Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their ‘tough’ break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show’s editing: ‘It was a s**t experience’

Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their 'tough' break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show's editing: 'It was a s**t experience'

As an ardent fan who lived every moment of The Bachelor 2019, I can say that this revelation from Matt Agnew and Abbie Chatfield about their break-up is like opening a time capsule from the past. It’s fascinating to see how they navigated through their emotional rollercoaster ride on national television, only to reconnect years later.

Matt Agnew famously broke Abbie Chatfield’s heart on the finale of The Bachelor back in 2019.

In the recent episode, Abbie, aged 29, was taken aback and deeply saddened when Matt picked Chelsie McLeod instead of her, with Abbie admitting she was taken aback by his choice initially.

Now, former partners are disclosing the real story behind their tumultuous split, offering insight into the intense emotional moments that took place over five years ago.

In the dual installation of Abby’s podcast, It’s A Lot, Matt, aged 36, confessed that it was quite challenging for him to discuss their past relationship, as he explained that there was a sincere bond between them.

Matt joked, “Today was quite challenging for you, once more it wasn’t as difficult for me.” He added, “However, it was tough in a meaningful way due to the strong bond we shared.”

‘It’s an intense situation for, for all parties I think. Having to do that and like literally stand there on camera knowing that I’m about to really hurt someone that I care about was a s**t thing.’

Recognizing that Abbie was going through a difficult time, he said sympathetically: ‘That was a truly challenging situation, and I imagine it was especially hard on you. Nevertheless, let me assure you, it wasn’t a walk in the park for me either.’

Matt voiced his criticism towards the final edit of the evolving relationship between him and Abbie, claiming that her characterization as the ‘antagonist’ of the Bachelor series was unfair or misrepresentative.

He stated that Abbie’s portrayal in the edit felt as if she was manipulating the situation, as if she was orchestrating the game, creating an unusual and intriguing storyline.

Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their 'tough' break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show's editing: 'It was a s**t experience'

Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their 'tough' break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show's editing: 'It was a s**t experience'

In a lighthearted manner, Abbie playfully suggested that if she were indeed a genius, her co-stars would like her more. However, they didn’t pick her in the final round, and she found it acceptable.

Six months after their romantic relationship didn’t succeed on the show, Matt and Abbie found each other again and developed a friendship once the series aired.

Initially, Abby felt extremely bewildered about their separation, believing that Matt harbored strong dislike towards her. However, after clarifying the situation, they both understood each other better.

Following the performance, Matt broke up with me, leaving me feeling extremely downhearted. Around half a year later, following the broadcast of the final episode, you responded to the message I had previously sent you, she recounted.

In my own words, it wasn’t a casual invitation to spend time together and share a kiss with Matt, but rather a puzzling inquiry about something that had occurred. I was utterly bewildered by the situation.

Matt expressed his gratitude that Abbie decided to reconnect, stating, “Since I was the one who was parted from, it’s essentially up to you, you get to make the decision.”

Initially, it was during our first conversation where we had a chance to connect, there were numerous topics to discuss… One of the initial questions you posed to me was if I held any grudge against you.

‘It’s important for you to understand that I never harbored any negativity towards you; any suggestion of rudeness, hostility, or ill-will was entirely unfounded.’

Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their 'tough' break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show's editing: 'It was a s**t experience'
Exes Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew reveal the truth behind their 'tough' break-up on The Bachelor and hit out at the show's editing: 'It was a s**t experience'

As your trusted lifestyle guide, I’m here to share some intriguing updates. Though I’ve yet to confirm his relationship status, Matt remains a mystery. Conversely, Abbie has stepped into the limelight with her boyfriend, Adam Hyde, and surprisingly, they’ve been spotted spending time together as a threesome this year.

Recently, podcaster Abbie posted on Instagram a picture showing singers Adam and Matt grinning during an evening social gathering.

To demonstrate that they were comfortable with each other, Adam beamed broadly as he put an arm around Matt.

In a related comment, Abbie humorously described a photo of her present partner and ex as both amusing and suggestive, expressing her delight for the couple.

The television personality penned down a touching note, implying that all things eventually find resolution, as a nod to her broken heart from Matt on The Bachelor.

In her writing, she expressed: “When Adam shares a picture with me, it’s often either suggestive or humorous. This one seems to be a blend of the two.”

If Dr. Matt Agnew had picked me, I wouldn’t have encountered Adam, but I’m incredibly grateful all around! It seems like everything works out in the end!

Matt featured in the 2019 season of Channel 10’s dating program The Bachelor, where he ended up leaving with Chelsie as his partner, reminiscent of a romantic sunset departure.

After three months, the romance didn’t last, as it petered out. Later, he admitted that he was in a relationship with comic Gen Fricker. Later still, he disclosed that he was single again.

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2024-09-03 07:19

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