King’s Choice: Knight Upgrading Cost Guide and Tips
In the game “King’s Choice“, knights play a significant role in virtually every facet, from boosting your overall influence to shining in activities such as Chessboard, Nibelungen Treasure, and War of the Lions. To get the most out of them, it’s crucial to grasp which knights are the strongest, how they work efficiently, and what the cost is for upgrading a knight within “King’s Choice“.
In this write-up, we’ll primarily discuss the expenses associated with enhancing a knight. This information is crucial for smart knight selection decisions. If you’re new to the game, it’s advisable to check out our King’s Choice Newbie Guide and Mount Feeding Guide first, as they contain valuable tips and tricks for mastering the game basics. Additionally, be sure to review our guides on winning the Knights Parade, unlocking the Pets lineage in King’s Choice, and utilizing them effectively in the Pets Race event.

Cost of Upgrading each Level of Knight in King’s Choice
Housecarl Knight (Level 1-50)
It takes a total of 894,850 silver coins to advance your knight to level 50 in the game. This amount may seem substantial at first, but as you progress further into the game, it becomes less significant. Until reaching level 50, a Housecarl Knight is not qualified for Arena combat.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
1 | 0 | 11 | 1250 | 21 | 5850 | 31 | 16850 | 41 | 37250 |
2 | 102 | 12 | 1507 | 22 | 6612 | 32 | 18417 | 42 | 39922 |
3 | 162 | 13 | 1802 | 23 | 7442 | 33 | 20082 | 43 | 42722 |
4 | 231 | 14 | 2136 | 24 | 8341 | 34 | 21846 | 44 | 45651 |
5 | 314 | 15 | 2514 | 25 | 9314 | 35 | 23714 | 45 | 48714 |
6 | 412 | 16 | 2937 | 26 | 10362 | 36 | 25687 | 46 | 51912 |
7 | 530 | 17 | 3410 | 27 | 11490 | 37 | 27770 | 47 | 55250 |
8 | 669 | 18 | 3934 | 28 | 12699 | 38 | 29964 | 48 | 58729 |
9 | 834 | 19 | 4514 | 29 | 13994 | 39 | 32274 | 49 | 62354 |
10 | 1026 | 20 | 5151 | 30 | 15376 | 40 | 34701 | 50 | 66126 |
Total | 4280 | Total | 29155 | Total | 101480 | Total | 251305 | Total | 508630 |
Housecarl Knight (Level 51-100)
The expense required to boost a knight from level 50 to level 100 amounts to 12,265.74 thousand silver coins, which may seem substantial at the onset of the game, but becomes negligible over time. Only Housecarls surpassing level 60 can participate in arena battles. Yet, it’s advisable not to advance 2-star and 3-star knights to level 60.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
51 | 70050 | 61 | 118.25K | 71 | 184.85K | 81 | 272.85K | 91 | 385.25K |
52 | 74127 | 62 | 124.04K | 72 | 192.64K | 82 | 282.95K | 92 | 397.95K |
53 | 78362 | 63 | 130.01K | 73 | 200.65K | 83 | 293.29K | 93 | 410.93K |
54 | 82756 | 64 | 136.17K | 74 | 208.87K | 84 | 303.88K | 94 | 424.18K |
55 | 87314 | 65 | 142.52K | 75 | 217.32K | 85 | 314.72K | 95 | 437.72K |
56 | 92037 | 66 | 149.07K | 76 | 225.99K | 86 | 325.82K | 96 | 451.54K |
57 | 96930 | 67 | 155.81K | 77 | 234.89K | 87 | 337.17K | 97 | 465.65K |
58 | 102000 | 68 | 162.76K | 78 | 244.03K | 88 | 348.79K | 98 | 480.06K |
59 | 107240 | 69 | 169.92K | 79 | 253.4K | 89 | 360.68K | 99 | 494.76K |
60 | 112660 | 70 | 177.28K | 80 | 263.01K | 90 | 372.83K | 100 | 509.76K |
Total | 903.48K | Total | 1465.83K | Total | 2225.65K | Total | 3212.98K | Total | 4457.8K |
Novice Knight (Level 101-150)
To advance a knight from level 100 to level 150, it requires approximately 52.08 million silver coins, along with one new Novice Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor set. Conversely, upgrading a knight to the Novice Knight rank will grant 200 talent EXP for that specific knight, and the talent level cap will increase to 80.
In a situation where you’ve previously poured substantial investments into certain 3-star knights, you have the option to transform some of them into a Novice Knight. However, it’s advisable to reconsider this action due to its potential drawbacks. Instead, it would be more beneficial to focus your upgrades on 4-star knights and beyond.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
101 | 525.05K | 111 | 695.25K | 121 | 898.85K | 131 | 1.1389M | 141 | 1.4183M |
102 | 540.66K | 112 | 714.06K | 122 | 921.17K | 132 | 1.165M | 142 | 1.4485M |
103 | 556.57K | 113 | 733.21K | 123 | 943.85K | 133 | 1.1915M | 143 | 1.4792M |
104 | 572.79K | 114 | 752.69K | 124 | 966.9K | 134 | 1.2184M | 144 | 1.5103M |
105 | 589.32K | 115 | 772.52K | 125 | 990.32K | 135 | 1.2458M | 145 | 1.5418M |
106 | 606.17K | 116 | 792.69K | 126 | 1014.2K | 136 | 1.2735M | 146 | 1.5737M |
107 | 623.33K | 117 | 813.21K | 127 | 1038.3K | 137 | 1.3016M | 147 | 1.6061M |
108 | 640.82K | 118 | 834.09K | 128 | 1062.9K | 138 | 1.3302M | 148 | 1.6389M |
109 | 658.64K | 119 | 855.32K | 129 | 1087.8K | 139 | 1.3591M | 149 | 1.6722M |
110 | 676.78K | 120 | 876.91K | 130 | 1113.2K | 140 | 1.3885M | 150 | 1.7059M |
Total | 5990.13K | Total | 7839.95K | Total | 10037.49K | Total | 12.6125M | Total | 15.5949M |

Iron Knight (Level 151 – 200)
The cost to elevate a knight from level 151 to level 200 requires 139.07 million silver coins, along with new Iron Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one of each). Transitioning a knight into an Iron Knight will grant you 400 talent EXP for that specific knight and raise the talent level cap to 120.
You have the option to enhance your four-star knights into an “Iron Knight” for assistance in a wide range of daily tasks and occasions.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
151 | 1.7401M | 161 | 2.1073M | 171 | 2.5229M | 181 | 2.9899M | 191 | 3.5113M |
152 | 1.7747M | 162 | 2.1466M | 172 | 2.5672M | 182 | 3.0395M | 192 | 3.5665M |
153 | 1.8098M | 163 | 2.1865M | 173 | 2.6121M | 183 | 3.0897M | 193 | 3.6224M |
154 | 1.8454M | 164 | 2.2268M | 174 | 2.6575M | 184 | 3.1405M | 194 | 3.6788M |
155 | 1.8814M | 165 | 2.2676M | 175 | 2.7034M | 185 | 3.1918M | 195 | 3.7358M |
156 | 1.9178M | 166 | 2.3089M | 176 | 2.7498M | 186 | 3.2436M | 196 | 3.7933M |
157 | 1.9548M | 167 | 2.3507M | 177 | 2.7967M | 187 | 3.296M | 197 | 3.8515M |
158 | 1.9922M | 168 | 2.393M | 178 | 2.8442M | 188 | 3.349M | 198 | 3.9103M |
159 | 2.0301M | 169 | 2.4358M | 179 | 2.8922M | 189 | 3.4025M | 199 | 3.9696M |
160 | 2.0685M | 170 | 2.4791M | 180 | 2.9408M | 190 | 3.4566M | 200 | 4.0296M |
Total | 19.0148M | Total | 22.9023M | Total | 27.2868M | Total | 32.1991M | Total | 37.6691M |
Bronze Knight (Level 201 – 250)
The cost to elevate a knight from level 201 to level 250 amounts to 704.27 million silver coins, in addition to obtaining a Bronze Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor (one set for each). Meanwhile, boosting a knight to the rank of Bronze Knight will award you with 600 talent EXP for that specific knight, and furthermore, the talent level limit will expand up to 160.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
201 | 4.2946M | 211 | 7.3304M | 221 | 11.136M | 231 | 15.813M | 241 | 21.47M |
202 | 4.5664M | 212 | 7.6746M | 222 | 11.562M | 232 | 16.332M | 242 | 22.094M |
203 | 4.845M | 213 | 8.0266M | 223 | 11.998M | 233 | 16.862M | 243 | 22.729M |
204 | 5.1304M | 214 | 8.3866M | 224 | 12.442M | 234 | 17.402M | 244 | 23.376M |
205 | 5.4229M | 215 | 8.7544M | 225 | 12.896M | 235 | 17.952M | 245 | 24.033M |
206 | 5.7225M | 216 | 9.1304M | 226 | 13.359M | 236 | 18.512M | 246 | 24.702M |
207 | 6.0293M | 217 | 9.5146M | 227 | 13.83M | 237 | 19.082M | 247 | 25.383M |
208 | 6.3434M | 218 | 9.9071M | 228 | 14.312M | 238 | 19.663M | 248 | 26.075M |
209 | 6.6649M | 219 | 10.308M | 229 | 14.802M | 239 | 20.255M | 249 | 26.779M |
210 | 6.9938M | 220 | 10.718M | 230 | 15.303M | 240 | 20.857M | 250 | 27.495M |
Total | 56.0132M | Total | 89.7507M | Total | 131.64M | Total | 182.73M | Total | 244.136M |

Silver Knight (Level 251 – 300)
The cost required to elevate a knight from level 251 to level 300 is 2,588.51 million silver coins, along with obtaining one each of the Silver Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor. Moreover, advancing a knight into a Silver Knight will grant you 800 talent EXP for that specific knight, and the talent level limit will expand to accommodate up to 200 levels.
It’s advisable to upgrade a limited number of four-star knights, such as Dante, into silver knights, while concentrating more on five-star and higher-ranked knights instead.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
251 | 28.223M | 261 | 36.192M | 271 | 45.504M | 281 | 56.292M | 291 | 68.694M |
252 | 28.963M | 262 | 37.061M | 272 | 46.514M | 282 | 57.457M | 292 | 70.029M |
253 | 29.716M | 263 | 37.943M | 273 | 47.54M | 283 | 58.639M | 293 | 71.381M |
254 | 30.481M | 264 | 38.839M | 274 | 48.58M | 284 | 59.837M | 294 | 72.751M |
255 | 31.258M | 265 | 39.749M | 275 | 49.635M | 285 | 61.051M | 295 | 74.139M |
256 | 32.048M | 266 | 40.672M | 276 | 50.705M | 286 | 62.282M | 296 | 75.546M |
257 | 32.851M | 267 | 41.61M | 277 | 51.791M | 287 | 63.531M | 297 | 76.97M |
258 | 33.666M | 268 | 42.562M | 278 | 52.893M | 288 | 64.796M | 298 | 78.414M |
259 | 34.495M | 269 | 43.528M | 279 | 54.01M | 289 | 66.078M | 299 | 79.875M |
260 | 35.337M | 270 | 44.509M | 280 | 55.143M | 290 | 67.377M | 300 | 81.356M |
Total | 317.038M | Total | 402.665M | Total | 502.315M | Total | 617.34M | Total | 749.155M |
Golden Knight (Level 301 – 350)
To elevate a knight from level 301 to level 350, it requires approximately 6.42 billion silver coins, as well as new Badge, Weapon, and Armor sets. Transforming a knight into a Golden Knight will grant 1000 talent EXP for that specific knight, and the talent level cap will rise to 250.
Given the substantial rise in upgrading expenses, it’s crucial to exercise great caution when deciding on knight upgrades. It’s advisable to upgrade only your primary knights to Golden Knights and beyond. Nevertheless, feel free to enhance your Holy Sword Knights, Crown Knights, and 6* VIP Knights up to the Golden Knight level.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
301 | 82.855M | 311 | 98.927M | 321 | 117.07M | 331 | 137.44 | 341 | 160.2M |
302 | 84.374M | 312 | 100.65M | 322 | 119.0M | 332 | 139.6M | 342 | 162.62M |
303 | 85.912M | 313 | 102.39M | 323 | 120.96M | 333 | 141.79M | 343 | 165.06M |
304 | 87.469M | 314 | 104.15M | 324 | 122.94M | 334 | 144.01M | 344 | 167.53M |
305 | 89.046M | 315 | 105.93M | 325 | 124.94M | 335 | 146.25M | 345 | 170.02M |
306 | 90.643M | 316 | 107.73M | 326 | 126.96M | 336 | 148.51M | 346 | 172.54M |
307 | 92.259M | 317 | 109.56M | 327 | 129.01M | 337 | 150.8M | 347 | 175.08M |
308 | 93.896M | 318 | 111.4M | 328 | 131.08M | 338 | 153.11M | 348 | 177.66M |
309 | 95.552M | 319 | 113.27M | 329 | 133.18M | 339 | 155.45M | 349 | 180.26M |
310 | 97.229M | 320 | 115.16M | 330 | 135.29M | 340 | 157.81M | 350 | 182.89M |
Total | 899.235M | Total | 1069.167M | Total | 1260.43M | Total | 1474.77M | Total | 1713.86M |

Platinum Knight (Level 351 – 400)
The cost to elevate a knight from level 351 to level 400 is 81.11 billion silver coins, along with obtaining one each of the Platinum Knight’s Badge, Weapon, and Armor. To advance a knight into a Silver Knight, you will be granted 2000 talent EXP for that specific knight and the talent level limit will increase to 300.
It’s strongly advised that you upgrade just your main knights to Platinum Knights initially. Keep in mind that over-upgrading numerous knights to Platinum level may lead to a shortage of silver and equipment. So, for a smoother gameplay experience, it would be prudent to plan your upgrades wisely from the get-go.
Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost | Level | Cost |
351 | 185.54M | 361 | 619.52M | 371 | 1.1744B | 381 | 1.8682B | 391 | 2.7204B |
352 | 223.98M | 362 | 669.28M | 372 | 1.2372B | 382 | 1.9459B | 392 | 2.8152B |
353 | 263.49M | 363 | 720.27M | 373 | 1.3015B | 383 | 2.0253B | 393 | 2.9117B |
354 | 304.06M | 364 | 772.5M | 374 | 1.3671B | 384 | 2.1063B | 394 | 3.0101B |
355 | 345.72M | 365 | 825.98M | 375 | 1.4342B | 385 | 2.1889B | 395 | 3.1104B |
356 | 388.5M | 366 | 880.75M | 376 | 1.5027B | 386 | 2.2732B | 396 | 3.2125B |
357 | 432.39M | 367 | 936.81M | 377 | 1.5728B | 387 | 2.3592B | 397 | 3.3166B |
358 | 477.42M | 368 | 994.18M | 378 | 1.6443B | 388 | 2.4469B | 398 | 3.4226B |
359 | 523.61M | 369 | 1.0529B | 379 | 1.7174B | 389 | 2.5363B | 399 | 3.5305B |
360 | 570.97M | 370 | 1.113B | 380 | 1.792B | 390 | 2.6275B | 400 | 3.6404B |
Total | 3715.68M | Total | 8585.19M | Total | 14.7436B | Total | 22.3777B | Total | 31.6904B |
Total Cost Till 400 Level
Class | Level | Cost |
Housecarl | 0-50 | 894.85K |
Housecarl | 51-100 | 12.27M |
Novice Knight | 101-150 | 52.08M |
Iron Knight | 151-200 | 139.07M |
Bronze Knight | 201-250 | 704.27M |
Silver Knight | 251-300 | 2.59B |
Golden Knight | 301-350 | 6.42B |
Platinum Knight | 351-400 | 81.12B |
TOTAL | Level 0-400 | 91.04B |
As a gamer, I’ve noticed that it takes approximately 91 billion silver to elevate a knight from level 0 to level 400, with a whopping 90% of the upgrading cost being concealed within the Platinum Knight (levels 351-400). However, hold your horses before you rush to upgrade every single knight to level 350.
In addition to enhancing a knight, it’s essential to focus on upgrading three key components: his Badge, Weapon, and Armor. Neglecting to strategically utilize these elements can lead to a significant shortage of these items within the game. Consequently, you may find yourself waiting an extended period when you require the most updates for your primary knights.
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2025-02-02 19:54