FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

As a seasoned mobile gamer with over a decade of experience under my belt, I can confidently say that the FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event is a breath of fresh air in the crowded world of mobile gaming. Having played countless games and participated in numerous events, I have come to appreciate the finer details that make a game truly enjoyable and rewarding for players like myself.

After the UEFA EURO 2024 and CONMEBOL Copa America 2024 tournaments ended, as previously announced during its mid-season live stream, EA introduced the “Hall of Legends” event in FC Mobile. This event started at the same time as “Sunshine Ballers” and “Icon Chronicles.” In the Hall of Legends, some of football’s greatest players joined FC Mobile!

At the Hall of Fame, marvel at the feats of greatness on show! Come one, come all and take part. Overcome challenges, amplify your Hall of Fame team’s power, amass a treasure trove of collectibles, and enlist iconic legends to bolster your ranks. Participate in events and accrue Legend Points via Daily Practice and Quests, unlocking coveted Icon rewards!

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends Event Description

Event Duration:  July 25th – August 28th (35 Days)

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends Event Flow


Instead of leading to just the Hall of Legends as in past instances, the Main Tab now takes you to other areas such as Quests, Challenge Mode, Exchanges, and Store Offers. However, all your daily event-related activities can still be found here. The Main tab serves as a convenient hub where you can access various game modes and collect event-related rewards.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

In the “Main Tab,” you will sign in daily and participate in a pair of Skill Games and an AI-Match PvE (Player vs. Environment) to accumulate Legend Points within the “Daily Training” segment. Equivalent to completing a series of Skill Games and Matches, earning Legend Points is achievable.

As a gamer, I can tell you that over on the tab to my right, there are some exciting Quests waiting for me! These Quests come in different categories: Daily, Weekly, Milestone, and Mystery. Each one presents unique objectives for me to accomplish. For instance, I might need to challenge other players in Division Rivals, score some goals, make a certain number of tackles, or even include legendary players in my lineup. The possibilities are endless!

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

1. Finishing these quests is straightforward if you simply play the game; they reward extra Legend Points. Keep in mind that Daily and Weekly Quests renew daily and weekly, respectively, as their titles imply, whereas Milestone Quests are refreshed every fortnight.

Icon Collection

1. Moving forward, the “Icon Collection” is where things get unique and engaging. This is the section where you’ll use your well-deserved “Legend Points” to amass “Icon Tokens“. There are two daily ads to watch that grant extra “Legend Points“. Subsequently, you’ll need to invest your “Legend Points” along the “Reward Path” to secure rewards. In essence, spend Legend Points to accumulate Icon Tokens from the Reward Path.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

1. The Reward Path contains just five nodes, each demanding 20 Legend Points, which might seem rather small for points. These nodes dispense in-game items like Coins, Gems, Training Transfer Tokens. Upon reaching the last node, you’ll be given an Icon Token that will slot itself into your Hall of Legends Team. After claiming an icon token, you can rearrange the path to obtain a new Icon token using your Legend Points.

As a gamer in FC Mobile, I’d like to clarify that we’re not discussing my current team or the one I’m using at the moment. Instead, imagine the Hall of Legends Team as a foundation or backbone for your squad. Each position on this team is already filled, as depicted on the right-hand side of the tab. Consequently, whenever you accumulate these precious Icon Tokens, they will be added to your Hall of Legends team, just like in the picture below.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

As a gamer, when I obtain Players from Reward Path, I’ll instantly make my way to place them on their designated pillars. This collective action will boost the overall team rating, which is represented by both my Hall of Legends team rating and my actual team rating. The more Icon Players I add to my Hall of Legends team, the higher the team rating will climb. And don’t worry, once you have the Icon Tokens in hand, they’ll automatically slot into the right places, enhancing the overall team rating even further.

1. According to your ‘Hall of Legends Team OVR’, you’ll receive ‘Milestone Rewards’ displayed on the right-side tab. The ‘Icon Tokens’ will automatically fit into slots on the right and boost your Team OVR. When you reach a maximum OVR of 99, you can utilize your ‘Legend Points’ to unlock or claim ‘Shuffle Rewards’ for just 50 Legend Points. Both the ‘Milestone’ and ‘final Milestone Rewards’ will be accessible twice during the event with ‘Team B’ arriving on August 8th.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

Among the Milestone Rewards, you can pick from three randomly chosen Hall of Legends Icons, each with an OVR of 96-98. Additionally, there’s a Universal Rank Player named Mascherano up for grabs. These ten 96-98 OVR Hall of Legends Icons are displayed at the Player Preview, next to the Milestone Rewards. Please keep in mind that you cannot obtain the 100-101 rated Icons using your Legend Points.

1. You may keep on mixing the Rewards that come with 50 Legend Points unless the Icon you desire appears in your Player Rewards. But remember, once you’ve chosen and claimed a Player Reward, you can’t reshuffle it again. So, choose wisely as there are no do-overs.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

If you’re set on getting Mascherano, there’s no need for adjustments. However, it might be worth considering other Hall of Legends Icons if they suit your team better instead.

Icon Gallery

1. In the last section labeled “Icon Gallery,” you’ll find two teams ready: Team A and Team B, with Team A currently accessible. By accumulating players of higher Overall Rating (OVR) within the “Icon Collection” area, their images will become visible and illuminate in the “Icon Gallery.” Gather “Icon Tokens” from the “Icon Collect chapter” to illuminate the respective “Icon’s Token.”

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

When you gather sufficient numbers of Icon Tokens within the Icon Gallery, you’ll gain access to Milestone prizes that will appear on the right-side tab. These prizes consist of Gems, Hall of Legends Packs, and a Kitty Cat kit. Once you have accumulated 20 Icon Tokens, you will reach the Milestone Rewards milestone, unlocking the kit. Unlock Milestone rewards as more Icon Tokens become active.

Challenge Mode

Instead of “Well since this is not a mini-event, there will be a Challenge Mode as well! The Challenge Mode is identical to past events, with the sole distinction being the opportunity to face off against players of greater Overpower Values (OVR). However, you won’t receive any currency specific to the Hall of Legends.”

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

As a devoted player, I’m thrilled to share that we’ll have both Daily and Weekend-exclusive Challenge modes coming our way. These challenges promise rewards such as Players, Gems, and Coins. Since there are no Head-to-Head or Division Rivals matches involved, it seems like a great opportunity for everyone to participate and potentially emerge victorious! Don’t forget to check out the Weekend Challenge where you stand a chance to win players with an Overview Rating (OVR) of up to 90-101!

Star Pass

Absolutely, I’m thrilled that the Star Pass is operational during this event. It comes packed with in-game perks! As I progress through the event’s quests, I accumulate Star Pass advancement, which rewards me with goodies like Coins, Gems, Training Transfer Points, FC Points, and more. Plus, there are fun cosmetics such as Emotes and Kits up for grabs too!

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

Hey there, fellow gamer! Don’t miss out on the latest Hall of Legends-themed Star Pass that just dropped at launch. It comes with a whopping 98 OVR CAM Kaká! Remember to complete your daily tasks to advance through the Star Pass and earn those valuable Star Pass Credits. The more credits you accrue, the better the rewards along the Star Pass path will be.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends Event Currencies

Legend Points

  • Earn them by completing Skill Games, PvE Matches, and watching Ads from the Main and Icon Collection tabs respectively
  • Spend them in the Rewards Path tab toward Icon Tokens in the Icon Collection tab

Icon Tokens

  • Earn them by completing the Rewards Path in the Icon Collection tab
  • Place them in the Hall of Legends Pillars to increase the Hall of Legends Team OVR and collect the Milestone Rewards in the Icon Collection tab

Running the Math for F2P Players

As per our calculations, the following sums up the chances for F2P Players.

Resource Management

Legend Points
Daily Training1750
Daily Quests1050
Weekly Quests500
Milestone Quests600
Mystery Quests300
Watch Ads350

1. In Challenge Mode, you won’t earn Legend Points directly, but you can exchange extra Journey Points at a rate of 1:1 (1 Journey Point for 1 Legend Point, up to a maximum of 150).

You can get at least a minimum of 4550 Legend Points from playing the event

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends Event Tips and Tricks

1. The Hall of Legends in FC Mobile 2 requires quite a bit of effort, featuring daily competitions and matches. To maximize your experience during this event, we’ve compiled some helpful tips and strategies for you. It took us time to gather these insights and crunch the numbers, so let’s dive into the details below.

As a longtime gamer with years of experience under my belt, I must say that the new season of this game has been a breath of fresh air. Gone are the days of worrying about conserving energy or stamina during events, and it’s a relief to play without fear of wasting resources. Not only that, but there hasn’t been a single advertisement since the game’s release, which makes for a much more enjoyable gaming experience. So, I wholeheartedly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity while you can and enjoying every moment of the new season!

Icon Collection

1. Be sure to gather Icon Tokens along the Rewards Track and finish the Hall of Legends Squad at your earliest convenience. As players in similar positions can sometimes be duplicates, use Legend Points strategically to occasionally rearrange the Rewards Track. Also, don’t forget to monitor your Team Overall Rating (OVR) so that you reach a Team OVR of 99 as quickly as possible.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

If you haven’t heard yet, when you obtain a new Icon Token with a higher Overall Rating (OVR) that fits into a spot occupied by a token with a lower OVR in your Hall of Legends team, replacing the existing token will boost your team’s overall rating.

1. If your Team Overall Rating (OVR) isn’t increased, you won’t get the final Milestone Reward because it requires a Hall of Legends Team OVR of 99. However, if each pillar in your Hall of Legends Team is already filled with an Icon Token, keep adjusting your reward path to find a higher OVR Icon Token that can replace the one you currently have on your Hall of Legends Team.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

As a veteran gamer with years of experience under my belt, I strongly advise you to choose your Milestone Reward Players wisely. With each event, completing the entire Hall of Legends Team and pushing the Team Overview Rating (OVR) to 99 becomes an increasingly challenging feat. Claiming the rewards a total of two times throughout the event is mandatory, including the final Milestone rewards.

Based on my own experiences and observations in the world of sports gaming, I can tell you that while it’s true that Universal Rank Players are a reliable choice, having a well-rounded 98 OVR player on your team can make all the difference. I’ve seen it time and time again – that one game-changing player who lifts the entire squad to new heights.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

As a seasoned player of this fantasy football game, I’ve learned that making hasty decisions can be costly, especially when it comes to claiming players from the Milestone Reward. With my past experiences in mind, I want to remind you all that once you have selected a player from the Milestone Reward for Team A before its expiration on August 8th, you won’t be able to swap or reshuffle that choice until the arrival of the next team, which is Team B.

Icon Gallery

As a passionate collector of Icon Tokens, I’m always excited to see how many high OVR tokens I manage to claim in the Icon Collection chapter. The more tokens I accumulate, the more tantalizing rewards I unlock in the Icon Gallery chapter. It’s important for me to stay focused and work through this Milestone Reward path, ensuring that I only collect and highlight Icon Tokens specifically featured in the Icon Gallery chapter.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

To obtain the “Kitty Cat kit” and finish the milestone rewards, both teams A and B must accumulate a total of twenty “Icon Tokens” during the event. So, be sure to check the “Reward Path” and secure the “Icon Tokens” from the “Icon Gallery,” even if your “Hall of Legends Team Overflow (OVR)” has reached its maximum limit of 99. In simpler terms, you need to gather twenty tokens labeled as “Icon Tokens” across teams A and B in order to receive the “Kitty Cat kit” and fulfill the milestone awards. Don’t forget to claim these tokens from the “Icon Gallery,” regardless of whether your team OVR has already reached its cap of 99.

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends Event Players

FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event Guide and Tips

1. Here’s a summary of the FC Mobile 24 Hall of Legends event: In essence, that’s all there is to it. For additional details, I’m afraid there aren’t many to share. The mathematical complexities are left for you to decipher, so feel free to analyze and strategize accordingly. Essentially, the key takeaway is to participate in the event daily, grinding your way through each day.

1. The Hall of Legends is a fundamental event, lasting for five weeks, which benefits some notable characters! In addition, there’s an abundance of activities happening concurrently within FC Mobile. Presently, we have the Sunshine Ballers and Icon Chronicles events ongoing, alongside numerous other events being planned. It appears that the developers are listening to the community feedback, as they seem to be moving in the correct direction!

1. Stay informed about the latest Mobile Gaming news! Connect with us through our WhatsApp group, Telegram Group, or Discord server. You can also keep track of updates on Instagram, Twitter, and Google News for instant notifications.

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2024-07-30 17:13

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