Gina Carano is ‘moved to tears’ after judge REJECTS Disney’s motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: ‘What happened to me was unacceptable’

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

I have carefully read through the details of Gina Carano‘s lawsuit against Disney and Lucasfilm. As someone who values the importance of free speech and individual rights, I cannot help but feel deeply troubled by this situation.

Gina Carano was emotionally touched to the point of tears when the judge allowed her lawsuit against Disney to move forward, despite Disney’s attempt to throw it out.

In February 2024, the actress, aged 42, filed a lawsuit against the entertainment giant for alleged discrimination. She sought Elon Musk’s help in this matter, as she was let go from the Star Wars show “Mandalorian” in 2021.

Carano made a controversial comparison between the historical persecution of Jews during the Holocaust and present-day conservative groups in America through a social media post, resulting in her dismissal from the show after two seasons on Disney+.

On Wednesdays, after the court decision, she posted a long Instagram message along with a segment from her 2021 conversation with The Daily Wire.

She expressed that the experience I had gone through was unwarranted, illogical, and harmful, among other descriptions. It was something that shouldn’t have occurred for me, and it should not occur for anyone in the future. Let this be the end of it.

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

Carano began by sharing the court’s decision, “The court rejected defendants’ request,” or simply, “The court denied defendants’ motion.”

She continued, “I’m deeply touched. Following nearly four long years of harsh treatment, I’m finally able to present my case in a court of law before a judge and jury. I’m profoundly thankful for this chance to prove my innocence.”

I’ve had a tumultuous journey in my career, filled with challenging highs and disheartening lows that required me to dig deep and never give up. Looking back, there were moments when it felt like I was in the thick of a fierce battle, but I persevered and emerged stronger each time. I’m deeply grateful for those who stood by me during these trying times and defended me when I needed them most.

She also thanked the owner of X (formerly known as Twitter), Elon, who helped fund her lawsuit. 

I’m grateful to Elon Musk, a stranger who generously provided me an opportunity. Your advocacy for fairness for all humans is commendable. May good fortune continue to shine upon you and your loved ones, as we believe you are making a difference in this world at this critical time. 💞️

Gina additionally posted a segment from her 2021 conversation with Ben Shapiro, aged 40, mentioning that it was during a particularly low period in her life for her.

As I lay here in pain, every fiber of my being cried out for relief. But little by little, the grip of agony began to loosen its hold on me. I long for the truth to prevail in this situation. My journey thus far has been a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs that tested my resilience. Yet, I remain hopeful and eager to return to the craft of weaving tales and contributing to the healing process of our world.

Based on the given statement, I believe that this woman is ready and determined to face whatever challenges come her way. She has a strong faith in God and trusts that she possesses the strength to endure hardships and fight back when necessary. Her feet being “on solid ground” suggest a sense of stability and confidence in her position. Additionally, she encourages others to use their voices effectively, implying that she values the power of communication and believes in its ability to make a difference. With her resilient spirit and unwavering belief in her abilities, I have no doubt that this woman will continue to overcome obstacles and leave a positive impact on those around her.

According to legally acquired papers reported by Deadline, Judge Sherilyn Peace Garnnett of California refused Disney’s request to throw out the case.

The Defendants have not presented any proof, either in the complaint or elsewhere, to support their argument that they hire public representatives to uphold values such as respect, decency, integrity, and inclusion.

In simpler terms, the Defendants’ argument that Plaintiff’s presence among their employees is harmful and therefore unconstitutional, is not valid.

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

At this point in the court case, the judge is not able to agree with Defendants’ argument that Plaintiff’s continued employment by them could interfere or infringe upon their freedom of expression.

A date for the lawsuit has not yet been set. 

In April, Disney contended that it was within its rights under the First Amendment to terminate Gina’s employment due to her tweets which contradicted the transgender rights movement, and a Holocaust-related image they considered offensive.

Carano filed a lawsuit against Disney, alleging they violated the law by retaliating against her for sharing her political views as a private citizen.

I understand that Disney’s legal team has filed a request to discard the ongoing lawsuit. They claim that Disney, as a creative entity, holds a constitutional privilege not to link its artistic output with Carano’s speech.

A post emerged on Carano’s Story, originally created by another account, containing the content: “Jews were attacked in the streets not just by Nazi soldiers, but also by their own neighbors… even children.”

In quotation marks, the caption states: “History shows us that before Nazis could readily gather thousands of Jews, the government successfully turned their own neighbors against the Jews, just for being Jewish. Isn’t this akin to hatred based on political views?”

An image of a woman in underwear, startlingly placed above it, shows her fleeing from two young boys in Nazi Germany.

The actress encountered criticism for her past social media comments on COVID-19 guidelines and the 2020 presidential election results, particularly her disagreement with Joe Biden’s win over Donald Trump.

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

Disney reportedly disapproved of her not endorsing transgender rights on her social media platforms in the public sphere.

Based on her lawsuit, the corporation made her attend a lengthy Zoom session with GLAAD representatives for 90 minutes following her tweet containing “boop/bop/beep,” rather than acknowledging and respecting her request to share her pronouns openly.

In its motion, Disney says the Nazi post acted as the ‘final straw.’

From my perspective as a committed supporter, the post in question downplayed the gravity of the Holocaust when it mentioned “thousands” instead of “millions” of Jews affected, and drew an unwarranted comparison between that historical tragedy and the experiences of contemporary American conservatives.

At that point, ‘Disney had enough,’ reads the filing.

On the very day she posted her comments, the corporation released a statement labeling them as offensive and unwelcome, and expressed no intention of engaging her in any upcoming projects.

Carano, known for gaining popularity within conservative circles on what used to be called Twitter, filed a lawsuit using California’s law that prevents employers from taking retaliatory actions against employees engaging in political expression.

Disney countered by pointing out that organizations, such as news outlets, have long-standing rights to express views. They cited an article penned by one of Carano’s lawyers, Eugene Volokh, who is a professor at UCLA Law.

‘Two years ago, he wrote that when an employee or prospective employee speaks in a way that undercuts the employer’s message outside of work hours, the employer must be able to detach itself from them.’)

According to Disney’s legal team, led by Bob Iger, Disney had the right to shield the “Star Wars” franchise from being linked to offensive perspectives that clashed with Disney’s values and those of many viewers (including potential ones).

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

Disney decided against creating a show linked to Carano’s beliefs due to her significant role in “The Mandalorian.”

The actress also claimed that Disney unfairly targeted her based on her gender. She pointed out that when male actors Pedro Pascal and Mark Hamill shared posts equating Trump supporters to Nazis, Disney did not respond.

Disney argued that the standard it applied to Carano doesn’t matter.

The First Amendment allows Disney the freedom to choose not to be associated with certain types of speech, but not with other distinct forms of speech.

As someone who has spent years advocating for individual rights and free speech, I strongly believe that the First Amendment grants each of us the autonomy to make our own decisions about the expressions we associate with, regardless of whether others may deem those choices inconsistent. In my experience, it is essential to respect this fundamental freedom, as it allows for a diverse range of voices and ideas to be heard.

In a lawsuit submitted to the Federal Court of California, Carano claims that she was unfairly let go from Lucasfilm and experienced discrimination. The document requests the court to compel Lucasfilm to offer Carano her role once again, and to compensate her with at least $75,000 in damages.

The complaint alleges that Disney and Lucasfilm subjected Carano to harassment and defamation after she didn’t agree with their perspectives.

Carano contends that the entertainment company ignored disrespectful social media posts from her male co-stars, which were allegedly targeted against Republicans.

Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'
Gina Carano is 'moved to tears' after judge REJECTS Disney's motion to dismiss her lawsuit over Mandalorian firing: 'What happened to me was unacceptable'

Additionally, she asserts that she was obligated to have talks with members of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Discrimination, who insisted on her issuing a public apology.

The complaint alleges that the Defendants attempted to persuade Carano’s publicist to make her issue an apology for something she hadn’t done – mocking or insulting a specific group of people.

If Carano declined to release the statement that Defendants requested, and her suggested replacement was not accepted by Defendants, they escalated their harassment towards Carano.

Carano recounts being instructed to have a conversation with Kathleen Kennedy, the president of Lucasfilm, and representatives from the LGBTQ+ community at Lucasfilm.

I’m a lifestyle expert, and I’d like to share an alternative way of expressing that situation. If I were in her shoes, I would have declined opportunities to work on projects like The Mandalorian and other Star Wars titles. Sadly, following my decision, I was let go from those productions not long after.

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2024-07-25 10:20

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