Limbus Company Gift Fusion Guide — All EGO Fusion Gifts

Limbus Company Gift Fusion Guide — All EGO Fusion Gifts

Well, well, well! If you’re here to delve into the mystical world of EGO fusion gifts in Limbus Company, buckle up, my friend, for we’ve got quite the treasure trove awaiting you!

As a devoted gamer immersed in the world of Limbus Company, I’ve stumbled upon a treasure trove of EGO (Extermination of Geometrical Organ) goodies. However, out of these hundreds, only 18 can be amplified by merging two specific items and enhancing them through 10 unique keywords. Here, I’ll share with you the complete list of all EGO fusion gifts, encompassing every possible combination, the costs for upgrading, and the extraordinary effects they bring to the table.

All EGO Fusion Gift Combos and Keywords in Limbus Company

In this game, there are four levels of EGO fusion rewards, and each reward can be improved twice. To trigger these fusions, you’ll need to use Starlight at the Rest Stop. Below are the probabilities for each fusion event:

  • 2-Gift fusion: 60% chance of obtaining the selected keyword.
  • 3-Gift fusion: 90% chance of obtaining the selected keyword.

To create potent Tier IV EGO fusions, it’s essential to mix particular EGO talents. Here are all the talents required and the keywords to remember:

Gift 1Gift 2Fusions/Keywords
Ashes to Ashes (Tier I)Dust to Dust (Tier III)Soothe The Dead (Burn)
Rusted Muzzle (Tier I)Smokes and Wires (Tier III)Bloody Mist (Bleed)
Rusted Hilt (Tier III)Fractured Blade (Tier III)Sublimity (Bleed / Slash)
Nagel und Hammer Scriptures (Tier II)Squalidity (Tier II)Wholeness (Bleed)
Nixie Divergence (Tier I)Bell of Truth (Tier III)Coupled Oscillation (Tremor)
Mirror Tactile Synaesthesia (Tier II)Chief Butler’s Secret Arts (Tier III)Handheld Mirror (Tremor)
Silver Watch Case (Tier II)Rusted Clock Hands (Tier II)Pocket Watch: Type E (Tremor)
Silver Watch Case (Tier II)Etched Clock Hands (Tier II)Pocket Watch: Type L (Tremor)
Faded Watch Case (Tier II)Rusted Clock Hands (Tier II)Pocket Watch: Type P (Tremor)
Faded Watch Case (Tier II)Etched Clock Hands (Tier II)Pocket Watch: Type Y (Tremor, Yurodivy)
Talisman Bundle (Tier I)Standard-Duty Battery (Tier III)Enrapturing Trance (Rupture)
Ragged Umbrella (Tier II)Broken Glasses (Tier II)Unmailed Letter (Rupture)
Headless Portrait (Tier I)Midwinter Nightmare (Tier III)Black Sheet Music (Sinking)
Haunted Shoes (Tier II)Frozen Cries (Tier II)Hoarfrost Footprint (Sinking)
Ornamental Horseshoe (Tier I)Four-Leaf Clover (Tier III)Lucky Pouch (Poise)
Rusted Hilt (Tier III)Broken Blade (Tier III)Unbending (Poise / Slash)
Nebulizer (Tier II)Harpoon Prosthetic Leg (Tier II)Guided Gas Lamp (Poise)
Wrist Guards (Tier I)Material Interference Force Field (Tier III)T-1 Perpetual Motion Machine (Charge)

Upgrade Costs

The cost for each upgrade depends on the tier of the EGO gifts you intend to combine. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Tier 1 EGO upgrade cost:
    • Upgrade +1: 80
    • Upgrade +2: 160
  • Tier 2 EGO upgrade cost:
    • Upgrade +1: 100
    • Upgrade +2: 200
  • Tier 3 EGO upgrade cost:
    • Upgrade +1: 125
    • Upgrade +2: 250
  • Tier 4 EGO upgrade cost:
    • Upgrade +1: 160
    • Upgrade +2: 320

Limbus Company Gift Fusion Guide — All EGO Fusion Gifts

All EGO Fusion Gift Effects in Limbus Company

When you combine two EGO gifts to produce a potent Tier IV EGO fusion gift, each gift will provide the following effects:

Soothe the DeadEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Burn Potency, Count, or Unique Burn effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills).

First Turn Start Of A Wave: Inflict 3 Burn Count to all enemies (or all Abnormality parts); randomly inflict a total of 15 Burn Potency between all enemies (or all abnormality parts).

To Skills that inflict Burn Potency, Count, or Unique Burn: Final Power +1, Coin Power +1, inflicted Burn Potency +1, inflicted Burn Count +1.

Bloody MistEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Bleed Potency, Count, or Unique Bleed effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills).

Allies inflict double the amount of Bleed Potency and Bleed Count.

Skills that inflict Bleed Potency, Count, or Unique Bleed: Coin Power +2, damage dealt +100%.

SublimityEncounter Start: activates when there are 3 or more Kurokumo Clan Identities.

Turn Start: all allies gain 2 Slash Power Up, and deal +35% more Slash damage.

Turn Start: when a Kurokumo Clan Identity deals damage for the first time, inflict an additional 4 Bleed Potency and +4 Bleed Count. (Once per turn)

WholenessIf the ally wins a Clash using a Skill that inflicts Bleed Potency, Count, or Unique Bleed, inflict 2~3 Nails.

If the ally is from N Corp., gain 1 Fanatic at Turn Start, and deal +25% more damage against targets with Bleed.

Activate a special effect when there are 5+ Identities from N Corp.:
N Corp. Identities gain Final Power +1, Plus Coin Power +1, Minus Coin Power -1, and Attack Skills inflict +1 more Nails. If an N Corp. Identity is at max SP at Turn Start, gain 3 Damage Up.

Coupled OscillationEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Tremor Potency or Count. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

First Trun Start of a wave: Inflict 5 Tremor and +5 Tremor Count to all enemies.

Apply 5 Tremor Potency and 2 Fragile this turn and next turn to enemies affected by Tremor Burst. (activates once per Attack Skill that triggers Tremor Burst).

After triggering 3 Tremor Bursts to a target, Stagger the target at the next Turn Start and add a new Stagger Threshold at 66% and 33% marks of the target’s current HP. (once per Encounter).

Pocket Watch Type LEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

To allies’ Skill 3s that inflict Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor: Coin Power +2 and deal +25% more damage.

When an ally that inflicts Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor triggers Amplitude Conversion on an enemy with Attack Skills (Including E.G.O Skills): multiply the Tremor Potency and Count by 1.5 (only when actually Converting them into different ‘Tremor’ types) and inflict 5 Defense Down next turn. (once per turn)

First Turn Start of a wave: inflict (12 – current Speed) Tremor Potency (min. 6) to 3 enemies with the slowest Speed.

Handheld MirrorFirst Turn Start of a wave: select 2 enemies with the slowest Speed(or 2 random Abnormality parts. The effect does not stack if the enemy is singular) and inflict 5 Bind and 3 Defense Level Down at Turn Start starting next turn.

When the enemy recovers from Stagger, and if they don’t have any remaining Stagger Thresholds, create a new Stagger Threshold at 66% mark of the target’s current HP (3 times per Encounter).

Pocket Watch Type EEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills).

To allies’ Skill 3s that inflict Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor: Coin Power +2 and deal +25% more damage.

When an ally that inflicts Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor deals damage to a slower enemy with 2+ Speed difference between them: deal +(Tremor Potency on target, max 25)% more damage and inflict 2 Defense Down every time the ally deals damage (max 6).

First Turn Start of a wave: inflict (12 – current Speed) Tremor Potency (min. 6) and (12 -current Speed) / 2 Tremor Count to 1 enemy with the fastest Speed. (rounded up; for Abnormalities, a Part).

Pocket Watch Type PEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills).

To allies’ Skill 3s that inflict Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor: Coin Power +2 and deal +25% more damage.

When an ally that inflicts Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor Clashes against a faster enemy with 2+ Speed difference: Clash Power +2 and deal +(Tremor Potency on target)% more damage. (max 50%).

Turn Start: from slowest to fastest, the 3 slowest allies gain 5 Offense Level Up, 3 Offense Level Up, and 2 Offense Level Up respectively.

Pocket Watch Type YEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor effects. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

To allies’ Skill 3s that inflict Tremor Potency, Count, or Unique Tremor: Coin Power +2 and deal +25% more damage.

Yurodivy Identities: Skill 3 gains Coin Power +2 and deal +(25 + (sum of Tremor Potency and Count on target))% more damage. (max 100%).

Yurodivy Identities: gain +3 Tremor Count at Turn Start.

Enrapturing TranceEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Rupture Potency or Count. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

When hitting an enemy with a Skill, inflict 5 Rupture Potency.

When Rupture Count on an enemy drops below 1, consume 10 Rupture Potency instead of Rupture Count. (This effect ends when Rupture Potency drops below 10).

Unmailed Letter[Effects apply only to #1, #2 Deployed Identities]

When winning a Clash with an Attack Skill that inflicts Rupture Potency or Count, inflict 5 Rupture Potency and +3 Rupture Count against the target. (once per turn per Identity)

When Clashing against an enemy with a slower Speed, gain Final Power +1 and deal +25% more damage.

When winning a Clash against an enemy with Offense Level Up buff, gain 3 Offense Level Up for the next turn, and inflict 3 Offense Level Down on the enemy that lost the Clash (absolute value 9).

Black Sheet MusicEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that apply Sinking Potency or Count. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

When hitting an enemy with a skill, inflict 5 Sinking Potency.

Turn Start: All enemies (or all Abnormality parts) regain Sinking Count equal to (Sinking Count consumed from getting hit last turn) / 2.

Hoarfrost FootprintFirst Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain +3 Sinking Count, and inflict all enemies (or all Abnormality parts) 4 Sinking Potency and +8 Sinking Count.

Enemies with Sinking lose 2 Clash Power; when an allied Identity wins a Clash against an affected enemy, inflict 2 Sinking Potency; when an allied Identity is hit by an affected enemy, inflict 3 Sinking Potency.

Lucky PouchEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain or apply Poise Potency or Count. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

Combat Start: If a random ally with Poise Critical Hits on an enemy with a Skill, all allies gain 7 Poise Potency and +7 Poise Count at the next Turn Start. (Once per turn)

Skill 3 of Identities with Skills that gain Poise Potency or Count: Final Power +3, Coin Power +(12 / # of Coins), damage dealt + (50 / # of Coins)%

UnbendingEncounter Start: activates when there are 3 or more Blade Lineage Identities.

Turn Start: all allies gain 2 Slash Power Up, and deal +35% more Slash damage.

Turn Start: when a Blade Lineage Identity hits critically, deal additional Pride damage equal to Poise Potency on self.

Guiding Gas LampFirst Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 5 Poise and +5 Poise Count.

Turn End: 1 ally with the highest sum of Poise Potency and Count gains 2 Haste, 3 Offense Level Up, and 3 Damage Up next turn.

The Pequod Identities gain Skill Power +2 and Max Speed +2.

T-1 Perpetual Motion MachineEncounter Start: This Gift activates when 5 or more Identities have Attack Skills that gain Charge Count. (Not counting E.G.O Skills)

First Turn Start of a wave: all allies gain 7 Charge Barrier.

Turn Start: All allies gain (Charge Count / 5 + 1) Damage Up.

Next Turn Start: Each Identity gains (Total Charge Count consumed by Skill use in this Encounter / 4) ‘Offense Level’ (Maxes out at 40 Charge Count consumed, or 10 Offense Level Up).

That’s it for our list of all EGO fusion gifts in Limbus Company. Stay tuned for more LC tips and tricks articles right here.

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2024-09-09 15:37

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