Every dragon we saw in House of the Dragon season 2

As a dragon enthusiast with over three decades of immersion in the tales and lore of Westeros, I must say that this latest season of “House of the Dragon” has truly outdone itself in the dragon department! The introduction of Silverwing, Sheepstealer, and Tessarion has added a new layer of excitement to an already captivating story.

Over the weekend, I eagerly tuned into the final episode of the second season for HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel series, House of the Dragon. As armies mobilize and dragons soar through the skies, it seems that Westeros is bracing itself for a devastating Targaryen civil war. It feels like we have to wait another couple of years to find out what’s next, but I can’t wait to delve deeper into the intrigue in the meantime.

As a dedicated fan of “House of the Dragon”, I can confidently say that this series upped the ante in numerous impactful ways – forging new bonds, depicting heart-wrenching conflicts, and more. However, given its title, it’s only fitting that dragons took center stage. This season showcased a significant increase in dragon appearances compared to the first, with an impressive total of 13 dragons gracing our screens! Among them were fresh creatures like Silverwing, Moondancer, and the youngling Tessarion. With the curtains closing on “House of the Dragon” season 2, it’s time to take a moment and appreciate all the dragons now ready for action.


In the series, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen’s dragon is named Syrax. She appears frequently among the characters. This slender, yellow adult dragon of a moderate size resembles a majestic bird of prey in its movements. Although she may not match up physically with giants like Vhagar, Syrax is an experienced dragon who should not be underestimated due to her size.


In the series, Caraxes, famously known as the Blood Wyrm, serves as the steed for King Consort Daemon Targaryen. Alongside Syrax, this red dragon is frequently spotted, making them two of the most prevalent dragons in the storyline. Caraxes, an old and experienced warrior with a temperament to match, can be easily recognized by his elongated, spaghetti-like neck and distinct physique. Throughout this season, he appears in numerous episodes as Daemon departs from Dragonstone and heads towards Harrenhal, where he sets about assembling an army of Rivermen.


As a devoted fan of the epic saga “Game of Thrones”, I can confidently say that Vhagar, the fearsome dragon ridden by Aemond Targaryen, has truly stolen the show this season. With her immense size and terrifying reputation, she is undoubtedly the queen of dragons in this world.


Meleys is the dragon of Rhaenys Targaryen, a character you’d recognize if you watched the series. Known as the Red Queen, Meleys is a powerful, massive dragon that has been around for many years; before Rhaenys took control, Meleys was ridden by Alyssa Targaryen, Daemon’s mother. Sadly, Meleys met her end in the dramatic fourth episode of the season while battling Sunfyre and Vhagar in the skies above Rook’s Rest.


King Aegon II Targaryen’s dragon is named Sunfyre, frequently referred to as Sunfyre the Radiant due to his dazzling scales. Across the realm, he’s renowned as the most breathtaking dragon, a title that becomes apparent when you witness him, even for a moment, in season 2. Sunfyre is an impressive creature indeed…yet, unfortunately, he’s relatively young compared to many of the other dragons and has not yet faced battle. This youthful inexperience proved detrimental at Rook’s Rest.

Previously reported, Ser Criston Cole departed the injured dragon Sunfyre in a forest near Rook’s Rest, supposedly on the brink of death from his wounds. Though numerous characters assert that Sunfyre is deceased across House of the Dragon‘s second season, I remain hesitant to declare him gone for good. In Fire & Blood, Sunfyre manages to live past his injuries, albeit disfigured from battle, much like Aegon. He is destined to have a part in the Dance of the Dragons later on, so unless the series takes an unexpected turn, we might catch a glimpse of him again at some point.


Moondancer, the youthful dragon belonging to Baela Targaryen, showcases an edgy mohawk of spikes and is green in color. This young female dragon exhibited remarkable agility when she dived from the heavens to chase Criston Cole and Gwayne Hightower through the Crownlands. Though Moondancer lacks combat experience, her strong connection with Baela Targaryen cannot be overstated. Baela Targaryen is a seasoned dragonrider, which means she and Moondancer are much more formidable than one might assume given their limited experience.


Initially, Seasmoke belonged to Rhaenyra’s first spouse, Laenor Velaryon. Now, he has chosen Addam of Hull, Laenor’s half-brother born out of wedlock, as his new rider. Previously battle-hardened in the Stepstones against the Triarchy, Seasmoke is known for his fiery temper and quick to scorch those who displease him (apologies to Ser Steffon Darklyn). He’s not small nor large but falls within the category of medium-sized dragons, much like Syrax that Rhaenyra possesses or Sunfyre owned by Aegon II.


Vermax is Jacaerys Velaryon’s dragon, having hatched from an egg near his cradle when he was young. This season, we only get brief glimpses of him, but one such moment was watching over Jace during negotiations at the Twins in Episode 205. Vermax is roughly the same size as Moondancer and hasn’t fought yet, but he has been accompanying Jace across the Seven Kingdoms. When season 3 comes out, expect to see more of Vermax in the initial episodes.

Tyraxes (sounds only, off screen)

In contrast to the other dragons on the list, Tyraxes is the only one we haven’t fully witnessed onscreen yet. This young dragon is owned by Jace’s younger brother, Joffrey Velaryon. He’s a significant hatchling. In Episode 203, as Rhaena and her children leave Dragonstone for the Vale, we catch a glimpse of them as they pass. The dragonkeepers are heard soothing Tyraxes, who seems quite restless. It is likely that we will get a proper view of this dragon in Season 3.


In simpler terms, Stormcloud is the firstborn child of Aegon the Younger, Rhaenyra, and Daemon. You might recall him as the adorable baby dragon that scuttles about in Rhaena’s chambers in the Vale. He’s still very young!


In the realm of Westeros, Vermithor stands as the second oldest and largest dragon, surpassed only by Vhagar. His reputation for ferocity earns him the moniker, the Bronze Fury. Originally owned by King Jaehaerys the Wise, this dragon moved to Dragonstone following the king’s passing. During “The Red Sowing,” Hugh, a Targaryen bastard, claimed Vermithor as his own.


Silverwing is an elderly, massive female dragon that used to be ridden by Queen Alysanne, who was married to King Jaehaerys and was known for her kindness. This dragon was also well-known for being gentle and peaceful around humans, much like Vermithor. After the death of Queen Alysanne from old age, Silverwing moved to Dragonstone and made her home in the caves beneath Dragonmont. She was later claimed by Ulf during “The Red Sowing.”

Sheepstealer (Wild Dragon)

As a longtime fan of George R.R. Martin’s “A Song of Ice and Fire” series, I have been eagerly anticipating the upcoming prequel show, “House of the Dragon.” Having read “Fire & Blood,” I am confident that the mysterious dragon being tracked by Rhaena Targaryen in the Vale is none other than Sheepstealer. With my years of immersion in Westeros and its rich tapestry of characters and creatures, it seems highly unlikely that the show would introduce a new dragon without proper context.

Although the book suggests that Nettles, not Rhaena, claims Sheepstealer, it appears from House of the Dragon’s narrative shift that this might change as Sheepstealer interacts with Rhaena. This dragon, known for his muddy-brown color, immense size, and fiery temperament, is expected to be an exciting addition in season 3.


The last of the new dragons we met this season is Tessarion, the she-dragon of Daeron Targaryen. She’s nicknamed the Blue Queen on account of her brilliant blue scales. Tessarion hatched from an egg which was placed in Daeron’s cradle as a child, in the fashion of ancient Targaryens, so she’s only around 16 years old at most. Tessarion had just reached flying size at the end of the season, and shows up in the final montage flying over the Hightower host. Expect to fall in love with her in season 3!

In House of the Dragon season 2, that concludes the count of dragons we encountered! Impressively, this series introduced a total of 13 dragons this season, making it clear they’ve excelled in the realm of dragon crafting. It’s hard to fathom, but there’s even more to come. Keep an eye out for Grey Ghost, The Cannibal, and Morning! As the war progresses, you can expect these dragons – and many others – to undergo significant changes or meet their end. Buckle up for a thrilling emotional journey!

However, without jumping too far, here’s what we have right now: You can currently enjoy re-watching all seasons 2 episodes of “House of the Dragon” on Max. It’s likely that the dragons will make their comeback for season 3 around 2026.

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2024-08-05 16:42

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