Meta Report: Operation Midnight

Meta Report: Operation Midnight

As a seasoned Snowbreak player with countless hours under my belt, I can’t help but share my thoughts on the recent gameplay trends and developments. Operation Midnight may have been a brief interlude, but it’s the finer details that often go unnoticed – like the rise of double DPS strategies!

Now that Operation Midnight has ended, it’s a perfect opportunity to examine the latest gaming patterns and updates within Snowbreak. To put it simply, Operation Midnight was more of a transitional event rather than a game-changer. Don’t get me wrong, occasional filler events can be beneficial, but there isn’t much fresh ground to cover in this instance (if you haven’t read the Vidya – Agave review yet, I highly recommend it). So today, let’s delve into new Neural Sim strategies, modifications in game modes, and finally, reach a consensus on Agave as a character who is neither exceptional nor poor. In other words, she’s just average.

Doubling Up

One defensive feature that some Neural Sim leaders possess is becoming invincible after they’ve taken a certain amount of damage. Since time spent with the boss in an invincible state is essentially wasted time since you’re not actively defeating them, this situation is less than ideal for players. However, players have discovered methods to circumvent this, such as interrupting the trigger with crowd control effects, dealing damage during brief openings in invincibility periods, or overwhelming the boss with such intense attacks that it doesn’t get a chance to become invincible. But not all invulnerability phases can be easily bypassed using these techniques. As the game introduces more and stronger burst abilities, another strategy has emerged. If you find yourself waiting for an invulnerability phase to end, consider bringing a high burst damage per second (DPS) character along to attack the boss as soon as the invincibility ends.

For now, the less common strategy of using two Dynamic Priority System (DPS) characters isn’t widely used due to the efficiency of the standard 1-DPS-2-support setup. However, it has been employed against bosses like Fiend – Frostwind, Will – Flameblade, and even Joseph – Hardened, depending on whether Agave is considered a DPS (which we’ll discuss further). Usually, Cherno – Enigma and Siris – Ksana are the ones who set up these tactics more frequently. As we encounter more relatively fragile bosses that depend on invulnerability phases to survive, expect an increase in double DPS combinations in top team compositions.

Vocabulary lesson! Invulnerability triggers come in two types:

  • Soft HP triggers, which let through any extra damage dealt by the hit that takes the boss to the HP threshold. This regularly gets abused to a comical degree, like being able to one-shot Cerberus before it ever gets the chance to hit its 80% HP trigger.
  • Hard HP triggers, the lame classmate who reminds your teacher that they forgot to collect homework. Any extra damage you deal when you hit the trigger gets thrown out, sorry. Nobody likes these.

Doubling Down

As a dedicated player, I can’t help but wonder about the trend of challenging content in our game getting toned down or eliminated entirely. For instance, the removal of Battlefront events post Realm of Illusion, with its wave defense mode becoming less demanding as well. And it seems that Jotun Tunnel, a mode that was already minimal and easy for veterans who’ve played for more than a month, is next on the list to be further simplified.

At one point, I was considering revisiting the issue from the initial nerf, as it appeared to me that the reason for it might have been due to everyone being underleveled rather than the stages themselves being too hard. In my expectations, there would be an increase in difficulty later on when skilled players had amassed sufficient firepower to easily conquer Jotun. However, you know, things didn’t quite turn out as planned.

What makes it even more confusing is that while I’ve seen a fair amount of complaints about the Battlefronts and wave defence game modes between global and CN communities, Jotun Tunnel hasn’t really been a perceived pain point, with most players being able to clear it just fine as far as I could tell. That is to say, it appears that Seasun took the initiative on their own to reduce the difficulty. Why? It’s hard to come up with a compelling answer, especially considering that there are three difficulty levels to choose from that each reward the same amount of Digicash. If it turns out to just be Seasun losing faith in their playerbase, I can only ask that they take off the kiddie gloves and stop being afraid to give us a proper challenge.

While we’re discussing Brave Squad, could you explain why the co-op stage was taken out? Frankly, I’m puzzled about that because their multiplayer servers seem capable of handling it smoothly, as they’ve run multiple versions without any problems. It seems there are some enigmas in game development.

Film Faux Pas

Hey there! After the recent updates, I’ve noticed that Vidya-Agave seems to have boosted my keyboard performance rather than Agave herself. The ability to continuously cast her standard skill is undeniably convenient, but it doesn’t seem to significantly enhance her combat potential where it truly matters. Don’t get me wrong, she can still dish out competitive damage across various bosses, but her true value lies primarily in part breaking on Joseph-Hardened and taking down Nightborne Phantoms, which seems to suit her best due to their specific design.

Essentially, most of what I’d previously stated about her remains valid. For a comprehensive evaluation of her abilities, including her strengths and areas for improvement, feel free to refer back to my initial review.

Meta Changes

You can find the full tier list here.

In simpler terms, Agave doesn’t cause much change in the overall competitive landscape, so we don’t see significant shifts in rankings or positions.

Meta Report: Operation Midnight

Vidya – Agave Rated at Tier 1

In comparison to the current trend of powerful damage per second (DPS) releases, Agave can seem rather unimpressive or lackluster in specific situations, despite having its uses in certain niche scenarios.

Meta Report: Operation Midnight

Eatchel – The Cub (High Investment) Rated at Tier 0.5

Our friend from Yehrus is seeing progress, as she’s been included in an increasing number of lineups due to her potent ability to boost raw attack power – but only with adequate care and attention given, and once she receives the desired shotgun on her wishlist. Moreover, the debut of a high-performing Kinetic DPS character named Lyfe has granted her an additional role as a Twilight resistance reducer.

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2024-09-28 20:59

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