Brandon Sanderson’s TTRPG bigger than Stormlight, covers all of Cosmere

The crowdfunding for author Brandon Sanderson’s debut tabletop role-playing game, titled “The Stormlight Roleplaying Game,” launched on August 6, but not as originally anticipated. Rather than a single TTRPG set within one of his fictional worlds, the publisher Brotherwise Games is in fact developing not one, but two games. The recently announced “Cosmere Roleplaying Game” will incorporate content from both his Stormlight and Mistborn settings, and there has been an overwhelming response from long-term fans eager to contribute to its production.

GTA’s radio can shift your mood instantly

There’s a moment I cherish deeply: being in a vehicle, thoughts swirling like leaves in your mind, discussing various matters, when all of a sudden, an unanticipated tune fills the airwaves. In those brief moments, all plans vanish, concerns are set aside. A hush falls over the car occupants, each drawn into their private realms, captivated by the music, the landscape, and the basic force propelling us forward.