Commentary: The highs, lows and sacrifices of building a giant theme camp at Burning Man

Attending Burning Man is no walk in the park; it demands a high level of self-reliance from participants. You’ll need to stock up on food, water, and essential supplies for at least seven days, as you’ll be enduring harsh desert conditions with scarce resources – ice being the only commodity available for sale. The experience involves an endless cycle of packing, loading, unloading, setting up, breaking down, repacking, reloading, unloading, and then repeating this process again. In the midst of all this, your body and mind are drained of essential fluids and serotonin, while everything you bring back accumulates a layer of corrosive alkaline dust that travels with you after the event.

What is Alex’s plan back in New Eden in Snowpiercer?

In the thrilling world of Snowpiercer, I’ve found myself constantly questioning where Ms. Alex stands. It’s challenging to discern whose cause she truly supports, but one thing is clear – she seems to be playing a strategic game. There’s a hint that she might have a secret move in store, adding an extra layer of intrigue to her character.