Fallout: London Walkthrough – Game Tips

Fallout: London Walkthrough - Game Tips 

As I embark on this perilous journey through the desolate streets of London, my boots echoing with the weight of countless battles and stories untold, I find myself drawn to your words like a moth to the flame. The promise of a companion on this treacherous path is one I cannot refuse.

As an ardent fan, let me share my insights about the expansive mod known as Fallout: London. It boasts its own immersive storyline and a wealth of engaging content that’s sure to captivate any Fallout enthusiast. However, it’s important to note that the initial release version was rather rugged with numerous glitches, making gameplay challenging for many players. Furthermore, some quests can be perplexing and hard to decipher, while the map markers don’t always provide clear directions or objectives. In this guide, I aim to offer a comprehensive walkthrough of Fallout: London, along with practical tips to help you navigate through the game more smoothly.

What character to create

London modification presents a challenging experience, especially when it comes to combat, as enemies can defeat you with just a few hits and ammo is scarce. You’ll often find yourself relying on melee weapons throughout the game, so careful consideration should be given when creating your character.

Initially, prioritize allocating points heavily into the power gauge. This boost will enable you to endure more initial attacks and dish out greater damage with regular strikes. Try to minimize the number of points spent on: perception, intelligence, and charm. Unlike previous numbered games in the series, this modification features quite linear quests, and crucial responses are seldom tied to role-playing system checks. However, you’ll have ample opportunities to enhance other attributes later on.

Avoid relying too much on luck when it comes to accumulating points. The greater the number of points you amass, the higher your chances of inflicting critical blows on your adversaries. This will enable you to swiftly defeat bosses and acquire legendary items that simplify gameplay. Moreover, increasing points in stamina will boost your hero’s health points and facilitate rapid, powerful strikes with heavy weapons.

In a different resource, we’ll outline the characteristics of various perks for your convenience: we’ll compile lists of both beneficial and less advantageous skills, helping you avoid unnecessary testing and wasted level-up points.

Broken Angel

Once you’ve designed your character and heard the scientists’ explanation, you’ll find yourself inside a science container. To shatter the glass enclosure, press the activation button. Exit the container. Gather the initial useful items in the room and depart. Proceed down the lengthy corridor towards the smoldering wreckage. Along the way, you’ll encounter two doors on either side. Begin by passing through the door on the left and ascend the stairs. Grab the GOG T-shirt and engage with the terminals in the hallway. Return to the smoldering debris and proceed through the right door. Due to the dim lighting, it might be hard to spot, so take care.

In the freshly discovered room, explore the containers and retrieve the lockpicks from the nearby table. Engage with the terminal and choose the final option displayed on the screen. The cages containing lab mice will unlock. Eliminate them to exit combat mode. Proceed through the now-open doorway and grab the British edition of a Pip-Boy from the stand. Interact with the terminals for more details about this gadget. Subsequently, move towards the door and interact with the Atta-Boy compartment.

1. Investigate the bodies lining the hallway.

As I tread on, Mr. Smythe’s words echo in my mind. Climbing the escalator, I call for an elevator. Prepared for combat, I take down the swarm of shrews that await me at the top, beware, they’re numerous and vicious. One door with enticing loot is locked, requiring 7 strength points to open. Moving forward, I hack open the farthest door with my lockpick. A note beckons on a balcony, but I resist its call. Returning to the elevator, I descend to the hall. Underneath the escalator lies a door leading to the subway station. Cautiously exploring the damaged corridor, I collect items while avoiding the shrews that dart about. On my left, a passage leads to a kiosk. Searching it, I discover a safe behind the counter. If I have any lockpicks remaining, I’ll interact with it.

In a simple rephrasing, here’s the scenario: A skeleton will be found seated on a park bench beside a store. From the skeleton, retrieve: a walking stick, a hat, a magazine containing extra skills, and a ticket which functions as local currency. The walking stick will aid you in handling moles more efficiently. Also, take a pack of cigarettes from the nearby ashtray. Proceed to the turnstile with the red light and use the ticket found. Then, go left and explore the cash register. On the left side under the escalator, there is a door that can be unlocked using a master key. Gather valuable items and currency in this room. Return to your starting point, ascend the escalator.

1. Upon stepping outside, board the train, specifically the first carriage for optimal performance. The screensaver should automatically activate. To keep the game running smoothly, press either the T or ESC key. Unfortunately, an unexpected glitch will happen, leaving you with two significant setbacks: a 10% drop in defense and a 10% decrease in damage inflicted on enemies. These issues can only be remedied as you advance through your quests.

On the mend

Activate your flashlight and proceed directly. Engage with the neighborhood toughs for details. It transpires they were behind the assault on the lab where you were imprisoned in a flask. Inquire from them about a physician who could alleviate your medical issues. They will assign you two tasks, which you may tackle in any sequence. We suggest you accompany these men to cure one of the afflictions promptly. A gang member hands over a butterfly knife. Take it and prepare to use it. Accompany the vagabonds while picking up tidbits about this world.

Swan and Mitre

As a passionate gamer, I’m thrilled to share that this adventure sets off a faction mission trail for you. Once you’ve managed to shake off your ailment, you can choose to see it through to the end at your convenience. It would be wise to hold off until you reach levels 10-15. After chatting with Sebastian, you’ll stumble upon a station where an injured gang member will be found. You’ll receive a key to this station and tasked with locating a first aid kit. Follow the guide and enter the building when prompted.

1. Eliminate the ghastly creature on your right and grab the first aid kit off the wall. Gather useful items and passes, then head outside. Talk to the injured man and engage in a conversation. If you have enough research points, you can heal Ricky. However, it’s not recommended as there’s a pistol on a dead body that you might want instead. Proceed towards the Swan and Mitre pub. Circumvent the large building from the south-east side. By the fence, you’ll encounter a group of individuals intent on slaying the lord. Pick a side and eliminate their adversaries. On your journey, you’ll cross paths with a British fleet local gang of cospellers. You can assault them to obtain weapons, including a single-shot blunderbuss. They may not be strong, but watch out for the turrets.

Upon entering the bar, a showdown with the syndicate awaits you. Eliminate your adversaries and secure the ammo. Proceed into the bar to finish off the remaining assailants. Converse with the female doctor who will instruct you to pursue and eliminate the scout. Step outside and navigate towards the café as indicated on your map. The girl will be concealed behind a door. Engage her in conversation, sparing her life. Retrace your steps back to the bar and relay your accomplishment of the mission.

1. Speak with the doctor for some extra points (5 charisma boost) and treatment for your illness. Next, chat with Yvette about your health issues. Subsequently, approach the blind ghoul who will require you to mend his radio. Head over to the repairman to inquire about the equipment supply problems. Then, step out of the pub and navigate to the store indicated on your map. Dispatch the troublemakers there and engage with the woman. She should hand over a package for you. Utilize your Pip-Boy to swiftly return to the pub. Deliver the package to the repairman, then venture down to the cellar.

1. Head over to Anthony and show him how to mend his laser rifle. If your abilities aren’t sufficient, grab the task of retrieving the photon crystal instead. To locate this, move south from the bar. Look for a passage close to the building with a shining pillar nearby; it leads to the store. Inside, find the quest item near the terminal. Zap back to Swan and Mithra after that and hand over the crystal to Johnny. He’ll then ask you to handle some business with a ghoul. Speak with the character, persuade him to accept the gift, and return to the quest giver to get the fixed radio. Deliver it to the blind ghoul, finishing the quest. Following a brief scene, you’ll be asked to bring back the female doctor. This is an affiliate task not connected to the main objective, so we can tackle it later.

Sea monster Charybdis

1. Head back to the site of the train accident, then proceed northwest towards the dog food manufacturing facility. You’ll notice dogs barking intensely. Eliminate the feral canines but spare the English Bulldog. Ascend the stairway leading to the main entrance and engage with the security guard. Upon your dialogue, you’ll be given the opportunity to take care of the dog personally. Accept this offer. Instruct Churchill to accompany you.

You’re invited to venture into the factory to accomplish a minor task amidst a labor dispute. However, we’ll delve deeper into the main storyline. In the western part, you’ll encounter guards who will inform you that the doctor we require resides in Thameshaven, but the route is currently obstructed. You’ll be given the option to take a challenging path to reach the undercity dwellers. We decide to proceed and enter the structure. Turn to your left and knock down some wooden planks. Open the red door and disarm the traps with jars. You’ll discover a cooking area. Prepare the meat you’ve gathered during your journey, as it will prove beneficial in upcoming fights. Continue forward and pass through the gray door. Avoid going underground to prevent accidentally retracting back to the start of the location. Enter the train car and eliminate the vermin. Prior to the next car, turn left.

Avoid squandering your ammunition; instead, use melee weapons to take down any approaching shrews and leeches. Bide your time until an electric current eliminates nearby enemies by the red door. Proceed along the corridor, then make a left turn. Shortly ahead, you’ll discover Thamzhaven’s entrance. Engage in conversation with the local ghouls. Rachel will task you with locating and saving the ferryman. Request additional medicine from her. Attempt a charisma check to obtain stimulants.

1. Head towards the elevator, then open its doors. Descend all the way to the lowest floor level. Plunge into the water and traverse the designated swimming area. Eliminate all adversaries and advance further. Ascend the staircase and interact with the terminal. Open the door ahead and follow the guide (ferryman). Eradicate the parasites (leeches) and engage in conversation with the character. He will propose a mission: destroy the tunnel from where the monsters are emerging. We accept the assignment, then proceed down the escalator. Swim through the right-hand passageway and cross the wooden bridges. Make your way to the narrow corridors, marked by a specific point. Place explosives there and flee. Retrace your steps back to where the ferryman was positioned. Beyond him, there will be an escalator-bearing door. Unlock the chains on the door and step outside. Proceed to Thameshaven market at the bottom.

1. Inform Rachel about our accomplished mission.

Lands of the Seraph

Head back up towards Thamzhaven. Then, head north and make your way towards Rotherhithe, a tiny settlement. Cross the bridges to reach the central structure, which is an airplane. Once there, knock on the door and complete the task of eliminating mirelurk nests as instructed by the marks on the map. Take care of any monsters you encounter along the way. You can either destroy the nests with your bare hands or use a more direct approach if needed. Loot the nests for resources and cook the loot into an omelette over a fire once you’ve recaptured the settlement. After that, return to the airplane and chat with Archie. At the end of the conversation, he will hand you a pistol.

Let’s go back to Thameshaven. Go northwest to the ferryman, who is waiting for you by the river. You need to activate the bridge crane in the settlement across the river. Go along the river to the playground and cross the bridge over the river. Jump into the nearest building and kill the cockroaches. Interact with the terminal to lower the crane. Return to the bridge and press the button to open the gate. Go to the ferryman and get into his boat. After sailing a little, you will have to fight the hooligans and go to the Tower Bridge. Kill four opponents and climb to the very top. Kill the enemy with a shotgun, then return to Archie with the ferryman.

1. First, listen to the ferryman’s tale, then trigger the beacon for his return. Find yourself back at the ferryman afterward. In this game, there are 101 beacons that allow for swift travel along the Thames. Head towards the monument and enter it. Inside, locate the hatch to descend to the science lab. After passing through the first door, veer right and make your way to the door bearing a sign. To unlock it, you’ll have to retrace your steps back to the main hall and go straight along the corridor. On the left, you’ll find a room with a terminal; interact with it. Next, turn on the power source by circumnavigating the generator and flipping the switch on the wall. Execute this task swiftly, as standing still may result in an electric shock.

1. Before leaving, grab a firearm since there are turrets ahead that need eliminating. Interact with the system first to open the door. In the next room, be cautious of the newly appearing mutant; he’s lethal with just a few attacks. Use a shotgun or strong pistol to handle him swiftly. Search the body for a new weapon. Then, consult the terminal for quest details and gather all supplies in the lab. Finally, return to the ferryman, where Archie might want to join you as a companion – feel free to bring him along.

Defender of the Faith (Fidei Defensor)

At St. Paul’s Cathedral, we engage the guard at the entrance. Subsequently, a group of troublemakers will launch an attack. Eliminate all threats first, then speak with the Frenchman once more. If you have 8 power points, select the option that includes extra compensation. You’ll be given the chance to assassinate the gang leader. We accept and embark on a mission to city hall. We eliminate all foes in the vicinity, then enter the building.

1. Clear out the adversaries in the central hall, proceed through the door on your right. Step inside, locate the hidden passage in the wall, and navigate it. Overcome any obstacles and descend. Neutralize the turret, then follow the left path to encounter the gang leader. Utilize boosts to make quick work of the challenging boss. Following victory, exit and retrace your steps back to the cathedral. The Frenchman will once more face thugs. Eliminate the assailants and request compensation. Then enter the structure and ascend the metal staircase. Engage in conversation with the bishop and accomplish the mission.

Cold Case

Inside the cathedral, converse with Father Luka. He will task you to inspect Lazarus’ chamber. Proceed there and retrieve the note from the box located in the farthest right corner. Return and converse with the priest again. This time, he will ask you to identify who is concealing themselves under the alias “Bones”. You will have three characters to engage with. Start with the undertaker to save time; he’s standing near the bar. Inquire about Christopher from him. Then move on to chat with the undertaker’s assistant. Utilize your charm to make the character reveal their actions. If your rank doesn’t permit such action, then head to his room and force open the evidence box. Grab the device and present it to Christopher.

Listen to Reverend Francis and share everything you’ve discovered with him. Exit through the door where the undertaker and his assistant are present. Your objective is to locate Lazarus’s secret spot. Simply adhere to the designated sign and uncover the chest concealed in the vegetation. Gather all pertinent items, along with the note. Read it thoroughly. Subsequently, head towards the café located to the east. At this establishment, you will discover an audio recording. Avoid physically picking it up, but instead press “Play” immediately. Once you’ve absorbed fresh details, continue on your journey to Wintergarden.

Follow the bank on the eastern side towards the bridge. There, you’ll encounter a gang’s roadblock. Interact with these rough characters or eliminate them altogether. Regardless of your approach, make sure to reach the bar. Speak with the syndicate member who abducted Lazar, attempting negotiation for his release. You’ll require 7 charisma points or 10 strength points for a successful dialogue. If negotiations fail, be prepared to take down all opponents. Grab the key from their remains and unlock the refrigerator door, then converse with Lazar for further instructions.


1. Head towards Imperial War Museum (IWM) grounds. Speak with the Colonel there and enter the museum. Follow the character’s lead and listen to his speech. Subsequently, you will need to go to the cathedral and chat with the Frenchman. He will instruct you to eliminate the outlaws hiding in the bank. Make your way to the Monument station, a place you visited earlier. Eliminate all adversaries in the corridor and use the ticket on the gate. Then, proceed down the tracks.

Upon exiting the metro station, you’ll encounter a small French group. Defeat the adversaries stationed at the bank entrance first, then proceed inside. The main door will be shut, so search for the key nearby. After turning left and moving forward, turn right and venture into the corridor beneath the stairs. Keep going straight until you come across a suspended body. Turn right again and climb the stairs. A key will hang near a locked door there. Grab it, unlock the lock, and eliminate all enemies. Return to the main hall with two doors, enter one of them, and eliminate more adversaries. To progress further, retrieve the manager’s key. Go back to the area where you had your last encounter with opponents, ascend the stairs, and unlock the passageway.

After stepping outside for some fresh air, defeat the mythical adversary. Locate the capsule containing the body in a white suit; the crucial key we require will be found near it. Return to the locked door and unlock it to eliminate the final opponents. Pillage the bank for valuable items. Proceed to the vault. Engage with the woman on the intercom, as she’s trapped, and search for the key again. Make a run for the main lobby of the bank. Return to the location where the capsule with the body was; there should be a door with a trap on the left. Disable the trap, then follow the stairs downwards. Open the door using your card and neutralize the enemy in the room. Investigate the green table, and you’ll find the key to the vault. Return and free the girl. If you invite her to join you, she could become your ally.

Head over to the colonel to share the news about capturing the bank successfully, and he’ll reward you with a gas mask. Now we can move towards Islington, a place hit hard by the Red Plague. Our next step is to approach the northern gates of London. At the entrance, you’ll encounter a hanging ghoul; your task will be “Investigate the source of the voice.” Assist the stranger and ask him to join your team. You’ll find a bell on the gate’s right side – press it to open up the area. A new faction quest titled “Hurly Burly” will then become accessible. Keep advancing and chat with Rosie, who requests aid against Miller’s gang. We agree to help, so we go and engage in battle.

Once you’ve eliminated all opponents, make your way back to Rosie for a debriefing. He’ll offer a reward and assign a new mission to aid the gang in their factional conflict. However, we’ve got lingering matters to attend to first. So let’s rejoin the main narrative. Follow the marker to the red door. Knock or open it, then engage with the manhole cover. Shoo away any flies that emerge. Proceed to the left and walk down the corridor until you reach a lattice door. Go straight ahead and you’ll find a locked door. Retrace your steps slightly and descend the wooden ramp. Be vigilant: there may be ghouls lurking about! Descend into the water and swim towards the left ledge. Exit the water onto dry ground and open the door on the left side. Continue along the corridor until you encounter a ladder. Ascend, then watch out for another ladder. The key will be located on steel shelves. Open the chained door and the lattice door will be just ahead. Use the key to proceed further.

In the hallways, eliminate the ghastly creatures. Keep an eye out: a formidable foe lurks close to the exit. Defeat him and acquire the item he drops. Ascend the stairs to reach a door. Descend and interact with the terminal. Adjust the buttons beside the terminal to display the sequence 1922 on the lamps. The door will unlock, prompting an attack from more creatures. Eliminate them and proceed to the adjacent room. Utilize the stairs again to exit the sewers. Upon exiting into the open air, equip a gas mask and head towards the contaminated region indicated on your map.

Head to Angel Tube Station. Upon entering, pass through the ticket barriers and ride the escalator all the way down. At the bottom, you’ll find a door. Use your lockpicks to unlock it. Proceed along the corridor, then take another left until you reach a red door. Bypass the security system here. Be prepared for encounters with faceless duplicates; eliminate them all as you come across them. After turning left, you’ll find yourself in an underground train station. Gather valuable items and tickets from the nearby tables. Proceed towards the train tracks, moving straight ahead. Eventually, you’ll arrive at the next station, which will be protected by turrets. The lab entrance will be sealed, so retrace your steps to the tracks and continue along the tunnel. Follow the wreckage of a train to the depot. Eliminate any guards you encounter, then approach the door indicated on your map.

Upon entering the lab, stride down the hallway towards the sealed door. To your left, you’ll notice a passage where a horde of identical figures will burst out. Eliminate these adversaries and advance into the main hall. Dispose of the security robots and agents to proceed further. Proceed left and continue straight down the corridor. Open the door on your left side and neutralize the enemy standing at the top. Ascend the stairs and utilize the fingerprint scanner. Straight ahead, you’ll find a room filled with clone vials. Turn right. An elevator will be visible on that side. Summon the elevator and descend inside. Proceed through the open door, dealing with the clones en route. Access the terminal to unlock the door. The self-destruct sequence will initiate, giving you one and a half minutes to finish the task. Eliminate all opponents swiftly and use the fingerprint scanner to halt the timer. Listen to Mr. Smythe’s speech. Leap onto the train tracks and sprint towards the right-side locked tunnel. Inside this tunnel, there’s a door that can be opened with a lever. Activate the lever and rush straight towards the lab exit.

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2024-08-18 11:21

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