Is the highest-rated Star Trek series on Rotten Tomatoes really the best

Is the highest-rated Star Trek series on Rotten Tomatoes really the best

As a gamer who’s spent countless hours navigating the vast cosmos of Star Trek, I can confidently say that every Star Trek series has its own unique charm and allure. Each show offers a different perspective on exploration, diplomacy, and the human condition – making it impossible to crown one as the absolute best.

Over the past six decades, Star Trek has made a significant impact on the realm of science fiction and entertainment, producing over ten TV series so far. This is quite an impressive number, given the timeframe. There have been many highs and lows, with a mix of excellent and mediocre episodes, as well as shows varying greatly in quality. It’s challenging for fans to single out a favorite due to the diversity within the franchise.

Many fans will say Deep Space Nine or the Original Series or The Next Generation, but every show has its merits for why it should be considered “the best”. There’s really no wrong answer, except for maybe the Animated Series, but even that show has its defenders.

Regarding aggregator sites such as Rotten Tomatoes, there’s less debate about which is the best due to concrete statistics rather than individual opinions. However, it’s important to remember that these figures are based on collective opinions, so they should be viewed with a bit of skepticism. Nevertheless, this platform consistently ranks one series higher than others.

As a gaming enthusiast, I’ve dived into the realm of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which has earned a staggering 98% from critics but only 79% from fans. Now, is it the absolute best Star Trek series out there? Well, that depends on your personal taste and appreciation. If you find yourself gravitating more towards this show, then for you, it’s the top-notch Star Trek experience. However, if other Star Trek series resonate with you more deeply, those would be the best ones for you. It’s all about individual preferences when it comes to enjoying a good Star Trek show. But if you’re seeking a more concrete answer, let me share some insights. Strange New Worlds has garnered high praise from critics, which suggests it offers an engaging and well-crafted Star Trek experience. Yet, the lower fan score indicates that not everyone may find it as captivating or relatable. So, give it a try and see if it becomes your favorite Star Trek series. After all, the best Star Trek show is the one that resonates most deeply with you.

I think critics are the worst people you can gauge entertainment off of. They’re often times either paid by the property to review said property, or they’re only given a limited view of a show. Say, for instance, the first three episodes. A show could get really repetitive and boring after three episodes. Thrilling storylines could come to a crashing halt and peter off, ruining the experience for everyone.

In simpler terms, it seems that critics’ opinions are heavily weighted on websites like Rotten Tomatoes, even though they may not have seen the entire show. Personally, I find the audience’s scores (or fan scores) more reliable when making decisions about what to watch. Unfortunately, Strange New Worlds doesn’t seem to fare too well according to these fan ratings.

Among all the shows, Star Trek: The Next Generation boasts an impressive audience rating of 90%, making its acclaim seem much more substantial compared to critics who based their review on just three episodes of Strange New Worlds.

After 20 episodes of Strange New Worlds have aired, it’s hard to call this series the absolute best. Even if every episode resonated with you personally, there are other Star Trek shows out there with more critically acclaimed episodes than Strange New Worlds has. Therefore, I believe that the title of “best” Star Trek show on Rotten Tomatoes is not something that can be definitively attributed to Strange New Worlds.

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2024-09-17 01:23

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