Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late ‘mummy would be so proud’

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

As I delved deeper into Joey Essex’s life story, my heart went out to him as I saw a man who had been thrust into the limelight while grappling with deep-seated emotional pain. His experiences resonated with me on a personal level, as I too have known what it’s like to feel torn apart by loss and struggle to come to terms with my emotions.

During the Monday episode of Love Island, Joey Essex experienced an emotional reunions with his sister Frankie and nanny Linda.

In tonight’s episode, families of the Islanders will make a surprise appearance, bringing joy and excitement before Monday’s finale.

Last to receive a visit from their friends and family are Joey and Jessy Potts’s family. 

As Joey’s sister and nanny look on with pride, the TOWIE star, aged 33, becomes emotional as Frankie shares with him that “our mom would be so proud” of him.

Frankie says: ‘Honestly Joe, you’re doing so well, mummy would be so proud of you. 

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

‘Honestly, daddy said he loves you so much and he misses you’

Joey’s mother, Tina, died by suicide when he was just 10 years old.  

As Joey spends time with his relatives, Jessica’s parents, Julie and Matthew (both around 50 years old), stop by to see her.

Joey previously revealed how his mother dying has impacted his relationships with women.

Previously, the long-time reality TV star opened up about how the death of his mother affected his romantic connections with women.

In his latest BBC documentary “Joey Essex: Grief and Me,” he discussed the reasons he’s found it challenging to sustain relationships.

In the emotional talk-show, he opens up to a counselor about his difficulty in accepting that someone could care for him as deeply as his mother, Tina, who held a special place in his heart by loving him more than any other woman ever could.

As an obsessed fan, I’d put it this way: Joey shared that he yearned to confront his loss and heal from his grief, believing that by doing so, he could eventually meet someone special and begin building a beautiful family of our own.

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'
Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'
Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

He expressed his longing for genuine joy and romantic connection, sharing that despite having had satisfying relationships, he found himself unintentionally distancing from them.

In simpler terms, I believe my past and current hardships may be too much for someone else to bear, so I unconsciously sabotage potential meaningful connections.

I can’t speak for your experiences or feelings, but based on the given text, it seems that you’re sharing a deeply emotional and confusing situation about your mum leaving you despite her love. It’s natural to question such a paradox and grapple with the “why” behind it. The confusion and disbelief may linger long after her departure, making it an ongoing internal struggle for you.

Joey confessed that he had gotten involved in multiple unserious relationships or deliberately kept others at a distance, all as means of shielding himself.

Over the past few years, I’ve been utterly captivated by Joey’s love life! He’s had some remarkable romantic encounters, you know. With Sam Faiers, his TOWIE co-star, they shared an undeniable connection that left us all in awe. Then there was Amy Willerton, the stunning model he met during I’m a Celebrity – their chemistry was electric! And who could forget Stephanie Pratt from The Hills? Their fling was as unforgettable as it was unexpected!

He expressed that he finds it difficult to trust many individuals, adding, “I just can’t.” Regarding solitude, he confessed, “The idea of being all by myself terrifies me deeply. I’ve experienced it in my childhood, and it was an unbearable ordeal.”

If I were in love, had children with that person, and truly cherished her, but she chose to leave me, I would be at a loss.

Reaching the milestone of thirty, I took a moment to reflect on my life. I realized that I had been spending way too much time on unfulfilling activities and relationships. It was time for me to prioritize myself and pursue happiness from within. Only then could I attract a healthy and meaningful connection into my life.

While conversing with his cousin Chloe Sims, aged 41, Joey confessed that he finds it difficult to fully commit emotionally to women.

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'
Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

Based on my personal experiences and the way my mind tends to work, I’ve found that approaching a new relationship with the belief that it’s doomed before it even begins is not a healthy way for me to think. I’ve learned this through past relationships where I’ve entered them with negative expectations, only to have them fail due to my self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, I prefer to focus on the potential positives and give each relationship a fair chance, rather than pushing it away before we’ve even begun.

Previously, I lived a wild social life as a party guy. But now, after experiencing a significant shift, I find myself longing for something more stable and meaningful – a family of my own. However, I’m unsure of how to find happiness without pursuing that path.

The reality star shared feelings he’d previously hidden regarding his mother. In the past, he tended to keep quiet when discussing her.

Based on my personal perspective and experiences, it seems that this individual is deeply attached to something or someone, possibly an emotional bond, which they find difficult to release. They express a strong desire not to let go and prioritize this attachment above all else, even if it means disregarding other aspects of life. This intense feeling suggests a significant impact on their emotional wellbeing and experiences.

Many individuals express doubt about this topic, stating “you can’t truly understand her feelings,” and so on. However, her actions suggest she overcame her suffering. Now consider my situation.

I’ve accomplished a lot in my life, but who am I trying to impress? No one. In fact, I’d be willing to give up all of my achievements for just one hour with her.

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

In the documentary, Joey shared that he frequently experiences feelings of loneliness in his grand Essex house, which he had bought with the intention of sharing it with someone by now after eight years.

“Despite appearing as a successful Essex native with all the wealth in the world, people fail to understand the complexities within me. I was merely born with a silver spoon, yet my inner thoughts and experiences remain untold,” he explained.

After becoming well-known on The Only Way is Essex following his departure from Billingsgate Fish Market, Joey confessed that he frequently struggled with the pressure of his newfound fame, all while continuing to cope with his grief from ten years prior – resulting in regular panic attacks.

In relation to how the general population views him, Joey admitted that they’ve only seen one facet of his personality.

For the past seven years, I’ve been out of sight for most people. My identity is not well-known to many, which can be confusing since I often question my own self-image as well.

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'
Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

In the documentary, Joey acknowledged that he had experienced panic attacks and anxiety since his childhood.

During his teenage years, he shared with Dr. Stephen Blumenthal, his therapist, that he would frequently become overwhelmed with heat and rush about in a frenzy at home.

Don, his father, shared later on that he used to give Joey chilly baths to calm him down. He wished Joey wouldn’t remember this incident since they hadn’t spoken about it prior.

As a kid, Joey’s anxiety would manifest during sleep, causing him to jolt awake in terror and cry out, “Tell my mother I love her!” over and over again.

He openly acknowledged that his mother’s passing deeply shattered him, leading him to experience bouts of sadness frequently. On various instances, he sought medical help at the hospital, believing something was amiss with his health.

When he learned that his mother had passed away, he recalled the experience as if it were only a day ago because the notion refused to leave his mind.

Love Island Joey Essex has an emotion reunion with his sister Frankie and his nanny Linda as they say his late 'mummy would be so proud'

He replied, saying merely the phrase “mummy has left” left him in disbelief. In his mind, he kept hoping and believing that she would return.

The path of his therapy wasn’t without challenges, such as a moment when he seriously thought about ending the sessions due to finding it hard to open up to Dr. Blumenthal.

In a heartfelt moment, he expressed, “I’ve never given this situation the importance it deserves, and now I’m struggling. I don’t have faith in you, and I’m growing increasingly agitated – I just can’t put it into words, it’s incredibly challenging for me. All I can say is that sometimes I feel trapped.”

In the closing moments of the heartfelt show, Joey shared that he wasn’t entirely sure what others gain from therapy, yet he sensed a change within himself.

In plain language, you could say: “I’ve accepted that I’ll never fully recover from the trauma. It’s a part of my life now, and I have to live with it. But I’ve made progress – I’ve started talking about it and even looking at pictures related to it. This is a big step forward for me.”

I’m content and pleased with how I handled it. I can accept it now and continue on. I can find only good experiences from my past.

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2024-07-22 23:19

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