George Clooney explains why he will never work with ‘miserable f***’ David O. Russell again

George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again

As a seasoned movie enthusiast with decades of experiencing various cinematic encounters, I can confidently say that the tumultuous relationship between George Clooney and David O. Russell is one for the history books. Having witnessed their rollercoaster journey unfold over the years, it’s clear that their clash on the set of “Three Kings” left a lasting impact on both men’s careers and personal lives.

Time has not healed the wounds between George Clooney and David O. Russell.

In a recent interview with Brad Pitt for GQ magazine, the Oscar-winning actor, aged 63, used strong language to describe his fellow filmmaker, who is also 65, as being quite unhappy or grumpy.

Following Pitt’s comment regarding time management, Clooney elaborated on this topic when discussing work collaborations that appeal to him. This conversation occurred approximately 25 years after Pitt and unpredictable director Russell had a disagreement during the filming of the 1999 war movie, Three Kings.

The individual from Lexington, Kentucky expressed, ‘As you grow older, the way time is allocated changes significantly. Five months of your life represent a substantial amount.’

George Clooney stated that he now carefully chooses his collaborators, willing to forgo potentially valuable projects if necessary. He explained that for him personally, the satisfaction of a good outcome is no longer enough; it’s simply not worth it at this stage in his life to merely produce a quality product.

George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again

George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again

Clooney stated, “It’s not just about creating an excellent movie like ‘Three Kings.’ It also means dealing with someone like David O. Russell who makes life tough for everyone involved, including the entire film crew.”

George Clooney starred as Archie Gates in the film “Three Kings,” released in October 1999. This movie was based on a script by John Ridley and included performances by Ice Cube, Mark Wahlberg, Spike Jonze, Nora Dunn, Cliff Curtis, among others.

In a 2000 interview with Playboy, I shared my tumultuous encounter with Russell during the making of our film. I described it as the absolute, unequivocally worst production experience I’ve ever had in my career.

As a die-hard fan, I can’t help but share my feelings about an eye-opening interview with Clooney. He recounted an incident where Russell’s verbal abuse towards crew members was on full display, leaving them humiliated in front of everyone. Moved to action, George wrote a heartfelt letter to the director, urging him to cool down for the sake of our beloved project.

In a subsequent interview during filming, Clooney shared that Russell became violent towards an extra due to a stunt, and Clooney attempted to diffuse the situation by intervening and keeping cool heads.

In the interview, Clooney shared that he had been attempting to smooth things over, so he went up to him and gave him a comforting hug. He then told David, “Today is an important day, but you can’t bully, force, or publicly embarrass those who aren’t allowed to retaliate.”

As a devoted admirer recounting an event, I must share that George Clooney shared his experience where he claims that Russell became verbally aggressive towards him, saying something to the effect of, “Couldn’t you focus more on improving your own performance instead?”

Clooney added: “‘Hit me, you coward.’ Then he grabbed my throat and I lost control. One of my friends pulled me back to release him. I had him around his neck, ready to end his life. End it. Eventually, he apologized, but I left.”

George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again
George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again
George Clooney explains why he will never work with 'miserable f***' David O. Russell again

As a die-hard fan, I can’t hide my emotions when I recount that fateful production. By then, the Warner Bros. team were in a state of chaos. David, our beloved director, seemed to sulk throughout the remainder of the shoot, and it was under this dark cloud that we completed the movie. I must confess, this was undoubtedly the most wretched experience I’ve ever had on set – a grim chapter in my fan journey.

In a 2004 interview with The Guardian, I, Russell, emphatically stated that I did not lay a hand on Clooney. If our paths were to cross, I would express my displeasure by saying something along the lines of, “Quit your lying ways, you deceitful person.”

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly back in 1999, George Clooney described Ethan Coen as a peculiar individual who can be challenging to converse with. However, it’s this very quirkiness that gives his writing a distinctive and intriguing quality.

2012 saw George Clooney telling The Hollywood Reporter that he and Russell had a more solid connection when they met at a Hollywood gathering.

A while ago, I ran into David at a social gathering… and something inside me urged me to approach him and ask, “I suppose that’s all settled between us?” To which he replied, “Yes, please.” I responded, “Alright.” We had collaborated on an exceptional movie, experienced some challenging moments together, but it seems we’re both maturing.

As a die-hard admirer, I can’t help but express my heartfelt gratitude for his tireless efforts. I firmly believe that he acknowledges and values the dedication I put into my own endeavors.

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2024-08-14 05:54

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