into others that are scarce?

With the upcoming update, you’ll find this additional functionality included. We’ve had this inquiry before, so we thought it would be beneficial to remind everyone about this new feature.

I hope there will be a way to rewatch characters’ gacha summoning animations.

We’ll be adding this feature in version 2.2.

Is there anything that can be done to deal with all of my extra SR operative manifest fragments?

There are plans to add an exchange shop that you can use those in, coming in version 2.3.

Will anything be done to improve the ability to get good stats on logistics pieces?

At present, we’re working on enhancing our logistics platform, aiming to streamline the process of acquiring quality logistics resources. Our goal is to launch this upgrade in version 2.5.

In the course of the broadcast, the hosts addressed a viewer’s complaint about the delay in the release of version 2.5 by expressing their intention to make an effort to bring it out earlier.

Can you add a setting to turn off the visuals effects of teammates in co-op game modes?

We hope to introduce such a feature before version 2.3.

I’m hoping for additional methods of chatting or quick response options within cooperative gameplay modes.

We have plans to add more preset messages that can be sent, to be added around version 2.2 or 2.3.

Are there any plans for official merchandise?

By approximately version 2.2, we anticipate launching our official store, and it will definitely be up and running by version 2.3 at the earliest. To get a sense of what our players desire, we’ll distribute surveys. Our initial plan is to commence pre-orders for merchandise once we have gathered enough data.

As a dedicated gamer, I’m thrilled to share that I’ve got some exciting news! It seems like our favorite game developers have something special in store for us local players. They’re planning to release an update tailored just for us, and it sounds amazing! Let’s hope this will bring new adventures, challenges, and experiences within the game we all love so much. Fingers crossed that this news extends to our global gaming community as well!

Do you guys pay attention to internet controversies about the game?

Constantly, there’s a common report that automated bots might infiltrate forums related to the [CN side] during the hours of 1-2 AM, either launching attacks on Snowbreak players or impersonating them to bully others. However, we vigilantly monitor such activities and it’s a well-known issue, so these accounts are often swiftly suspended.

After this, a redemption code was shown on screen.

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

It appears it’s only functional on local Chinese servers for now. However, good news is that they’ve developed their own unique code for global users too – let’s see what the future holds!

All About Agave

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

The art director, referring to Vidya – Agave, discussed her at length. He noted her passion for films, daydreaming, and an unusual affection towards the character, Adjutant. In her transition from Laevatein operative to a member of the Heimdall Force, she redesigned her appearance as well. Remarkably, he pointed out that her distinctive purple color scheme remained because it was preferred by players, but now she wears her jacket slung around her waist and showcases her abs to demonstrate her power and assert that she’s far from being soft or weak, despite the Adjutant’s ability to lift her effortlessly.

Previously, beef acknowledged concerns from players about insufficient character detail in the game. To address this, they added finer elements such as visible abdominal lines on characters’ bodies while maintaining a balance to prevent over-muscularization. However, beef expressed frustration that these detailed aspects sometimes didn’t blend well with the game’s shadow effects. Yet, he emphasized their dedication to improving the game and hoped players would acknowledge and appreciate the added details despite these technical challenges.

When discussing Agave’s design, he pointed out the Indian motifs and inspirations that were integrated into her design, particularly the depiction of the Hindu goddess Saraswati. This is also reflected in her Plumed Beauty attire, which was deliberately designed to resemble a peacock. Attention was given to her headwear to ensure it complemented her glasses without being overly busy.

Additionally, there was a guided visit through Agave’s quarters, where the hosts attempted comically to highlight her bathroom animation but continually found themselves unable, as the setting for changing her dorm action persistently placed her throughout her room apart from the bath.

Chenxing’s Zodiac Outfit

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

At the start the year, there was discussion about whether or not they should make an outfit for the zodiac and the animal for the year, the dragon. In the end, they decided to create a dragon-themed Chinese qipao dress for the occasion (I’ll note that it’s not exactly a typical qipao design…). They focused on a black and white yin-yang concept, with accents of red and gold for additional Chinese theming. Since it’s a still a dragon zodiac outfit, horns and a floating tail were added as well.

Gameplay Demo

At the conclusion, the broadcast featured a confrontation between Agave and the latest boss, Nightborne Phantom. Unfortunately, due to poor streaming quality in this segment, it was difficult to watch. However, valuable information about the boss could still be gleaned from the broadcast.

  • It has two hard HP triggers that each lead to a different phase of the fight
  • It has three breakable parts that regenerate after each trigger
  • It can spawn an area that deals damage over time, but also restores S-Energy, making it a high-risk, high-reward strategy

Moreover, Agave demonstrated her playstyle by repeatedly using her basic ability without any discernible cooldown period. Following this, she would employ her ultimate ability to inflict heavy burst damage. Subsequently, she’d make use of Nightborne Phantom’s invincibility during its health thresholds to shoot it and swiftly restore S-Energy.

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary
Operation Midnight Devstream Summary
Operation Midnight Devstream Summary
Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

Final Remarks

In the chat, some viewers inquired about the prospect of a testing server to catch bugs ahead of time. The hosts replied that at this moment, it’s not feasible due to the pressing deadlines they are facing. However, once extra production capacity is acquired and game content can be completed earlier, a test server may be established. MuMu also hinted that version 2.2 will be substantial and encouraged viewers to stay tuned. They mentioned that as part of their endeavor to broaden the game’s voiceover, outfits would receive more voice lines. When asked about an SSR Nita alt, the hosts suggested they would conduct a survey to gauge interest among players, but expressed doubt about creating an SSR design for her that players would appreciate (Although I know there’s a tweet from the official EN Snowbreak account stating it’s “on the schedule,” I want to clarify that this is what was discussed during the stream). The hosts also promised future character model enhancements and additional content for the massage minigame, and the stream concluded with another redemption code.

Operation Midnight Devstream Summary

I’ve found that the code isn’t functioning on global servers, but don’t worry! You can still enjoy the same rewards by using the code “tasteofagave”. Enjoy!

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2024-08-21 20:30

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