10 Great Movies You Didn’t Know Were Based on Comics

It appears as though comics-based entertainment primarily revolves around superheroes nowadays, but this is merely a significant portion of the stories that studios have transformed. For each Captain America sequel, there’s a Scott Pilgrim vs. the World or a V for Vendetta to illustrate that the realms of comic book creation and filmmaking encompass more than just capes, shields, and glowing eyes. Frequently, these adaptations are derived from source material that has already gained popularity and affection before its cinematic counterparts are released. Occasionally, the movies gain such notoriety that we forget their original origins.

Dad’s Spirit Visits Davina After Surgery

As a devoted admirer, I found myself deeply moved by the tale of a remarkable woman who lost her creative father, Andrew, at the age of 77. After a prolonged struggle with the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease – a condition that cruelly attacks memory, speech, and balance – he bid us farewell.