Genshin Impact Version 5.4 Phase 2 Character and Weapon Banners: Should you go for Wriothesley or Furina

Story Highlights

  • Furina is a 5-Star Hydro Sword user that is still currently one of the best Hydro buffer, healer, support in the meta
  • Wriothesley is a 5-Star Cryo Catalyst character and is a DPS unit where he dishes out fast normal attacks
  • The weapon banner is worth pulling as Furina’s signature weapon can be used on alot of other characters besides Furina

In the Genshin Impact game, the Version 5.4 Phase 2 banners are set to start on March 4th, 2025 and run until March 25th, 2025. During this period, you’ll find a special dual banner showcasing two popular 5-star characters from a previous release.

Wriothesley is a Cryo field Damage Per Second (DPS) character who excels in dealing sustained melee Cryo damage and employing Health Point (HP)-draining abilities. His playstyle primarily centers around his Chilling Penalty state, which boosts the power of both his regular and charged attacks while gradually depleting his HP over time.

As a gamer, I wield the power of Icefang Rush, a swift dash that bridges gaps and smartly revitalizes my health. Proper use of this skill is key to staying in the game. On the other hand, Darkgold Wolfbite is my Elemental Burst, an impactful Cryo Area of Effect strike that simultaneously offers instant healing while inflicting substantial burst damage.

Wriothesley performs exceptionally well in teams focused on Cryo elements, specifically the abilities ‘Melt’, ‘Freeze’, and ‘Mono-Cryo’ compositions. However, to keep his HP-draining buffs active, he needs regular healing. HeadslikeSigewinne or Furina, who specialize in healing, make excellent teammates for him.

Furina is a character who specializes in hydro field damage and support, showing exceptional skills in regular application of hydro effects and providing team-wide buffs. Her abilities revolve around managing her Opera Epiclese state, which transitions between Ousia and Pneuma modes to adapt to various battle situations.

When Furina is in the Ousia mode, she calls upon Salon Members who use Hydro abilities to launch synchronized attacks. In Pneuma mode, she offers team-wide healing and inflicts minor damage. Furina’s exceptional party-wide buffs are influenced by the HP changes of her teammates, making her particularly effective in teams where HP loss is significant.

As a gamer, I shine in hydro reaction-based squads, which allow for Vaporize, Bloom, and Hyperbloom combinations. But, my strength lies in the ebb and flow of my team’s health – the more efficiently we can lose and recover HP, the more potent my damage output and buffing capabilities become.

While Furina delivers robust and continuous Hydro abilities, her lack of personal burst damage and reliance on particular team configurations make her more suitable for specific scenarios rather than functioning independently as a DPS. Nevertheless, she remains a potent five-star Hydro character who can substantially enhance team efficiency when properly equipped.

Genshin Impact Version 5.4 Phase 2 Weapon banner: Epitome Invocation

  • Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)
  • Cashflow Supervision (Catalyst)
  • Favonius Sword (Sword)
  • Sacrificial Greatsword (Claymore)
  • Dragon’s Bane (Polearm)
  • Sacrificial Fragments (Catalyst)
  • Rust (Bow)

Why you should go for Wriothesley or Furina in Genshin Impact Version 5.4

If you appreciate off-field Hydro abilities, team enhancements, and a character who seamlessly blends support and DPS roles, Furina is an excellent pick. As a Hydro buffer, she shines in teams that leverage mechanisms involving Health Points (HP) fluctuations, amplifying damage according to the HP changes her team experiences.

As a devoted admirer, I’d say I consistently harness Hydro’s power with Furina, transforming it into Vaporize, Bloom, and Hyperbloom abilities. However, to fully exploit her buff potential, careful team-building is key. Furina truly thrives in Neuvillette, Wriothesley, and Bond of Life teams, but her impact depends on skillful management of HP loss.

She’s an outstanding choice for players seeking a Hydro character who can boost the entire team, deliver off-field damage, and heal simultaneously. However, she demands particular configurations and faces competition from characters such as Xingqiu and Yelan in terms of Hydro application, although she provides significantly more team-wide utility. Conversely, Wriothesley is a Cryo on-field DPS offering swift melee attacks, self-sustain, and high potential for Cryo damage.

She’s great for players looking for a Hydro hero who can strengthen the whole team, deal off-field damage, and heal at the same time. However, she needs specific settings and is similar to Xingqiu and Yelan in Hydro abilities, although she offers way more team support. On the other hand, Wriothesley is a Cryo DPS on the battlefield who has quick melee attacks, self-reliance, and high potential for Cryo damage.

This character’s chilling penalty amplifies both his regular and charged attacks, enabling him to dish out reliable Cryo damage and deplete his health simultaneously. He performs optimally in teams focused on Melt, Freeze, and Mono-Cryo compositions, benefiting from attack speed enhancements and healing support. Wriothesley works well with Furina, Sigewinne, or other healing characters to manage his HP consumption effectively.

In contrast, he encounters competition from Ayaka and Ganyu because they deliver more potent burst damage in Freeze teams. Although he shines in prolonged Cryo DPS, his dependence on Normal Attacks weakens his performance in teams that rely on Skill-based reactions. If I were to pick one, Furina would be the wiser investment due to her robust buffs, healing abilities, and Hydro application – qualities that make her a safer choice for most gamers.

If you’re into swift melee battles and consistent Cryo damage output, Wriothesley could be an excellent choice, particularly for teams focusing on Melt or Freeze strategies. Essentially, your selection hinges on whether you prefer a team-oriented support role with robust Hydro compatibility or a self-reliant Cryo Hypercarry.

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2025-03-05 03:14

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