Everyone who died in The Penguin (and how they lost their life)
As a seasoned observer and connoisseur of crime dramas, I must say that HBO’s “The Penguin” left me utterly captivated by its gritty portrayal of power, greed, and survival. Each character, from the ruthless kingpin Oz to the hapless Detective Marcus Wise, brought a unique flavor to the table, making for a riveting watch.
The Penguin’s journey concluded, and it left behind an alarmingly high number of casualties. Every episode saw at least one fatality, and there were even two instances where multiple lives were lost, such as the Falcone family massacre and the twin incidents of fratricide.
If you’re seeking a reminder about who perished and under what circumstances, we’ve got you taken care of! Below, you’ll find details about every major character’s death, including the episode where they met their fate. You might want to get cozy for this, as it’s quite extensive.
Who dies in The Penguin?
Alberto Falcone
As I sat down to dive into “After Hours,” episode one of The Penguin, it barely took ten minutes for the unexpected twist: Alberto, the Falcone family’s next in line, met an untimely end. We were having a drink together, and Oz persuaded him to try some drops. Little did Alberto know, Oz was subtly poisoning his mind, getting him tipsy to keep him from suspecting why Oz was lurking around Carmine’s old hideout at the Iceberg Lounge.
Just as Alberto entered, Oz was in the process of emptying Carmine’s safe. Inside, he discovered jewels and incriminating photos involving Johnny Viti with Luca Falcone’s wife. He handed over the jewels but kept the file on him, sparing himself from having to explain anything later.
If Alberto had maintained a friendly conversation while they were drinking, it’s possible he would still be alive. However, he ridiculed Oz for his childhood admiration of the gangster who ruled Crown Point. It seems Oz looks up to Rex Calibrisi, a man who was on the wrong side of the law but took care of his community. This is the kind of person Oz aspires to be.
Originally hailing from a family that seemed insignificant to Alberto, he didn’t shy away from letting Oz understand this. He belittled the tale Oz shared with him and chuckled, fueling Oz’s malicious intentions. In a moment of uncontrolled anger, Oz fired multiple shots at Alberto, an action he swiftly regretted as he cooled down, realizing the predicament he had just landed himself in.
In the movie “Inside Man,” Ervad, being the Maronis’ top lieutenant, was supposed to help Oz with the scheme to pilfer the Falcones’ loot. Regrettably, their plan fell apart and Ervad got wounded in the ensuing gunfire. Post-shootout, he was rushed to the hospital, only to be rescued by detective Marcus Wise, who was being bribed by Sofia. They apprehended him and kept him in the basement to let the morphine wear off before interrogating him about whom he was working for, as Sofia suspected they had a traitor within their ranks.
Oz was tasked by Nadia Maroni to extract Ervad from the basement. His goal was to accomplish this and prevent Ervad from snitching on him. He promised the boss he’d assist, as long as the boss told the Falcones that Viti was working for the Maronis. Ervad agreed, but when Victor failed to secretly place the jewels from the Iceberg Lounge in Viti’s vehicle, Oz had to alter his plan. In order to conceal his actions, he murdered Ervad by stabbing him.
In the story “The Penguin“, Castillo, who was Sofia’s right-hand man, was Oz’s third victim. He had devised a scheme for Castillo to perish when the Maronis raided the Falcones’ drug stash, but when this plan fell apart, Oz took advantage of the situation after he killed Ervad. Since killing the Maronis’ leader in “Inside Man” wouldn’t be enough to clear his name, Oz needed a scapegoat. He chose Castillo because Sofia had ordered her man to torture him at the start of the season.
In a bid to conceal his involvement in Ervad’s murder, Oz pretended ignorance when the Falcone family gathered those linked to the failed transport operation. To cover up his actions, he instigated a brawl with Viti. Instead of framing Viti by hiding the murder weapon, he secreted it into Castillo’s pocket. When Castillo was searched, he was naturally surprised. He pleaded with Sofia and her uncle Luca, who had become the head of the Falcones following Alberto’s demise, to trust him, but they refused to believe him.
Sofia sought a weapon to eliminate Castillo personally, but nobody provided it, so she was unable to do so. Instead, Luca carried out the deed. With Castillo out of the picture, Oz temporarily remained unidentified as the culprit behind Ervad and Alberto’s murders. You see, Oz had managed to set up the Maronis for Alberto’s murder, which they accepted since Oz was supposed to handle the Falcones’ drug operation for them. Sofia correctly surmised that Alberto’s death and the drug scheme were linked, and whoever the informant was, killed her brother. However, what she didn’t realize is that Oz—the individual with whom she formed an alliance at the end of “Inside Man”—was the one who took Alberto from her, not Castillo.
The Aguilar family
As I stood atop a building in Crown Point, my heart swelled with anticipation for the fireworks display on Election Night in Gotham. Standing alongside Graciela and our friends, we were poised to witness a spectacle. Little did we know, that rooftop would offer an unnerving view of the impending disaster.
The water surged so high that it broke through the windows of Victor’s home, where his mother, father, and sister were located. Victor had tried to warn his family about the incoming wave earlier, even calling his mom, but it was too late. Unfortunately, we don’t see it on TV, but it’s clear that his loved ones perished in the water. This traumatic event made Victor determined to achieve something meaningful and find someone who would care for him, which is why he became close to Oz throughout the series.
Summer Gleeson
In the movie “Cent’anni,” Summer is the first and only time we encounter her. She’s the journalist who made Sofia aware that the deaths of Taylor Montgomery, Yolanda Jones, Nancy Hoffman, Susan Weekly, Devry Blake, and Trisha Becker were questionable, despite being labeled suicides. All six women worked at Carmine’s club, and their injuries suggested strangulation rather than hanging.
In response to Oz revealing that Sofia had met with Summer, Carmine also took Summer’s life. He falsely accused his own daughter of the murders, including those he’d committed personally – just like how he murdered Isabella, his wife and Sofia’s mother. Carmine arranged for Sofia to be institutionalized at Arkham Asylum, where she was labeled as The Hangman, bearing the blame for her father’s crimes.
Arkham inmate
At the start of Sofia’s decade-long stay at Arkham Asylum, she maintained her innocence firmly. However, the cruel physicians of Arkham had a method for breaking their patients. They employed one inmate to intimidate Sofia, removing her restraints and allowing her to assault the defeated Falcone in the cafeteria while everyone watched. Yet, their tactic failed to deter Sofia.
Despite being left alone with only medical personnel and guards in the cafeteria, Sofia resisted the urge to take the lives of the women. However, one of the women had lost all hope and wished for death after enduring harsh treatment at Arkham Asylum. Since Sofia refused to assist, the woman tragically took her own life using a fork that was intended for Sofia’s use.
Initially, it was Magpie who attempted to form a friendship with Sofia in Arkham, though Sofia didn’t reciprocate this desire. Magpie believed they could become close, however, she also had a connection to the substance that would eventually be refined into Bliss, as depicted in The Penguin.
The day when Sofia found out she wouldn’t receive a trial wasn’t an ideal moment for Magpie to discuss how Sofia no longer needed to hide the truth about her innocence from the doctor. Additionally, Magpie informed Sofia that since she wouldn’t be traveling anymore, she could now acquire the medication as well.
Overwhelmed by the revelation Alberto had shared, Sofia momentarily lost focus on Magpie’s words but soon realized that Magpie had been eavesdropping on her for drugs. Sharing adjoining cells, they could easily overhear each other’s conversations. As the pieces fell into place, Sofia became enraged and ended up taking Magpie’s life in a fit of anger. She used her food tray as a weapon, striking Magpie first, and then brutally slammed her head against the cold metal cafeteria table multiple times.
The Falcone family
Before it concluded, ‘Cent’anni’ saw a substantial number of casualties. However, when the Falcones sat down for dinner, events unfolded that would drastically increase that toll. Sofia, feeling the need for a fresh start, deceived her family by pretending their threats had forced her into exile in Italy. In reality, she had other plans.
She unexpectedly attended their dinner gathering, giving Uncle Luca a chance to speak for a while before she cut him off to deliver her own remarks. Everyone there had disappointed her, as they chose to side with her father and agreed to falsify affidavits suggesting she had long-standing mental issues that weren’t true. (Paraphrased)
Despite having cherished them in her youth, Sofia’s family’s betrayal and the decade of her life that was taken away, along with the emotional toll inflicted during her time at Arkham, proved to be unbearable. Determined to start anew, Sofia invited her young cousin Gia to spend a sleepover in the greenhouse, leaving everyone but Viti vulnerable to carbon monoxide poisoning from the boiler. She spared Viti’s life by keeping his window open, as she had other plans for her mother’s relative.
Taj and Nadia Maroni
In the story “Homecoming”, after it became clear that Oz had killed Alberto and the Maronis consumed bliss-inducing mushrooms, Oz found himself in a confrontational situation. The crime family possessed something valuable to him, so he decided to retaliate by taking something dear to them – their grandson Taj, Nadia and Sal’s son. His intention was to barter the heir apparent for just enough time to trick Nadia into thinking she had outsmarted him.
It became clear to Oz that she would be accompanied by more than just one bodyguard, despite the arrangement being for only a single man as protection. Nadia believed she had caught him off guard, but Oz and her associates were the sharper marksmen, and something Nadia overlooked was Taj’s drenched state which wasn’t from water but an inflammable substance. As Taj approached Nadia and managed to saturate her with this liquid, Oz ignited a lighter onto the path Taj had trailed behind him. Consequently, Sal’s wife and son burst into flames.
Johnny Viti
In the movie “Homecoming,” it was assumed Viti would survive for another battle, but unfortunately, he perished at Sofia’s hands instead. At first, she kept him in the Falcone family mausoleum, using the cold as a form of torment to get him to disclose her father’s hidden money. During their talk, Viti admitted that he had attempted to aid Sofia’s mother, Isabella, in escaping Carmine.
She had escaped once before, but the idea of leaving Alberto and Sofia with their father was too unbearable for her, so she returned. Her second, and ultimately last, attempt to flee was orchestrated by Viti, who arranged a car to take them far from Carmine, but she failed to appear. Unfortunately, Viti discovered the terrible truth. Yet, this didn’t deter him from working under the boss of his cousin’s deceitful husband as an underboss, a fact Sofia mentioned.
Despite this, it appeared as though Sofia paid attention when Viti suggested she required assistance in managing Gotham. He believed he could lend her legitimacy and persuade Carmine and Luca’s employees to support her instead. However, when he persistently interrupted her during discussions with her underlings who felt overlooked and undervalued, she ended up shooting him. Viti aspired to preserve the family name, but Sofia did not, which explains why she now uses the surname Gigante.
Victor made his first-ever lethal encounter with a man named Squid, who was a small-time drug dealer and the cousin of his friend Calvin. Squid had noticed Victor and Francis entering Calvin’s apartment building as they sought refuge from Sofia and Sal at that time. In the series “Gold Summit,” Squid had been eager to join Victor in the Bliss operation led by Oz, hoping to reap some benefits for himself.
Instead of going through with it, Victor attempted to bribe Squid but when that failed and Squid threatened to reveal Victor’s hideout to Francis and Oz, Victor ended up killing him. To do so, Victor led Squid to believe that his threat had succeeded and he was being taken to Oz, but instead, Victor turned and shot him in the neck. However, the shooting wasn’t immediate and Squid began bleeding profusely as he choked, much to Victor’s shock. Victor abandoned Squid there in the alley, letting him die a slow death from his wounds.
Jack and Benny Cobb
Initially, in “The Penguin”, we only got glimpses of Oz’s siblings Jack and Benny, but it wasn’t until “Top Hat” that their cause of death was revealed. This crime drama takes us back to Gotham during the ’80s when Rex Calibrisi controlled Crown Point, and Francis handled the accounts. The Cobb boys were asked to leave the apartment with the crime boss’ ledger, allowing their mother to carry on her work without the children interfering.
They were told to stay occupied until nightfall and return home once the streetlights came on. Following the exchange of the ledger with Rex, they decided to play hide-and-seek using flashlights in the tunnels. Oz was chosen as “it,” but his siblings didn’t follow the plan and hid in a location that Oz found difficult to reach, opting for a shaft instead of the station.
Discontented and preferring not to climb down the ladder to meet them, Oz expressed his irritation towards them by shutting the door to the shaft. Unfortunately, it was raining outside at the time. Given his age, it seemed improbable that he knew the consequences – both his brothers wouldn’t be able to open the door and the shaft would fill with water due to the storm. However, Francis firmly believes that he did understand this.
Originally, Oz returned home to be with his mother privately, which was his long-held desire. Regrettably, however, his siblings never made it home. Instead, they perished in the mine shaft, an event for which Francis has carried the guilt of her son’s deliberate action ever since.
Sal Maroni
In the movie “Top Hat,” Oz didn’t anticipate Sal’s demise to occur in the manner he had envisioned. Instead of a glorious victory over the crime boss, it was a sudden heart attack that claimed Sal. This unfortunate incident occurred when Sal attempted to seize control of Oz’s Bliss operation following Sofia’s abduction of Francis, which Oz planned to use as leverage. Despite their knowledge that Oz would go to great lengths to protect his mother, they underestimated his determination and the unwillingness of him and his crew to let go so easily.
When Oz’s crew initiated an assault, creating an opportunity for Oz to escape, they engaged in a private confrontation, with Oz and Sal being the combatants. However, the intense situation overwhelmed Sal, causing him to suffer a heart attack. Enraged that he didn’t finish the task himself, Oz unleashed a tirade, boasting about how he had got him. In retaliation, he fired multiple shots into Sal’s chest, seemingly executing a respected and feared figure. This act served to bolster Oz’s reputation as someone both revered and feared, despite the reality of the situation not being as portrayed.
Detective Marcus Wise
In the first season, I found myself drawn to a crooked detective, who played a pivotal role for Sofia at the beginning. Interestingly enough, this same shady character appeared at the end of the “Top Hat” episode, where he dragged Oz to Monroe’s. At that point, Oz was still reeling from the bomb explosion in his underground hideout, which Sofia orchestrated. Seizing the opportunity, this detective managed to subdue him. Later on, when I found myself trying to extricate myself and an unconscious Francis from the dilapidated jazz club, I took matters into my own hands by shooting Det. Wise right through his eye. The unfortunate twist was that the drug addict met his end during a dose in the finale, “A Great or Little Thing.
Feng Zhao and the heads of Gotham’s gangs
In a surprising turn of events, ‘A Small or Grand Occurrence’ unfolded, revealing that Gotham’s gang leaders were assassinated by their own subordinates. This shocking development took place following an encounter between Link and Feng Zhao, who were supposed to transfer Oz to Sofia in exchange for her estate and territories. However, instead of delivering Oz, Zhao and his crew chose to kill their superior and Sofia’s men, aiming for power – a move that Zhao had previously denied them the opportunity to make.
Afterward, there was a sequence showing each boss getting killed – choked, shot, or beaten – by their trusted subordinates. This violence occurred as they all served Oz, the only one who had provided them with opportunities to ascend beyond their usual limitations.
Victor Aguilar
Supporters of this crime-themed series were convinced that the character’s death would occur, but deep down we all hoped it wasn’t true. Sadly, Oz remains the same complex character and no matter how much assistance you provide him, he will always prioritize himself above others. Following the revelation that his mother, Francis, fell into a coma due to a severe stroke, Oz understood he couldn’t afford any vulnerabilities.
Although Victor recognized family as a source of strength, it could also prove detrimental. In their final drinking encounter, the teen admitted this very sentiment to Oz, thanking him for the opportunity he had been given. To prevent Victor from being exploited like his mother was, Oz chose to choke him. After completing the grim task, he retrieved the money from Victor’s wallet and discarded his ID in the river.
Hey there fellow gamers, let me tell you about The Penguin on HBO and Max – it was as relentless and violent as a high-stakes gaming session, right? Given that it’s all about the ascension of Gotham’s crime boss, was anything else to be expected from this gripping drama? Keep your eyes peeled for more insights here on TopMob!
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2024-11-11 07:32