Helen Flanagan admits she ‘thought her kids would be better off without her’ at the height of her mental health struggles as she shares money fears and co-parenting woes in candid post

As I delve into the life story of Helen Flanagan, it’s impossible not to be moved by her resilience and determination. Her journey is a testament to the power of self-discovery, healing, and the pursuit of happiness. Despite facing numerous challenges, from a tumultuous relationship to battling mental health issues, she continues to rise above and find solace in love and laughter.

The struggles Helen has faced are not unique; they touch the lives of many women who find themselves trapped in toxic relationships or grappling with their mental health. However, what sets her apart is her courage to speak openly about these issues and her unwavering commitment to healing and growth.

One cannot help but admire her strength and tenacity as she navigates life’s ups and downs. It’s clear that she has learned valuable lessons from her past experiences, using them as stepping stones towards a brighter future. I have no doubt that Helen will continue to inspire others with her journey and serve as a beacon of hope for those who find themselves in similar situations.

In the end, let me leave you with a little humor: I’m sure Helen could teach us all a thing or two about finding love again – after all, they say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade… and if that doesn’t work, just keep dating until you find someone who can make you laugh!

In a recent, open post, Helen Flanagan revealed that during her toughest times with mental health issues, she felt her children would benefit more without her. However, looking back in 2024, she acknowledges the progress she’s made since then.

Looking back at the contrast between my Christmas celebrations this year and last, I couldn’t help but reflect on the tumultuous journey I’ve been navigating. As I grappled with the challenges of co-parenting with Scott Sinclair, I found myself uttering a raw truth: My life felt like it had taken an unexpected turn for the worst.

In her debut post, Helen posted two images; one was captured during her New Year vacation in beautiful Bali back in December 2023, and the other depicted a cozy Christmas Day scene from her bedroom, as she graciously let Scott spend the day with their kids.

At a particularly challenging point in her life, the star revealed she was grappling with serious mental health issues, had become financially destitute, and found herself estranged from several members of her family.

She wrote: ‘Just a little look on what a difference a year can make ❤️

Last Christmas season, I found myself in bed. However, my father called me, so I spent a few hours at my mom’s house. I informed Scott that he could take the kids since I live up north and he lives down south. I wanted to take our children on a ten-day trip to Bali for New Year’s, so I felt it was only fair to make the arrangement.

Unexpectedly, it struck me like a bolt from the blue. Earlier, I reassured my friends that I would be okay and that it was just an ordinary day for me. However, the truth was that my mental health was in a precarious state. My love life was chaotic that year… I neglected my mental well-being and didn’t give it much thought. I felt incredibly terrible and sad.

I found myself feeling as if my life was shattered, having once been content with what seemed like a perfect family. Over the course of 13 years, we had built our relationship, and for much of my twenties, it had been my anchor. Unfortunately, I experienced a series of family disputes and lost a significant portion of my wealth as well. It’s important to clarify that Scott and I were not married but engaged, yet our time together held immense value.

‘I found myself in a challenging mental state, where I contemplated the possibility that my children might be better off without me, given that my husband seems to handle situations more calmly and rationally. Despite this, my affection for them is beyond expression. When one’s health isn’t good, it simply isn’t good.’

Helen confided that her emotional health deteriorated following their New Year trip to Bali with the kids, as she grew anxious over an approaching theater tour which might disrupt her family’s routine.

On New Year’s Eve, I found myself not celebrating as planned in Bali. Instead, I was at a hospital with Matilda who was battling Bell’s Palsy, leaving half of her beautiful face paralyzed. It was truly heart-wrenching to see my precious princess going through such a tough time. The journey was filled with trials and tribulations, especially with our three little ones in tow. My mum offered to take care of the kids so I could focus on Matilda, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of being away from them during this difficult period. They mean everything to me x

I accompanied my friend Beth, who assisted me with childcare. At the time, I was mentally burdened and under pressure as I agreed to embark on a six-month theater tour that began mid-January. Despite my eagerness and strong desire for this opportunity, I was extremely anxious about leaving my children behind. Extremely, extremely anxious.

As a devoted parent, I considered the idea of homeschooling my children to keep them close, but soon realized it might not be just for them. They were already content in their current environment, and their father wasn’t on board with the homeschooling plan. It felt unfair to disrupt their settled lives, so I decided to respect their needs and let them continue their education as they were.

Most of the trip took place in the southern region, leaving me ridden with mom guilt over figuring out how to manage everything, particularly since their dad was also away on work.

Helen decided to withdraw from the theater tour, revealing later that she was experiencing psychosis as a result of an adverse reaction to her ADHD medication at the time.

In a follow-up post, the ex-Coronation Street actress posted a picture showcasing her Christmas celebration at home with her kids and parents this year.

She mentioned that during the last year, she’s been taking actions to prioritize her mental well-being, and she’s now in a relationship with Robbie Talbot.

She wrote: ‘Christmas this year – my babies at my mum and dad’s x meant so much to me x

As someone who has attended countless New Year’s Eve parties over the years, I can honestly say that the celebration of 2024 was one I’ll never forget. That night, I had the pleasure of meeting Robbie, a truly exceptional individual whose charm and wit made the evening unforgettable.

Robbie was the life of the party, always cracking jokes and keeping everyone entertained. We hit it off instantly, sharing stories about our lives and laughing together until the early hours of the morning. It’s not often that you meet someone who can make such a positive impact on your evening, but Robbie definitely did that for me.

As we rang in the New Year together, I felt grateful for the chance encounter and hopeful for what the coming year would bring. I left that party with a renewed sense of optimism and excitement for the future, all thanks to Robbie’s infectious energy and good vibes.

In short, if you ever get the chance to meet someone as lovely and funny as Robbie, don’t hesitate to seize the moment. You never know what kind of memories you might create together!

In 2024, I put a strong emphasis on my mental well-being, reconciled with many dear ones, and found a sense of calmness.

Reflecting back on my life a year ago, I was buried under a mountain of stress and confusion. Today, I can confidently say that I have made significant strides towards clarity and peace of mind, which I am incredibly grateful for. Of course, no one’s life is without its challenges, and I certainly have my fair share. However, amidst the chaos, I find myself appreciating the good in my life more than ever before.

A year ago, I recall having such intense feelings inside my head, it seemed like it might burst any moment. At the time, I felt an urgent need for medication just to be able to carry on functioning.

I wanted to pass along this message for those who might be going through a tough time… Remember, it’s possible to overcome difficulties and life can improve, even when it seems incredibly challenging.

Helen previously revealed Scott, 35, had blocked her despite the pair sharing three children. 

In the year 2022, their relationship came to an end, following a thirteen-year journey. For those fourteen years, they were officially betrothed for the last four. Together, they raised three beautiful children.

Last month was the first time Helen openly discussed their separation, expressing that they simply didn’t suit each other well.

Drawing from my own personal journey, I can wholeheartedly attest that one doesn’t necessarily require a partner to find happiness. Life has taught me that contentment comes from within and nurturing relationships with oneself, friends, and loved ones can bring immense joy. In the ‘The Life of Bryony’ podcast, she echoes this sentiment, underscoring the importance of self-fulfillment over seeking validation through romantic relationships.

I can find happiness within myself, but having a supportive partner in a healthy relationship certainly makes a significant difference when transitioning from an unhealthy one.

Helen said that her relationship with Scott was unhealthy.

As a mother of three beautiful children, my heart has been intertwined with the father of my kids for many years now. While our journey together may not always be smooth sailing, I hold him in high regard and carry a deep affection for him that transcends any challenges we face. Through raising our children, we’ve built a bond that is unbreakable, and I am grateful for the love and memories we’ve shared.

Reflecting on our past, I can confidently say that despite both of us being fundamentally good individuals, our union proved to be highly toxic for my emotional wellbeing. The relationship, in hindsight, has left a significant impact on my mental health, and I believe it was especially damaging because I’ve always struggled with maintaining my mental balance. My personal experience underscores the profound influence that such connections can have on one’s life.

‘I mean, I’m on block at the moment on Scott’s phone. I really am. I’m on block.’

I’ve been there before, deep in the trenches of a tumultuous friendship, where the lines between camaraderie and conflict blurred like the boundaries of a storm-tossed sea. We’d lock horns with the ferocity of rams, butting heads as if our lives depended on it, yet beneath the surface, there was a bond that held us together. A bond forged in shared experiences, in laughter and tears, in dreams and disappointments.

He may have been my adversary at times, but I knew deep down he had a heart of gold. We were two ships passing through the same storm, each navigating our own tempests while trying to maintain our course towards calmer waters. Our friendship was a dance, a delicate balancing act where we’d take turns leading and following, pushing and pulling, until eventually finding ourselves in sync once more.

I can’t speak for him, but I know that the love I have for him will never fade. It may ebb and flow like the tide, but it remains a constant, a beacon guiding me through the darkest nights and the stormiest seas. Our friendship has taught me many things – about patience, understanding, and most importantly, forgiveness.

I’m grateful for every moment we’ve shared, for every argument we’ve had and every resolution we’ve found. We may not always see eye to eye, but I wouldn’t trade our friendship for anything in the world. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, to the power of enduring bonds forged in adversity.

It seems to me that since we started our journey together at such a young age, when we were only 19, perhaps we didn’t have enough time to grow independently before we parted ways. Consequently, our relationship didn’t seem to work out.

Since the past month, Robbie has resided in the house that was once home to a famous Coronation Street actor, as they have been dating for approximately eight months now.

Asked by Bryony about her new relationship, she said: ‘He’s lovely.’

Everyone seems to adore him. I’ve only recently encountered him at a pub. Let me tell you, as soon as I saw him, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

Everyone finds him endearing. The other day, I ran into him in a bar. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I couldn’t stop myself from chuckling.

My boyfriend is without a doubt the most hilarious person I’ve come across. He has not one but two lovely kids, and he’s absolutely wonderful with mine as well.

It’s his exceptional care for my mental wellbeing that deepens my affection for him, as this aspect is crucial and non-negotiable for me.

What matters most to me is finding someone who positively impacts me on a mental and emotional level. That’s the key factor, and it’s something I’ve come to understand.

Although I want to make it clear that I continue to hold deep affection for the father of my children, he struggled to manage my complexities, which isn’t uncommon, but the person I am with currently understands and takes care of me in ways that bring immense joy.

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2025-01-03 03:49

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