Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

As someone who’s spent countless hours in the Apex Legends battlefield, I can definitely empathize with the dilemma of early zone calling. The tension between conserving resources and pushing for position is a delicate balance that even the most seasoned players struggle with.

Genome speaks to Xpsp ahead of the ALGS Split 2 Playoffs.

The upcoming ALGS Split 2 Playoffs meta stands to differ significantly from both the ALGS Split 2 Pro League and the Apex Esports World Cup. Some legends, previously on the fringes, are expected to become common elements on most teams. had a chat with ALGS caster Genome about the anticipated changes in the German meta.

Genome thinks Survey Beacons are behind Crypto’s rise in popularity

As a passionate gaming enthusiast, I’m eagerly anticipating the abundance of Crypto encounters in Mannheim, something we didn’t experience much in Los Angeles. Despite the lack of exposure in my previous location, I’ve noticed a significant surge in the use of Crypto during scrims and events like the Knights Carnage Cup. This shift can be attributed to several major updates that occurred during Apex Season 22.

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

To put it simply, while Crypto’s equipment may not seem as crucial, the significant change is that we’ve placed survey Beacons at every Point of Interest (POI) in the game. This shift in gameplay is quite substantial.

“I find it intriguing to observe who will manage to adapt, especially those who have some prior experience with Cryptocurrency. It’s a unique approach, as battles unfold in a completely distinct manner due to EMP timings and other factors.”

Threat vision not that impactful for professional players

crypto received several enhancements, both direct and indirect. He gained the Threat Vision shared among all Recon characters, a new stealth ability, improved drone handling, reduced drone cooldown, and additional scanning capabilities. However, Genome notes that while Threat Vision may appear potent for casual players, it doesn’t have as significant an impact at higher skill levels.

As a gamer, one thing that consistently leaves me in awe is the keen eye of top players when they’re engaged in gameplay. I can’t help but wonder if it’s because my own observational skills are lacking, but their uncanny ability to spot opponents from distances as far as 200 meters, even before they become a significant threat, leaves me feeling that the ‘threat vision’ for pros might be almost unnecessary. It’s not the old ‘threat vision’ either, where it actually helped see through things like smokes or during skydives. Instead, it seems more like an innate talent that sets them apart in the gaming world.

“Currently, Crypto’s primary role isn’t heavily reliant on other aspects. Instead, it seems to revolve around Survey Beacons and gaining access to them. Other recon legends are not being chosen as frequently. Teams don’t seem keen on playing two recon characters, unless they’re particularly cautious about their team’s combat. It generally doesn’t make much sense to do so.”

Now, just like before, Crypto is selected for similar reasons as when he could remotely scan the next Ring. By launching the Drone, you can scan beacons from nearby Points of Interest even if you’re trapped inside a building, which significantly alters the situation.

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

Genome feels APAC North could have a slight advantage in a Crypto meta

In regions like EMEA and North America, Cryptocurrencies haven’t been a mandatory investment choice. However, this isn’t the same story in other areas, particularly APAC North. Is Genome of the opinion that this trend could provide teams from APAC North, or even those with Crypto expertise, an advantage?

Prior to tournaments such as the Sweden LAN, approximately 17 Cryptos were gathered in the lobby of the APAC North Pro League. Whether we’ll reach that number this time around is uncertain. Yet, there could be an edge for certain teams. I believe there are a couple of key skills one needs to master and learn with Crypto.

Some actions resemble learning to play alongside him. Often, cryptocurrencies significantly influence the tempo of encounters. A character may need to activate an EMP without physically being next to you at times. Mastering this control becomes a unique ability in itself.

Additionally, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with playing in lobbies filled with Cryptos, a situation many teams have encountered during their recent scrimmages outside of APAC North. Given the short time gap between Season 22 and this event, teams haven’t had much opportunity to practice extensively.

Genome: “Bangalore genuinely is one of the best and most flexible legends in the game”

One legend that Apex viewers are absolutely familiar with is Bangalore. She has been firmly the centre of the meta for several seasons. At some points she has even been at a 100% pick rate in some lobbies. The Apex balance team has tried to address this with several nerfs and adjustments to Bangalore. However, nothing seems to make much of a dent in her popularity in the ALGS. Does Genome think Bangalore can ever be knocked out of the meta?

“In my opinion, Bangalore truly stands out as one of the most adaptable and versatile characters in the game. Her equipment offers a remarkable degree of flexibility. Her smoke grenades are incredibly versatile, becoming even more so when you have two ‘charges’. You can employ them to navigate, regroup, or create barriers for aggressive play. In essence, they enhance almost every tactical maneuver possible in Apex.”

“It’s both offensive and defensive. In challenging situations, you can employ it to disrupt other teams, steal kills as they exit zones, or even navigate the map while eliminating enemies. Its design appears heavily geared towards high-level competitive play in Apex.”

“It appears one major distinction is evident, especially in casual ranked matches or otherwise. Characters like Revenant are commonly used by players, even pros. However, it’s important to note that Revenant isn’t problematic in ALGS. His kit may excel in public matches for dominance but doesn’t provide significant advantage in a high-level lobby.”

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

Could a change to her Ultimate bring Bangalore under control?

One area Genome thinks could help bring Bangalore under control is with her Ultimate.

“It seems to me that perhaps Bangalore’s Ultimate ability could be swapped for something distinct from Gibby’s. When the game first launched, it felt like they were quite similar, leaving some players wondering about the real differences between them. Even though I understand they function differently, I believe giving her a more unique and diverse skillset would help address the issue of her being overly effective in so many scenarios.”

Genome is a big fan of the Controller legend changes

In Apex Season 22, some stories associated with controller characters have received an upgrade – these include Caustic, Catalyst, Wattson, and Rampart. Now, they gain an additional 25 health points when they’re within the game zone. This enhancement offers a significant advantage to teams who prefer early rotations in ALGS, as it lessens the need for them to acquire Evo and postpone their rotations.

It seems we can anticipate a significant presence of Wattson in the upcoming matches, which is a positive development. Previously, it often seemed challenging to gather sufficient evolution items and reach the zone on time. There were instances where taking the “right” decision to enter the zone earlier would lead to situations that were less than ideal. You’d rarely get a chance to obtain purple shields, leaving you with insufficient resources to deal adequate damage safely. In my opinion, early entry into the zone should be rewarded more often.

“The additional adjustments made to Pylon buffs will significantly enhance shield management. I find this update to be a fantastic decision for the game. While some teams are opting for other characters like Catalyst for more flexibility during rotations, it’s clear that she isn’t as effective when fortified. However, the fact that some teams are using Catalyst and selecting the door perk to reinforce doors based on the location of the zone and the type of buildings they prefer in late game, I must say, adds an interesting twist. The variety it brings to the game is quite appealing.”

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

“If you just win every single team fight you take it is hard to do badly”

The recent enhancements made to legends such as Crypto and Wattson appear to shift the balance towards quicker rotations in ALGS competition, counteracting previous changes like the Evo rework, survey beacons, and Ring Consoles that favored edge teams. In terms of the current debate over which playstyle is more advantageous, where does Genome stand?

“The question you posed has several conditions attached to it. I believe its answer greatly hinges on your point of interest. While many often argue that the ‘edge’ holds more power, I suspect there’s a particular reason behind this claim. This is due to the fact that teams who excel are typically adept at engaging in battles. What might be underestimated is how crucial it can be to be skilled in team fights.”

In Apex Legends, due to the numerous strategic elements, decision-making processes, and various tactics available, such as your character selection or movement strategies, people enjoy dissecting all the intricate details of high-level gameplay. These aspects undeniably impact the game. However, if you manage to emerge victorious in every team fight, it becomes challenging to perform poorly overall.

Genome on why Bangalore and Crypto will dominate at ALGS Split 2

“Does that just work for Falcons because they’re the best team?”

Genome suggests that the skill level exhibited by teams such as the Falcons in combat is so exceptional, it may be reshaping public perceptions of what truly constitutes playing with an “edge.”

“It seems that people think the Falcons are so skilled in team fights that they seldom lose a straight-up 3 vs. 3 battle. In Apex, which involves 20 teams, success often depends on positioning yourself to win even unfavorable 3 vs. 3 battles and avoiding third party interference.”

“It seems that teams such as the Falcons have significantly influenced fans’ assumptions about game strategy. They excel at capitalizing on their edge in competitions like Sky West Trials, and then proceed to dominate opponents by bullying them and positioning themselves favorably. This approach can be effective, but is it what makes Edge a superior playstyle, or does the Falcons’ success stem from being an exceptional team?”

Keep an eye on Xpsp as they reveal the outcome of the ALGS meta in Mannheim, Germany. The playoff matches for ALGS Split 2 commence on August 29, and you can catch Genome in action live on the PlayApex Twitch stream.

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2024-08-28 17:12

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