Kate Gosselin’s son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

As a mental health advocate and someone who has dealt with my own family’s struggles, I find myself deeply saddened by the account of Kate and Collin’s tumultuous relationship. It’s heartbreaking to see a mother trying her best to protect herself and her family from her troubled son’s violent behavior, while at the same time, he is accusing her of abuse.

Collin Gosselin has been estranged from his mother Kate for many years.

The 20-year-old asserted that she had physically harmed him and separated him from her siblings Aaden, Leah, Alexis, and Joel, all age 20, as well as Mady and Cara, who are 24 years old.

After turning 11, she admitted him to a psychiatric facility, where he resided for approximately two years until his father, Jon, retrieved him.

On Wednesday the former reality TV star told The U.S. Sun what she can do to make it up to him.

Firstly,” Colin shared with the site, “my bond with my siblings holds the highest importance for me.

His family found fame on TLC reality show Jon and Kate Plus Eight in 2007. 

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love
Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

“I believe the key to mending our relationship and strengthening our bond in the future lies in her being open and honest about the past, revealing everything she’s kept hidden.

Additionally, you are aware of the numerous instances where she has attempted to tarnish my reputation and that of my father. It’s only fair if she chooses to reveal the truth openly.

‘[But] Yes, that door would be open. 100 percent.’

He is now in college after being discharged from the Marine Corps in August last year.

Collin mentioned that the last time he had seen his mother was when she appeared on the TV program, “Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test.

Collin remarked, “It appears she faced significant challenges during her time in the Special Forces, and considering all that’s happening currently.

‘I still did deeply feel sorry for her, and how she had to struggle through those challenges on that show.

Although my mother, as you are aware, consistently prioritizes her own reputation over mine and has made harmful comments about me and taken actions against me, I find myself unable to suppress feelings of compassion towards her.

In September, Gosselin made allegations of abuse against Kate while he was appearing in the reality show Jon & Kate Plus 8, which aired in 2000.

Colin asserted that as a child, his mother restrained him with zip ties on both his arms and legs and confined him to the basement, an act he claims was part of a prolonged period of suspected physical and psychological mistreatment.

In an interview with The Sun, he shared that starting around the ages of eight or nine, he felt distinctly different from his other seven siblings when it came to treatment from Kate. Moreover, he expressed that this period left him feeling as if he didn’t truly experience childhood.

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

Colin asserted that on multiple occasions, he was confined to a ‘purposefully constructed subterranean chamber,’ equipped with a bed and surveillance cameras, for either an entire day or a portion thereof.

Previously, he explained that when he was twelve years old, he was sent to a psychiatric institution, which he claims was done by his mother, Kate, in order to silence him about the mistreatment he was experiencing at home.

He mentioned that she arranged for a room to be constructed, complete with cameras inside, a small window located in one corner, and it could only be opened or closed from the exterior by bolts.

As a lifestyle expert, I’d rephrase it this way: “On numerous occasions, my mother confined me to a specific room, securing my hands and feet with zip ties and bolting the door shut. The room was plunged into darkness, yet she kept watch over me through hidden cameras.

For much of the day, I found myself confined within a single room, separate from my brothers and sisters. There was little opportunity for me to venture outdoors, and I rarely interacted with them in play. Essentially, I was isolated and contained within that space.

As a die-hard admirer, I can attest that I’ve often found myself in the unenviable position of bearing the brunt of Kate’s intense outbursts. Her actions were not only physically aggressive but also verbally abusive, with her words cutting deeper than a knife. It seemed as if I was constantly taking the fall for her emotional turbulence.

During Jon and Kate’s custody dispute, it was disclosed that Collin had shared with his counselor at the time concerns about his mother’s alleged mistreatment.

He revealed a letter written in crayon to dad Jon, begging his dad to ‘save him’ and let him live with him.

Collin additionally disclosed his confidential medical documents to the media outlet as evidence that he doesn’t suffer from any mental disorders or behavioral issues.

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love
Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

Jon, who eventually obtained custody of daughter Hannah and son Collin, stated that he became aware of the alleged abuse by Kate much later on, explaining, “Such incidents didn’t occur until after I had departed.

He said Hannah had told him about the alleged abuse once he got custody of her.

One sibling has supported Collin’s claims. 

Back when I first revealed the suspected abuse to my teachers, after they noticed my bruised and swollen ear in class, I was unfortunately taken out of school in the 4th grade.

Additionally, he asserted that he had informed the camera team working on their program about certain matters, but Kate managed to conceal them quite effectively.

Jon divulged correspondence received from the Pennsylvania Office of Children, Youth, and Families within the Department of Human Services, which informed him about allegations of abuse against Collin. However, these accusations were declared as ‘unsubstantiated.’

Jon claims there was ‘nine separate instances’ where abuse against Collin was reported. 

If it’s true that Kate did what Colin claims, she would have faced an investigation by the authorities and a court trial.

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

According to Collins, he could not have private conversations with the children’s services without his wife overhearing from outside the room.

In response to your query, The Philadelphia branch of the Department of Human Services’ Office of Children, Youth, and Families stated they can’t discuss specific cases, but emphasized that their foremost concern is ensuring the safety of children. They promptly investigate any suspected instances of abuse or neglect.

Ever since fourth grade, I’ve been homeschooled due to my unique circumstances. My medical records, as seen by the press, reveal a complex tapestry of diagnoses that include an unspecified form of bipolar disorder and related conditions, autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), oppositional defiant disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In 2016, these challenges led me to seek treatment in a mental health facility.

Colin asserts that his diagnosis was incorrect, backing it up with his medical records from a mental health evaluation conducted last year, which indicate that he does not suffer from any of the listed conditions and exhibits no problems typically associated with adulthood.

Collins asserts that several drugs made him feel “zombie-like,” and he claims Kate committed him to the facility for 22 months out of desperation to safeguard herself, with the additional comment: “My mother used to tell me no one would believe me.

In January 2018, he ultimately came under Jon’s care, and he found it challenging to adjust or ‘fit back in’ within society among children of similar age.

After completing high school, he had planned to enlist in the Marines, however, his discharge took place in August of the previous year – a situation that was reportedly caused by someone sending him to a behavioral facility, which was apparently Kate.

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

He now plans to attend college at Penn State.

As a devoted follower, I wouldn’t think that Kate intentionally harmed Collin. Instead, I believe she took actions to safeguard herself and her family against his troubled behavior.

‘Given that Kate allegedly performed the actions Colin is claiming, it would have led to an investigation by the authorities and potential legal proceedings against her.’

In July 2023, Kate publicly criticized Collin, labeling him as “aggressive and unreliable” and asserting that he had falsely accused her of abuse.

In response to her teenage son’s revelations about alleged abuse during his childhood and subsequent separation from his seven siblings, featured in the VICE TV docuseries “Dark Side of the 2000s,” she made a shocking public statement.

Kate finally spoke out about her child’s startling allegations, only a day following Madelyn’s extensive post on her Instagram Stories, where she implicated Collin of using ‘physical abuse’ and ‘hate speech.’

To put it simply, I echo Mady’s statements, sharing that Collin’s departure to the Fairmont Behavioral Health Institute in Philadelphia in 2016 was due to him receiving several psychiatric evaluations and subsequent diagnoses.

Kate Gosselin's son Collin shares what she can do to win back his love

In her comprehensive explanation, Kate expressed that she’s found herself in an uncomfortable situation, with no other options available. Regrettably, she feels compelled to express herself openly at this time.

My deeply cherished son Collin, who I adore wholeheartedly, has been given several psychiatric diagnoses throughout the years. For the protection of me, his siblings, and himself, he was admitted to a care center after years of outpatient therapy that didn’t meet his extensive requirements proved inadequate.

In the emergency room, it was the doctors who decided to admit him, after an instance where he displayed aggressive behavior, which included the use of a weapon.

She went on to share with people: ‘Skip ahead to the current time, and after Jon discontinued Collin’s therapy, unfortunately, my son’s erratic and aggressive actions have persisted frequently, not only toward Jon but also Hannah and those in his vicinity.’

‘Collin often has a distorted view of reality, which is one of the difficulties he’s had to deal with throughout his life. It’s unfortunately not uncommon for people who have relatives facing mental health challenges to encounter instances where falsehoods are told, and this is another heart-wrenching aspect of this ongoing struggle.’

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2024-10-09 22:50

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